I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 374: Kill the polar bear


At this moment, the entire ice shook violently.

Ye Chu looked up and looked around, and then immediately stepped out of the cave.

As soon as he went out, Ye Chu saw the polar bear with white hairs all over his body. At this moment, he hit the iceberg dripping with blood and slipped slowly.

Looking at the other side, the original ten-man squad has only four or five people left to support it.

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately rushed over, bare-handed, and fiercely rushed towards the polar bear that fell to the ground.

Knee down!

Ye Chu leaped up in the air, his knees closed, and he slammed down.


The next moment, I saw the surrounding ice cracking, and the body of the polar bear was directly submerged in the ice.

But the thickness of the frozen ice is tens of meters deep, so there is no need to worry about the possibility of Iceland cracking.

He smashed his knees down and directly smashed the head of the polar bear.

The polar bear has completely lost its vitality.

Then Ye Chu stood up slowly, and walked towards Li Yong and the others with the crystal core of the polar bear.

"Brother Li Yong, here you are!"

Ye Chu handed over the crystal core, Li Yong was overjoyed when he saw it, and quickly took it over.

"Unexpectedly, my brother is so innate and supernatural. It is simply appalling. If it weren't for you, the strength of a few of us would not be the rival of the angry polar bear!"

Li Yong said with lingering fears.

"Although the polar explosive bear was injured by us, it aroused his bloodiness even more. If you hadn't come out in time, he might have entered a state of rage. The polar explosive bear in rage has twice as much combat power as usual. !"

"Hurry up and see how other people are doing!"

Ye Chu rushed to the others.

After observation, Ye Chu found that these people were not in danger.

Immediately, Ye Chu took out some medicine and gave these people a simple treatment.

After all this, a person drove the car over.

This is an amphibious car, especially for driving on ice, which is quite convenient.

Later, with the help of Ye Chu, these seriously injured people were carried into the car and left here.

As for the corpse of the polar bear, they have been put into the space ring.

The corpse of the ninth-order prehistoric animal, this is a valuable thing.

Through this incident, they were completely convinced of Ye Chu, and the car drove all the way towards the base.

On the way, Li Yong asked.

"By the way, brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Chu Yang!"

Ye Chu made up a name casually.

"Brother Chu Yang, have you found ice grass in the freezing of the polar bear?"

Li Yong asked concerned.

"found it!"

With that, Ye Chu took out that handful, which contained four or five ice grass.

"It really kills two birds with one stone!"

Li Yong was sincerely happy for Ye Chu.

Ye Chu looked at each other, then took one of them and handed over the remaining three.

"Brother Li Yong, thanks to you leading the way this time, I only need one plant, and the other three plants will be given to you!"

"No, no! This can't be done!"

Li Yong and others quickly waved their hands and refused.

"You got this, we can't ask for it, and this iceweed is very valuable and can be sold for a lot of money. When you get to the base, sell it!"

"Oh, Brother Li Yong, don't refuse. If you weren't playing against polar bears outside, how could I have the opportunity to get this ice grass, so you have a credit for this ice grass!"

Ye Chu said.

"Or else, if you leave these three plants, you go back and sell them for me, and then divide the money into eleven shares. All of us here have a share, okay?"

Hearing what Ye Chu said, Li Yong hesitated immediately.

After a while, Li Yong nodded, and then took the ice grass.

With the ice grass, Ye Chu's concern with these people got closer.

After arriving at the base, Ye Chu entered the base smoothly under the recommendation of Li Yong and the others.

Fortunately, they recommended Li Yong, otherwise Ye Chu wouldn't be able to get in.

"It seems that those three ice grass flowers are worth it!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Immediately, Ye Chu and Li Yong left their contact information and went away.

This base is small, with only 20,000 to 30,000 people, surrounded by huge ice blocks as bricks.

But don't underestimate these ice bricks.

These ice bricks were formed after years of freezing.

It is comparable to those high-grade alloys.

It can perfectly resist missile bombing.

Because of environmental reasons, most of the houses here are igloos made of ice.

The ice cubes are stuck together with a special mucus, which is very firm.

The tallest building, Ye Chu saw a seven-story ice building rising from the ground.

And there, it is the center of the Antarctic base.

In the most central position, you can see the light of evolution light penetrating the ice layer from there, projecting from the ground.

It seems that the light of evolution was not developed by them on the ground, but was hidden under the ice.

But because it is an ice building, the light of evolution can be refracted through the ice surface.

You can see its location at a glance.

However, Ye Chu later discovered that something was wrong.

Because it's not just there to see the colorful light of evolution.

Ye Chu saw the same color in several other places in the base.

Moreover, every place is heavily guarded.

"Do they have several lights of evolution?"

Ye Chu couldn't help but start to doubt.

But then Ye Chu was relieved.

This may be a blindfold of the base.

With so many places where colorful light is emitted, you don't even know where the real light of evolution is.

"High! It's really high!"

Ye Chu couldn't help sighing secretly.

But this is not difficult for Ye Chu.

Twelve evolutionary meteorites had fallen.

They were connected to each other at the beginning. After passing through the Blue Star’s atmosphere, they were connected to the magnetic field here, so they were divided into twelve.

Ye Chu has three in his hand, and with any of these three, he can sense the true position of the light of evolution.

Closing his eyes and sensing it carefully, Ye Chu uses Jiwu's body to activate the gems on the Chaos Cudgel without taking out the Chaos Cudgel.

The next moment, Ye Chu suddenly opened his eyes and looked to the southwest.

Immediately, Ye Chu walked over wherever he went.

If nothing else, the location of the light of evolution is here.

What's more, to Ye Chu's surprise, there was a layer of ice below it, not mud at all.

So using the earth element to enter from the ground is not feasible.

The only way is to have the ice element, open up the ice layer, and enter it.

But this is Antarctica, and most people here are of ice nature.

You are making an axe in front of others, isn't this looking for death?

In desperation, Ye Chu figured out the location of this place, and then left here.

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