I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 372: Polar Bear

Because of the ice and snow here.

So most of the evolvers here are the evolution ability of ice attributes.

After Ye Chu went out, he found that the other party was a ten-man patrol team.

"who are you?"

Asked a man in a white leather jacket headed.

"Captain, it must be for the light of evolution, you can bring him back directly!"

A strong man behind him said in a loud voice.

"Boy, I warn you, there have been a lot of people who have come to us for the light of evolution recently to make trouble. If you have this idea, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

The captain threatened coldly.

"You are misunderstood, I am here to find a material with ice properties, not for evolutionary light!"

Ye Chu casually found an excuse to explain.

"Furthermore, the light of evolution, that is light, how can light be robbed!"

Hearing Ye Chu's words, these people burst into laughter.

"What a hillbilly who knows nothing!"

"Boy, what materials do you want? Maybe our base has it!"

At this moment, a yellow man came over and said to Ye Chu in Chinese.

Seeing that they were from Huaxia, Ye Chu was overjoyed.

"This big brother, I need ice grass, don't know if there is one?"

Ye Chu casually fabricated the name of a material.

Moreover, Ye Chu is not sure whether there are such plants in the world.

"Chilling Grass? This..."

Who knows, the other party was embarrassed for a while.

"To be honest, this kind of material is indeed rare, and it also grows deep in the glacier. It just so happens that we are going to kill the polar bear, you can join us, there should be there!"

Ye Chu suddenly smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, there is such a material.

Fortunately, you can follow them into the base smoothly.

Obviously, the light of evolution here is quite tightly protected by them.

Moreover, listening to the meaning of their words, it seems that there are many people coming to play the light of evolution.

Later, Ye Chu followed these people to a place on Iceland.

This Iceland is very large, covering several tens of kilometers.

There are many Antarctic animals living on it.

Their goal this time is a Tier 9 polar bear.

Ye Chu is very surprised, why are there bears here in Antarctica?

I have heard of polar bears, but I have never heard of Antarctic bears either!

But after the big change, nothing is impossible.

At this moment, the Chinese man explained.

"The goal this time is very dangerous. It is a prehistoric explosive bear thawed from a glacier. You must be careful!"

Ye Chu suddenly realized when he heard this.

Prehistoric creatures, Ye Chu thought of Mossaurus.

The dragon that appeared in the land of the Bohai Sea appeared from the thawing of the glacier.

Unexpectedly, there are prehistoric creatures here.

Not long after, everyone came to a huge iceberg.

The iceberg is connected to this Iceland. It is hundreds of meters high and very steep.

"be careful!"

After arriving here, these people immediately abandoned their cars and walked slowly towards the iceberg.

Immediately, these people took out some instruments.

These instruments can scan the environment inside the iceberg.

On the monitor, Ye Chu saw a huge red figure inside the glacier.

"This is the polar bear!"

Li Yong pointed to the red image on the screen and said.

Li Yong is the Chinese in this pair of patrols.

Apparently, they seemed to understand polar bears very well, and they had met before, and they knew his life habits very well.

"Everyone, wait a minute, the polar bear is sleeping. If you attack now, the polar bear who is disturbed from sleep will be very irritable, but after waking up, he will fall into a hungry period, and his strength will decrease!"

The captain explained, and then took out some food to drive away the cold.

Ye Chu looked at it. It was their own brewed ice wine, not very high, and the taste was average.

"Come on, drink mine!"

Ye Chu immediately took out a few bottles of Erguotou.

Seeing Erguotou, Li Yong's eyes straightened next to him.

What a wonderful enjoyment to be able to drink a sip of wine from the peaceful era.

"Brother, do you have any more? I can pay for some!"

After drinking, everyone felt warm.

Li Yong asked with some embarrassment.

Seeing this, Ye Chu took out a few more bottles to share some with everyone.

"I'm really sorry, this is my last inventory, and I will give it to you!"

"How embarrassed then!"

Li Yong quickly took out some crystal cores and handed them over, but Ye Chu directly rejected them.

"If you can help me find ice grass, I have to thank you!"

"no problem!"

Cannibals have short mouths, and these people immediately patted their chests to make sure.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly felt the ground tremble.

After looking at it, I saw a huge white bear over twenty meters slowly crawling out.

This white bear has a pretty naive body.

But when he turned his head around, Ye Chu was taken aback.

On the billowing head, the hideous teeth were turned outward, and there were long fangs on both sides.

A pair of scarlet eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and then slowly walked towards this side.


The captain made a gesture, and everyone immediately tightened, staring at the polar bear.

But Ye Chu is the exception.

I don't know why, Ye Chu actually felt a touch of familiarity on this polar bear.

This familiarity comes from oneself.

It's not that Ye Chu knew this polar bear.

It was the polar bear, and there was an aura that Ye Chu was familiar with.

"When the brothers started fighting for a while, you sneaked around and went to the polar bear's cave to find ice grass. Did you hear that?

Li Yong said without looking back.


Ye Chu nodded, which just met Ye Chu's idea.

Originating from the familiar aura on the polar bear, Ye Chugang was going to go inside and take a look.

"Do it!"

The captain gave an order, and the ten people rushed up in an orderly form.

These people are evolutionists of rank seven or eight.

Only the captain is a ninth-order evolutionary.

With so many people, dealing with a polar bear, I am afraid it is hanging!

Seeing this, Ye Chu slowly backed away, and then slowly fell back.

The next moment, a circular portal appeared on the ground, Ye Chu's body sank into it, and then disappeared.

When Ye Chu appeared again, he had already appeared in the polar bear cave.

The cave was not very deep, and it was formed naturally, Ye Chu walked in slowly.

The further Ye Chu went back, the more familiar he could feel.

After entering, Ye Chu came to a huge ice cave tens of meters high.

Every step, Ye Chu's footsteps echoed here.

There was nothing in the ice cave.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly smelled a strong energy.

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