I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 316: Crisis from other countries

Tigers, leopards and jackals, go to fight shrimp soldiers and crabs?

How is this possible?

He died before he left the school, and when the 100,000 strange beasts rushed into the beach, they suffered an unprecedented failure.

no way.

The battlefield is on the beach, and all shrimp soldiers and crabs have the ability to manipulate sea water.

The monstrous sea, rolling in.

The sea spread for thirty miles, and the seaside city was instantly flooded.

One hundred thousand beasts, ten do not save one, only ten thousand are left.

Thousands of different beasts are surrounding Yulin City, and they are about to ask for justice.

But the answer Ye Chu gave them was to keep fighting.

"What? Ye Chu is crazy, isn't he!"

King Xiaolin was the first to stand up against it.

"I don't care, you Ye Chu must pay for all the strange beasts we lost!"

"That is, we are not going anymore. Now those of us, you must give us each opportunity to enter the light of evolution!"

The King Snake roared along, and the scene was in chaos.

However, at this time of chaos, Ye Chu stood up.

"Yes! I promise you all your conditions!"

Facing Ye Chu's refreshment, King Xiaolin and King Snake questioned them.


"of course it's true!"

Ye Chu opened the city gate and let all the strange beasts into the city.

"Each person will receive a baptism of the light of evolution once, and an additional compensation of one thousand crystal coins!"

"Ye Chu, don't lie to us!"

King Xiaolin questioned again.

"I didn't lie to you!"

Ye Chu said lightly.

"Now I will give you two paths.

First, take away all the compensations above, and then return to your deep mountains and old forests.


Ye Chu said this, and then he took out a lot of crystal nuclei.

"These crystal nuclei were successfully developed by me. You can have the crystal nuclei with underwater survivability. As long as you absorb them, you will have the ability to fight underwater. Take them and fight with me in the world with my support. At that time, the resources of the light of evolution under the sea will divide half of your monsters!"

Suddenly, the scene fell into silence for a while.

"This battle is really beyond my surprise, please make a choice..."

Facing the conditions given by Ye Chu, these strange beasts remained motionless.

They are thinking, weighing the pros and cons.

In the end, they took a step forward.

The meaning is self-evident.

They choose to fight.

The instinct of wild beasts is to fight, let them enter the deep mountains and old forests to cultivate, this is not the meaning of their survival.

Ye Chu nodded in satisfaction after receiving the crystal nucleus one after another.

"Everyone, you don’t have any experience in underwater battles. In Yulin City, I have built a huge artificial ocean with a huge area, enough for your training. Now the battle in the coastal area is temporarily controlled by us. We look forward to you A month later!"

After finally comforting these strange beasts, Ye Chu let out a long sigh.

Ye Chu knew that maybe now some people, some things, and some things, they don't realize a problem.

That is, Blue Star is their common home.

You tell them now to protect their homeland, to be unified, and to work together externally.

How will they react?

Presumably if you said that, their first reply was: "Shabi!"

How can one person hold up the entire Blue Star.

What mankind needs now is unity.

It is so difficult to achieve global unity.

The only way is to completely consolidate the self-help organization of the Human Alliance.

It's a pity, when all the coastal cities are doing their best to madly resist the underwater beasts.

There was a fire in the backyard.

Those landlocked countries, after stabilizing their own countries, set their sights on other countries.



"Chief! It was investigated that a large number of evolutionists from Waguk and Goryeo sneaked into our land."

"Myanmar, Laos and other countries have used cover bombing to force a large number of exotic animals to our territory!"

"The Tianzhu country aggressively attacked our friendly country, Pakistan, with the intention to completely unify the entire Tianzhu country!"

At the Plum Blossom Meeting, Long Shiyun frowned and reported to Ye Chu what happened recently.

He is really powerless.

Facing Zhou’s offensive, enemy’s troubles, and friend’s requests for help, Long Shiyun was one of the top two.

"Zhuge Yi, what do you think of this situation now?"

Ye Chu asked Zhuge Yi with a smile.

"The wreck of Waguk and Goryeo should not be taken lightly to prevent them from infiltrating.

As for Zhou’s invasion, they drove the alien beasts into our territory. This is not a bad thing. Didn’t the Xiaolin King and the Water Snake King suffer heavy losses some time ago? It just so happened that these strange beasts could make up for their losses.

As for the assistance of friendly countries, this requires weapon support from the leader! "

Ye Chu nodded in satisfaction.

"Now our mecha technology is mature and can support 10,000 humanoid mechas in friendly countries!"

Ye Chu said.

"In addition, it seems that most of these other countries have re-entered the slavery society. Those evolutionaries have enslaved ordinary people and have no human rights at all. It is time to rectify as a human self-help organization!"

Ye Chu solved the problem that had plagued Long Shiyun for a long time in a few words.

To be honest, now Long Shiyun is not a last resort and will not go to Ye Chu for help.

He must prove his ability to Ye Chu.

Only in this way can you continue to stay here safely.

"You said, what was the purpose of the alliance between Wa and Goryeo?"

Ye Chu asked with a smile.

However, Bai Hu said with a cold snort, "These guys have always been restless, of course they came for the light of our evolution!"

Ye Chu nodded thoughtfully, then said.

"This possibility is not ruled out, but have you thought of other purposes?"

"Other purposes?"

Everyone suddenly scratched their heads and was puzzled.

"I understand from the satellite map that the Japanese country is an island country, but when it was attacked by sea creatures, there was no large-scale damage. Why? And, in such a severe situation in the coastal areas, they still Want to come to our country to make trouble? What do they think?"

"The brain is pretty funny?"

"Want to occupy our place?"

Everyone speculated, but none of the answers fit Ye Chu's ideas.

"Maybe, they control a certain way to control the sea creatures?"

Zhuge Yi said leisurely.

Hearing this, Ye Chu's eyes suddenly brightened.


Ye Chu snapped his fingers.

"Look at this picture!"

These are some pictures taken by the country a month ago when the alien beasts began to attack the inland on a large scale.

Everyone held their breath and watched the footage in the video.

I saw all the coastal areas of the Wa country, dense sea creatures churning in the ocean, huge waves surging into the sky.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared in the sea.

For example, looking down from a high altitude, the giant is hundreds of meters long, like a snake, like a flood, and it seems to have many heads.

With the appearance of this giant, the strange beasts in the ocean immediately receded like a tide.

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