I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 323: Death planet

According to historical records, the closure of the village was due to lack of water and education problems, which caused all the people here to move.

But is it really so?

The mystery of the empty village, the mystery of the morgue, the mystery of the master chair, the mystery of the upper body of the ghost, the mystery of the supernatural photo, the mystery of the scratches of the night shift, the mystery of fever... there are countless.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu himself shuddered.

But then, Ye Chu thought of the soul cockroach in his body, so his sense of security improved a lot.

In addition, he has a soul lock on his body, which is the nemesis of all soul creatures.

No matter what ghost comes out, it can be killed directly.

After passing through the ghost valley, Ye Chu finally came to Fengmen Village.

This is a dilapidated village in the valley.

There was no one in the surroundings.

Even in broad daylight, Ye Chu could feel gusts of cloudy wind blowing inside.

The Four Elephant Army has disappeared.

Ye Chu slowly let go of his mental power to check.

But within a kilometer, nothing happened.

All the way into the village, Ye Chu held the Soul Lock tightly in his hand.

There is a big tree at the entrance of the village. It is rumored that this big tree is a monster and can eat people.

But now, this big tree has withered, and the dead can no longer die.

What made Ye Chu frightened was that on the withered branches of this big tree, there were rows of white silk hanging from them.

It seems that on this big tree, I don't know how many people have passed away.

Bai Ling is brand new, it seems to have just been put on, and there are blood stains on it.

"Xiaoqiang, stare at me, my teacher feels chilly behind my back, if something rushes out, you have to stand in front of me!"

"Master, in this village, I feel scared. I really want something powerful in it!"

The message from the soul cockroach even carried a trace of fear.

Nothing can make the soul cockroach feel terrified, Ye Chu stopped all of a sudden, and didn't dare to go inside.

"Master, I am scared. It is possible that there are creatures that are souls in it, which gives me strength to suppress, but you don’t have to be afraid. You have a soul-locking lock, which is the nemesis of all soul-spirit creatures. Just go, I will give you back support!"

"Hey, aren't you pitting me?"

Ye Chu doubted Xiaoqiang's words.

But in order to make it clear where the Four Elephants had gone and what were they doing, Ye Chu gritted his teeth and walked in.


As soon as he entered, Ye Chu felt a gloomy wind blowing on his face.

Moreover, the weather in the sun just now suddenly turned gloomy.

"Strange, why doesn't my mental power work?"

Ye Chu spread his mental power to the surroundings, but he couldn't feel anything.

Immediately turning around, Ye Chu found that the back turned out to be just a deep alley, not the entrance of the village just now.

Moreover, the big tree is gone.

"It looks like this should be an independent space somewhere!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Because as an evolutionary of the space system, Ye Chu felt the anomaly here at once.

"It seems that Fengmen Village was nothing at all, it was just built on an independent space. Some people came in and only entered Fengmen Village, but some people strayed into this independent space!"

In front of the wind, Ye Chu heard the sound of footsteps.

Because the mental power perception had lost its effect, Ye Chu didn't know what had happened before.

Walking over slowly, Ye Chu turned around an alley and saw that on the wider field in front, all the members of the Four Elephant Army stood there blankly.

On the empty field, Ye Chu actually saw Long Shiyun and Baihu.

"Damn, how could they be here!"

Ye Chuming had obtained their soul stones, and he could control them, know their thoughts, and why they still have such a big secret to hide from him.

But the next moment, Ye Chu seemed to notice the abnormality.

Because Long Shiyun and Baihu are exactly the same as the other Four Elephant Army, their faces are expressionless and lifeless, like a puppet.

Immediately, a terrifying thought came to mind.

"If they are dead, how can they know what they think?"

I saw that the position where these people were kneeling was surprisingly the head of the biggest spiritual event in Fengmen Village, the position of the Taishi Chair.

At this moment, a black mist suddenly poured out of the room.

This black mist gives people a smell of death.

After a short while, the black mist cleared, and Ye Chu actually saw a centenarian sitting on the grand master's chair.

His wrinkled face had the same old bark face as the old tree at the entrance of the village.

In the muddy eyes, there are no black pupils, but a piece of gray.

Ye Chu quietly used the system to check the other party's information.

But when the system had just snooped on the other party's information, Ye Chu unexpectedly saw the weird old man and suddenly raised his head, his turbid eyes staring at his location.

Ye Chu quickly dodged and hid behind the wall.

However, when Ye Chu focused on the information detected by the system, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Your sister, where did this come up again!"

Name: Li Gui

Strength: Mysterious

Abilities: obedience, possession, ghost service

Background: Forsaken of the Undead Planet

Introduction: [Undead planet: any civilized planet has its own undead planet. The two are in different dimensions and never intersect. The creatures of the civilization planet will automatically enter the undead planet after death]

"In other words, it's hell!"

Ye Chu smiled bitterly.

But after a while, he noticed his identity information: the forgotten of the planet of the dead.

"What do you mean? You can't go back when you come to Bluestar Travel?"

I don't understand this information, but it can be seen from the situation at the scene that Long Shiyun and the others should have been enslaved.

Seeing that there was still no movement outside, Ye Chu glanced secretly.

But from this look, I found...


The empty area was empty, and the Sixiang Legion, Long Shiyun, even the weird old man was gone.

But the next moment, when Ye Chu turned around, he found that these people had all appeared behind him.

"Brother Ye, are you looking for me?"

Long Shiyun showed a weird smile, looking very permeating.


Suddenly, the black mist on the old man rolled, rolling towards Ye Chu.

"Screw you!"

Without hesitation, Ye Chu threw the Soul Lock in his hand directly.


There was a scream in the black mist.

The black mist seemed to be spiritual, and it quickly retreated.

When the mist cleared, Ye Chu saw Long Shiyun actually fell to the ground.

The old man looked at the Soul Lock in Ye Chu's hand with horror.

Obviously, he just used Long Shiyun as a shield and saved his life.

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