I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 382: Ring match

The man immediately devoured and ate.

Upon seeing this, the beard directly asked someone to lift the man's bed board with the person to the side, revealing a dark hole in the ground.

The entrance can only accommodate one person.

Bearded walked in first, and the others immediately followed.

After everyone entered, the man who had lost his legs, propped his arms, lifted the plank back, and then fell asleep on it again.

He seems to be a watchdog without emotion.



After entering the tunnel, Ye Chu walked for about ten minutes, and looking at the trend, it continued to fall.

Continue downward for five or six minutes, and continue upward for another five or six minutes.

When it appeared on the ground again, Ye Chu found that the exit was in a weedy place.

Looking around, Ye Chu saw that this place turned out to be outside the entire city.

Before Ye Chu saw that this huge city was surrounded by a translucent cover.

And now, under the leadership of Big Beard, Ye Chu and the others came out unexpectedly.

What is outside the hood?

Ye Chu didn't dare to ask, nor did he ask, so he continued to follow Big Beard all the way forward.

The weeds are overgrown outside, and the weeds are as high as half a person.

The cat walks on her waist and can't see you.

I don’t know how many times I have been walked. It seems that they come out every day.

In addition, Ye Chu saw some blood on the small road occasionally.

Finally, these people came to a big road.

There are traces of wheels passing by on the road. It seems that people in the base will often come out.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar of cars in the distance.

The beard waved his hand quickly, and the others immediately hid.

After a while, the Yiliang military car came slowly.

Ye Chu poked his head out and saw that there were dozens of heavily armed soldiers pulling on the car.

From yesterday to today, Ye Chu discovered that the upper limit of this world seemed to be based on the state of the previous peaceful era.

The only weapon of mankind is the gun in his hand.

No one can fly into the sky and escape, and the more powerful one is those who can fight.

After all, this is an ordinary world.

It is the timeline in the palm of the hand that only drives the world.

After the car passed by, the bearded man breathed a sigh of relief and slapped someone on.

After a while, Ye Chu saw the beard and took everyone to a ranch.

The beard seemed to be familiar with the owner of the ranch.

After the two exchanged greetings for a while, the beard pointed at Ye Chu and several people in the distance.

Afterwards, the beard walked over with the rancher.

"You guys, spread your hands out!"

The beard ordered.

Everyone stretched out their hands.

The rancher looked at the time of several people, and then nodded.

At this time, Ye Chu realized that he and these people were people who had been less than twelve hours old.

"Tell you, if you want to live, you have to listen to me..."

Said the rancher.

"I will arrange a game for several of you, win one, and reward you for fifty days. In addition, you can also get the time that the other party has!"

Ye Chu suddenly realized that he was here to play the game by pulling himself and the others over.

Not long after, Ye Chu and others were taken into the ranch.

All of them were shackled and walked slowly to the depths of the ranch.

Not long after, Ye Chu heard a burst of deafening shouts.

Then, I saw a group of people roaring around a huge ring on the empty pasture.

They all held the betting tickets in their hands, screaming frantically at the people they were betting.

Ye Chu walked over, and then was stamped with a chapter.

This chapter has been seen by Ye Chu in the slums, including the big beard before.

Above is a serial number, Ye Chu's is 9997.

If this is the ranking of the participating members, have more than nine thousand people died here before?

Ye Chu looked at the ring and found that the ring was locked by a huge cage.

There is a human in it, and a...wolf!

Let humans fight wolves, these people really know how to play.

Not long after, the human was killed by a wolf.

Seeing this wolf, Ye Chu suddenly thought of something.

Humans have time, so do animals also have time?

Ye Chu suddenly thought of something terrifying.

Since the outside world is safe, why do human beings live in a small space enclosed by a transparent cover?

Maybe...Humans are just captive creatures.

Humans in high-level society raise humans in captivity, and then obtain time from animals and sell them to humans in captivity, allowing these humans to serve themselves.

These guys are simply not people.

Not long after, Ye Chu saw a huge screen rising from the ring.

The code names and appearances of several of my own people appeared above.

It's just that the information background of a few of them is red.

On the contrary, there are messages with a blue background.

The same five people are a series of black big men.

But here, there are some yellow people like Ye Chu.

If you only talk about appearance, these people are definitely not the opponents of those black people.

After a while, the people below began to bet.

Ye Chu saw that there were a lot of black people.

In this way, the ratio has come out, and it has reached a rare 1:5.

In other words, if someone like you wins, then those who bet on yourself will get five times the reward.


The screen began to flicker, and finally, it froze next to a yellow man next to Ye Chu.

This person seemed to be talking about a Japanese accent. When he saw that he was selected, his face suddenly became sallow, and he almost urinated his pants.

As the little man trembled and walked up.

After a bell rang, the black man on the opposite side walked over with a smile.

On the contrary, the little man knew he had a dead end, and unexpectedly exploded with unprecedented power.

However, he was still punched by the opponent.

With one move, the little man was killed.

Immediately, the black man squatted down, and then took away the rest of the little man's time.

This is won by the opponent.

In addition, the blacks won the game and received an extra fifty days of rewards.

Seeing the referee went up, he directly rewarded the black man.

Seeing the increasing number of black people's time points, the others suddenly became jealous.

And at this moment, Ye Chu saw the big beard coming over.

"Big Brother!"

Ye Chu shouted quickly.

The beard came over in confusion.

Ye Chu quickly asked, "I want to ask, can we bet ourselves?"

"of course can!"

The beard explained.

"People who have absolute confidence in themselves can bet!"

"Then, can you lend me fifty days? If I win, I will double you back!"

"Fifty days?"

The beard suddenly looked at Ye Chu with suspicion.

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