I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 307: Universe Promise

In less than an hour, Ye Chu actually got three keys.

Things went well beyond my imagination.

At this moment, Ye Chu saw that Su Qianmo was still in the supermarket.

Walking over in surprise, Ye Chu asked.

"Sister Qian Mo, why are you still here!"

"Didn't you say you want to give Ji Nianyan the chicken soup? But after you left, I clearly saw Ji Nianyan in the supermarket. After I went in, I couldn't find her anymore, so I had to wait here. !"

Su Qianmo's tone seemed a bit wrong.

Ye Chu sat down beside Su Qianmo and seemed a little angry when she saw her.

After thinking about it, Ye Chu suddenly realized that he seemed to really miss it for a long time and never returned to the manor.

These days, only Su Qianmo stayed alone in the manor.

But he has been with Ji Nianyan all the time, seeming to really ignore Su Qianmo's feelings.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu directly took the lunch box and opened it. Suddenly, steaming chicken soup rushed over his face.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Ye Chu's eyes lit up, and he drank two bowls on his face, and wiped his mouth with unfinished talent.

"Sorry Sister Qianmo, I ignored your feelings. In the future, I will find time to spend time with you!"

Ye Chu was a little ashamed of Su Qianmo.

However, walking among the beauties, Ye Chu is also unable to grasp balance.

Fortunately, the women are very considerate, and the backyard has always been stable.

"Silly brother, you are now the hope of the entire Yulin City. I just care about your body. You don’t care about your sister. It’s nice for your sister to be alone in the manor. Moreover, I occasionally come to Meng Qiyuan and his sisters. , The most beautiful ever!"

Su Qianmo said with a smile.

Hearing Su Qianmo's words, Ye Chu slowly embraced Su Qianmo in his arms.

It should be the happiest thing for a man to have a woman who knows the general situation and knows the cold and warmth.


At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly heard a coughing sound from outside the supermarket.

I saw Ji Nianyan walk in with a smirk.

"Okay, Brother Chu, I didn't expect you to and Sister Qianmo..."

"Oh, sister Nianyan..."

Su Qianmo immediately blushed and stood up.

"Not what you think!"

"Okay, okay, kidding!"

Ji Nianyan said with a smile.

"I don't know about Brother Chu, the big radish, Meng Qiyuan and the others have told me that under the end of the day, I can accept all this. Besides, with so many sisters together, I am too happy to be too late!"

"By the way, I just made chicken soup, you..."

Su Qianmo quickly picked up the lunch box, but saw Ye Chu drank all the chicken soup alone.

"Oh, are you all drunk? I'll go back and cook again now!"

"No need, no need!"

Ji Nianyan waved his hand again and again.

"By the way, didn't I just see you in the supermarket? Where did you go?"

Su Qianmo asked curiously.

"Oh, I haven't started trade cooperation with other bases recently. I just had a batch of goods sent from Yanjing City. Some of them were brought to me by Long Shiyun. Books I have read before!"

With that said, Ji Nianyan took out two books.


Ye Chu said suddenly.

"I have successfully obtained the three keys of Shennongjia and Heizhugou just now, and now the last key is in the country of Japan, I am going to go there now!"

"What? So fast!"

Ji Nianyan said in shock.


Ji Nianyan suddenly remembered something, and then quickly opened the book in his hand.

"Brother Chu, I’m telling you a good news. Just now I was talking to Big Brother Long Shiyun and they, and I told them about it. Who knows, they actually said that the key in the country was long ago. I got it, and it was delivered to me with the goods this time!"

Ye Chu looked at it and saw that the book in Ji Nianyan's hand was opened, and the last key was lying in it.

Ye Chu's eyes widened suddenly, and he picked up the key incredible.

"It's so good, I can't find any place to break through the iron shoes, it's all effortless, fat girl, you are my gospel!"

With that, Ye Chu excitedly picked up Ji Nianyan, and then turned around twice.

"Ah! Haha~"

Ji Nianyan made a happy and somewhat scared voice.

After stopping, Ji Nianyan continued.

"Knowing that you are looking for clues about the Qin Ling key, I have just read the literature in this area before, you read this book, is it helpful to you!"

With that said, Ji Nianyan took out a quaint book with the four characters "The Promise of Universe" written on it.

"There are all the ways of change about Taiji gossip. I saw the words about gossip on your key, so I suspect that opening the Qinling tomb should have something to do with this gossip!"

"Yes, yes! You are right!"

Ye Chu suddenly realized.

"Qin Mausoleum, that is the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang. If it is as simple as collecting eight keys, then I am really sorry for Qin Shihuang's identity as an eternal emperor!"

After receiving this Universe Promise, Ye Chu turned and returned to the supermarket.

"You play yours, I will study it!"

At the same time, Ye Chu took out all the documents about Qin Shihuang at that time.

One night passed, Ye Chu put down the book in his hands amidst the roosters of dawn.

Through these documents, Ye Chu really discovered that to close the tomb gate of Qinling Mausoleum in the first place, it was necessary to have an extremely complicated gossip map.

This kind of gossip map requires different changes depending on the location.

To put it simply, it's like the Qiankun lock used to play games before.

Every time you log in to the game, a random number will appear on the Qiankun Lock.

This number is random, but it is directly related to login.

If the Qiankun lock is wrong, it will definitely not log in the game.

The secret of Qin Ling is here.

The tomb door rich in gossip mysteries has a code similar to this kind of Qiankun lock.

And to open the password, you need eight keys in Ye Chu's hands.

But how to open it requires studying the variables of Qiankun Bagua.

In addition, Ye Chu found out in a book of wild history.

If you open the tomb door more than three times by mistake, the tomb door will be directly locked.

There is a time limit for this lock, and it seems that it takes about a long time to get the opening conditions again.

Yijiazi, sixty years, if three mistakes, then Ye Chu will have to wait another sixty years before he can do it.

As for direct damage by external force?

It is estimated that Qin Shihuang also thought about this issue back then.

Moreover, the people in the God's Court were all driven out of Blue Star by Qin Shihuang, do they know the abilities of the evolutionary?

From this point of view, Ye Chu simply admired the wisdom of the ancients.

After researching and obtaining the conditions, Ye Chu plans to find some experts who specialize in this line, such as the legendary Mojin school captain.

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