I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 304: Shen Ting, Star Eye God General

After returning to Lingwu Pavilion, Long Shiyun was talking to Ji Nianyan.

After Ye Chu appeared, they immediately stopped the conversation.

Ye Chu didn't ask, maybe Ji Nianyan was deciding whether to stay in Yulin City or go to Yanjing City.

After sitting down, I saw Ji Nianyan slowly speaking.

"Brother, it was me who caused the war between Brother Chu and Qilin. I am no longer a member of the court of God. In the future, even if the court investigates it, I will still be the rhetoric now!"

"In that case, Baihu and I respect your choice!"

Long Shiyun nodded and said.

"It's too early, we should go back!"

Watching Long Shiyun leave the city, when they were about to leave, Ye Chu suddenly stopped Long Shiyun.

"Please remember that in the future, when the gods come to fight, you can choose to escape. Even if the sky falls, Ye Chu will hold you!"

"Ye Chu, I know your strength, but please also remember, don't let all the Blue Star humans die with you because of your willfulness!"

"Haha, don't worry, even if it is dead, I will be responsible for Ye Chu alone. At that time, you will not resist. Ye Chu will not blame you. If you want to make a living and work hard, I will not stop you!"

With that, Ye Chu turned and returned to Yulin City.



Shenting Star.

This is where the gods are.

In the interstellar, there are countless races.

Some call themselves gods and some call demons.


In the final analysis, it is all caused by plundering resources.

Where is the good and evil?

Why did the Sabi star become the common enemy of all stars?

They are called predators, plundering the resources of other planets.

But all this is for them to survive.

Survival, unscrupulous, is the reason the Sabi star makes all the stars afraid of it.

Presumably the so-called righteous gods, the gods of the gods do a good job in this regard.

They use the crusade against the evildoers and fight in the four directions as the reason, and openly conquer the resources of other planets, in the name of extermination.

But as a result, it was not like the Sabines who plundered the resources of other planets.

At this time, Shentingxing was above the 32nd layer of the sky.

A middle-aged man sitting on the throne closed his eyes and rested.

He took the crown and spoke slowly.

"Is there any news from Shui Qilin?"

"Report to the King, Shui Qilin has no news!"

Below, a divine general wearing heavy armor, holding a halberd, said in a deep voice.

"Further reminder! Be sure to get back the Dragon Emperor's seal within ten days, shame it!"

The **** king spoke again, with a "no" below, the gods all were shocked.

"Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang, you drove us out back then, but we didn't expect that we would develop like this, and you are still on a ruined planet that can't even reach the first level civilization. Do you regret it? Even if you die, I will Sprinkle your ashes on this divine garden, I want you to regret it!"


Shen Ting turned out to be a Blue Star person.

Moreover, it was driven out by Emperor Qin Shihuang, the emperor of the ages.

The so-called gods turned out to be former deserters.

Ten days passed quickly, but the unicorn who was far away from Blue Star still had no news.

"what happened?"

The **** king was furious, and all the gods and immortals were shocked.

"Report to the God King, the water unicorn magic card is still there, but we can't contact him. No matter how much news we send, he just won't reply!"

"Could it be that he encountered any danger at Blue Star?"

The **** king muttered to himself.

"It shouldn't be. Shui Qilin has already stepped into the Profound Level with one foot. In charge of the entire Blue Star, no one is his opponent."

God will reply.

"Star Eyes General, take twenty heavenly soldiers, go to Blue Star, find out, and bring back the Dragon Emperor Seal!"


This **** will reply in a deep voice.

On that forehead, an eye like a bright star slowly appeared.

Shenting Star is a planet in the shape of a pyramid.

They are divided into thirty-three heavens according to their ranks.

The **** king is the 33rd heaven living in the highest level.

Thousands of divine soldiers gathered together, and a thousand spaceships whizzed out and flew away from the gods.

A black hole appeared in the distance, and a thousand spaceships sank into it, rushing to the blue star in the form of space leap.

And now...

Blue star.

China, Yulin City.

Ye Chu was in the prison of the devil, looking at the awakened Shui Qilin.

"Dragon Emperor Seal? What is that?"

"An emperor through the ages, the seal of Qin Shihuang!"

The unicorn who was originally aloof has been tortured into a human form by Ye Chu at this moment.

Here, the profound level he was doing was simply unable to play out.

This kind of suppression, like the rules of heaven, made Qilin unable to bear any resistance.

"It turns out that you are actually outcasts who were driven out of Blue Star by Qin Shihuang? Haha..."

Ye Chu suddenly smiled triumphantly.

"That's the status? Do you dare to brag about the gods? Anyway, this is your hometown too!"

Ye Chu sneered, then slowly took out a chip.

"What do you want to do?"

Qilin was shocked suddenly, and then backed away in horror.

"Don't worry, I will be very gentle!"

Ye Chu walked in with a smirk.


Qilin let out a scream.

A trace of bright red blood dripped on the ground, and Qilin softened and fell to the ground.


Ye Chu clapped his hands, and then left the Demon God Prison.

The chip just now was a chip synthesized by Ye Chu using the chips in the tens of thousands of magic soldiers.

After getting those chips, Ye Chu found that these chips were actually graded.

The distribution of levels determines the strength of the Sabine Stars.

These chips have only eight levels.

Even if it is made into a robot, it only has the strength of Tier 8.

So Ye Chu was not very satisfied with this.

But later, Ye Chu discovered that these chips could be synthesized by building a Rubik's Cube.

After synthesizing 10,000 chips, Ye Chu got a mysterious chip.

The profound level is the same as what Qilin calls the profound level.

After killing Kirin, Ye Chu installed this mysterious chip into Kirin's body.

But at this time, far away in Shenting Star, Shui Qilin's magic card shattered.

"God King, it's not good, Shui Qilin's magic card is broken!"

Hearing this news, the **** king narrowed his eyes, and a divine light suddenly shot out from his eyes, sank into the starry sky and disappeared.

"Sure enough, something really happened. I am really curious, what powerful creatures are there in the declining Blue Star!"

However, thinking that the star's eyes would leave, the **** king closed his eyes in relief.


When installing the chip, Ye Chu took advantage of the situation and put a soul cockroach into his body.

This can be regarded as completely controlling Kylin.

A profound expert.

Ye Chu is already alone in the Blue Star.

After doing all this, Ye Chu came outside the Demon God Prison.

Outside, there are two spaceships.

One is the spaceship of the Erby Wuxingren, and the other is the spaceship that the Qilin drove when he came to Blue Star.

Walking straight into the Shenting spacecraft, Ye Chu heard a call.

"Four Elephant Army, this is the Xiaotian battleship, I am the star-eye **** general, and I am leading the one hundred and twenty heavenly **** soldiers to leap towards the blue star, please answer if you hear it!"

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