The whole person immediately turned into a rhino in black iron armor.

Seeing this, Ye Chu shook his head disdainfully, then lightly waved his right hand.

Just like in the Avengers, the villain's Ebony Maw is as elegant, and the black rhinoceros is beaten aside with grace.


The rhino smashed into a house and was buried in the rubble.

Although this attack method is elegant, it does not do much harm to the opponent.

In the final analysis, it's just an extremely pretending way.

At this moment, the ground suddenly cracked, and a redhead slowly walked over.

The ground cracked, separating an abyss.

"Evolution of the earth element?"

Ye Chu sneered.

Immediately operate the earth element directly, closing the soil again.

The redhead was stunned, and in front of Ye Chu's powerful strength, the same kind of ability had no effect at all.

"team leader!"

At this moment, a man suddenly shouted.

Seeing Pique nodded, the next moment, a space teleportation array appeared in front of the man.

The man stepped into it.

After a few breaths, Ye Chu felt an abnormal noise coming from behind him.

Before looking back, I felt a huge spiritual force enveloped me.

"It turned out to be the spiritual evolutionary!"

Ye Chu smiled bitterly.

A lot of these guys' abilities are actually against him.

This spiritual power evolutionist had been seen in the official base before, and Ye Chu also used him to lead Pique to find the energy cannon.

"It's just right, let me see how your energy cannons came from!"

Opening the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Ye Chu allowed the opponent's spiritual power to directly enter the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Suddenly, I saw a terrifying look in the person's eyes.

Because he saw that there was a huge cockroach in Ye Chu's mind.

How can this be possible if there is a cockroach in a person's spiritual consciousness!

Just when he was about to withdraw, the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness suddenly closed.

This person's mental power is directly trapped inside.


The next moment, this person's body fell directly to the ground, not knowing his life or death.

After a while, Ye Chu slowly opened his eyes.

"It turns out that this energy gun is also from the prehistoric civilization of Atlantis!"

Ye Chu was shocked.

Unexpectedly, MG also obtained the remaining technology of Atlantis.

What made Ye Chu unexpected was that the Japanese Kingdom also had the technology left over from Atlantis.

Moreover, these technologies of theirs have been obtained in peacetime.

What MG obtained were these two destruction energy cannons.

Moreover, there may be other technologies. This is only Ye Chu's guess, because this spiritual evolutionary also doesn't know much.

In addition, the technological products in the hands of the country are exactly the energy shields that Ye Chu saw before.

But that energy shield may only be a defective product after being destroyed, otherwise it won't consume 10,000 energy per second.

And the purpose of the MG Superman organization this time is to cooperate with the country under the guise of attacking China.

Energy cannons are used less frequently due to limited materials.

As for the energy shield of the Japanese Kingdom, there was a problem with the energy source.

If the two technologies can be researched jointly, it is possible to solve all the problems of both sides.

But the reason why we haven't acted for so long is because neither side believes in each other.

Therefore, information sharing cannot be achieved.

This is cheaper for Ye Chu.

But Ye Chu is not interested in these technologies.

These technologies are also found in the Alien Science Park.

What Ye Chu wanted to know was all the secrets about Atlantis.

Where did they get these prehistoric technologies?

After successfully eliminating these people, Ye Chu quickly dialed Honglin's phone.

"Well, I think we can work together!"

The other party seemed to have been observing Ye Chu and knew Ye Chu's every move.

"You come to the inner city mansion, I am here waiting for you!"

Immediately, Ye Chu arrived in the inner city according to the other party's location.

However, what made Ye Chu even more surprised was that there was not even a person in the inner city.

All the people live in the outer city, but the inner city is only for him.

This crazy approach left Ye Chu still puzzled.

However, after walking here, Ye Chu became more sensitive to the energy perception of the previous water element.

"Below here, there must be a huge underground water source!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Not long after, Ye Chu came to a bamboo building.

In this place where there are Japanese-style room buildings all over the place, Ye Chu rarely saw a bamboo building with a Chinese atmosphere.

There is a pool under the bamboo building, and the red scales are in it at the moment, not moving.

Although he was not tied up, he did not have the thought of resisting and fleeing.

Because the other party is too strong.

Ye Chu walked over slowly.

"Change your shoes!"

Ye Chu was speechless, and the other party was still a cleanliness guy.

But Ye Chu was relieved later that this is the local customs of the Wa country.

After entering the bamboo building, Ye Chu saw a middle-aged man with a beard, kneeling on the ground, drinking tea.

The fragrance of tea overflowed, and Ye Chu was immediately attracted to him.

"This tea does not seem to be ordinary tea!"

Ye Chu walked over slowly.


The bearded man motioned Ye Chu to sit down.

Without seeing the other party doing it, a cup slowly moved in front of Ye Chu.

The next moment, the tea in the cup was automatically full.

The tea is fragrant, with a strong aura.

There seems to be a faint smell of blood in the aura...

He picked it up and sipped, Ye Chu was actually prompted by the system.

"Dingdong! Drinking a sip of blood spirit tea, the energy recovery rate increases by 10% within ten minutes!"

"good stuff!"

Ye Chu was full of praise for tea.

"The taste of this tea is full and pure, and it melts in the mouth. What follows is a long-lasting sweetness. The tea soup is orange and bright, and the fragrance is like orchids. The flavor is full. It is really the best tea in the tea!"

I saw the other person's eyes lit up, and then asked in smoother Chinese.

"Unexpectedly, Chief Ye would have such a deep understanding of the tea ceremony!"

"Hehe, no, they are all seen in the book!"

Ye Chu was embarrassed.

This is actually a joke I have seen before.

The original text is like this:

The son asked his father who was drinking tea, why should I study?

Dad replied, after reading a book, you would say after drinking this tea: "This tea has a full and pure taste, melts in the mouth, and then comes a long-lasting sweetness. The tea soup is orange and yellow, and the fragrance is like orchids. It has a full flavor. It’s the best in tea”

But when you are not studying, you just say: "Fuck! Good tea!"

Ye Chu always remembered this joke.

I didn't expect to blurt out involuntarily here.

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