I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 350: Superman organization shot


Ye Chu felt the entire defensive wall tremble.

Mossaurus launched the first impact.

The impact in the water gave Mosasaur a more powerful impact.

"Baga, Baga!"

"Are these **** guys deliberately creating favorable conditions for them?"

The popularity in the command room stomped straight, but now is not the time to struggle with this.

If this continues, within half an hour, the gate of the base will be broken.

At this time, it's raining!

When the heavy rain came, the entire base was stunned.

The heavy rain made the accumulation of water outside the base higher and higher. If it continues, the sea beasts will likely turn over directly from the defensive wall.

Moreover, if the base gate is broken, the entire base will be flooded.

How to do? How to do?

Just as the senior leaders of the Wa country were rushing around, one person stood up.

"It really disappoints us!"

I saw an elegant crooked nut in a white suit came out.

He straightened his tie, then said disappointedly.

"Your understanding of alienation ability is really terrible!"

"Oh? Is there a good way for Mr. Pick?"

These people didn't pay any attention to the contempt of this crooked nut, but asked with a flat face.

"Although a lake has been formed, you can have a pot of delicious seafood directly!"

The man called Pique chuckled.

"Jerry, leave it to you, cook all those **** sea beasts!"

"no problem!"

Behind Pique, a red-haired man stood up, then walked out without looking back.

With these crooked nuts shot, all the senior officials of the Wa country suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


Just when Ye Chu was secretly happy, he suddenly saw the back of the base, and a flash of fire quickly flew over here.

The heat wave hit the top of the head, and even the hair of some people was ignited.

Ye Chu looked intently, and saw the firelight finally fixed on the lake outside the base.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a person.

A crooked nut!

"Is it finally going to be shot?"

Seeing this crooked nut, Ye Chu knew that the other party was from the MG Super Human Organization.

Name: Jerry

Strength: Tier 9

Ability: Bingxin Flame

Background: Member of the Super Human Organization

"Fire evolutionary?"

Seeing that the opponent had come out of a fire attribute evolutionary, Ye Chu was stunned.

"What? Are you going to boil the water here?"

Ye Chu couldn't help but sneered.

"Don't they know the principle of mutual restraint?"

But the next moment, Ye Chu was even more shocked, because the other party did indeed boil the water.

I saw this guy named Jerry, his whole body wrapped in flames.

And this flame is still a white flame.

Immediately, Jerry didn't know what he said.

Then the flames on his body immediately filled the entire sky.


The white flame fell, and finally fell into the water.

To everyone's surprise, these flames fell into the water and did not go out, but continued to burn.

After a while, Ye Chu saw that the surface of the water started to gasp.

"I, Cao, really want to boil the water!"

Ye Chu was shocked.

"If this goes on, the sea beasts inside will be boiled!"

Freshly cooked seafood, fresh!

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, several shells burst out of the water and blasted towards that Jerry.

But the shell was not in front of Jerry before it was burned and exploded.


At this moment, I saw a huge sound and shadow bursting out of the water, then opened his big mouth and bit the Jerry fiercely.

This behemoth is a dragon.

I saw that Jerry quickly lifted into the air, Mossara took a bite, and then landed freely again.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu immediately used his mind, and then, holding the huge dragon, slightly changed his whereabouts.

The slight deviation caused Mossara to fall directly into the base.

It was like a wolf entering a flock, and the entire base suddenly became chaotic.

At the scene of the riot, Ye Chu slowly disappeared in place.

When he arrived at the gate of the base, Ye Chu opened the gate with force of thought.


The flood entered the city, and the people guarding the city gate were directly swept away.

Countless sea beasts poured in.

The entire base is messed up.

Ye Chu wanted this effect.

Only when there is chaos, Ye Chu has a chance to find the destruction energy cannon.

Looking up at Jerry in midair, Ye Chu slowly took out the Chaos Cudgel, and then aimed at him.


I saw a light blue ray shot at Jerry.

The rays are so subtle and fast that most people can't find them.

And this ray is surprisingly the water surge in the eyes of the Five Elements Reincarnation.

Water surge: shoots out a ray of water elemental light, with strong freezing ability.

The water surge hit the target, the next moment, Jerry was frozen into an ice sculpture, and then fell straight down from the sky.

No one noticed Jerry's death.

Because everyone's attention is in the base of the riot.

Jerry, who had been frozen into ice, fell into the water and was swallowed by a sea beast.

This huge sea beast turned out to be an octopus.

After swallowing Jerry, the octopus burned from the inside out.

He actually swallowed Jerry and gained Jerry's abilities.

Eight huge shots, waving like a whip.

And it was burning with flames.

This kind of flame can't be extinguished in the water. If a whip passes, even if it can't kill you, it will burn you to death.

At this moment, Ye Chu was already close to the mansion.

This is where the high-level offices of the Wa country are located.

Today, they are all here.

The MG Superman organization is here, and it must be among them.

Ye Chu entered it invisibly, then turned on his mental power and found it.

But at this moment, Ye Chu discovered that there was another mental power that had locked his own mental power.

At this moment, in the command room, a closed-eyed crooked nut suddenly opened his eyes.

"Someone invaded!"

This person's words immediately shocked Pique in the white suit.

"Who? Can you find out?"

Pique asked.


The man shook his head slowly.

"The other party's mental power is much stronger than mine, and the scope is very large, directly covering the entire mansion, I can't make precise positioning!"

"Call Jerry back and protect the destruction energy cannon!"

Pique ordered immediately.

But when other people looked at the picture in the video, they found that Jerry had disappeared.

"Jerry, Jerry!"

Peak hurriedly shouted into the walkie-talkie.

But the other party has no voice.

"Damn it!"

Pick was furious, and then shouted at the top leaders of the Japanese country with an ugly face.

"Who did you offend?"

The base was in danger, and these leaders had become six gods and no masters. When they were so inexplicably reprimanded, the nameless fire in their bodies immediately burned.

"The ghost knows if the other party is directed at you, you are hurting me, they must be directed at your weapons, hurry up and have a look at the underground warehouse!"

"To shut up!"

Pique's eyes suddenly cold.

At this moment, Ye Chu, who was not far from the command room, gradually showed a smile.

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