I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 393: Stunning the audience

The Bears have been defensive, so the consumption is not very large.

On the contrary, it is the Tigers. They have been exhausted due to their fierce attack.

Finally, with Ye Chu's help, the Wild Bears gave in.

They directly rushed out of the encirclement, ran off the court, and directly surrendered.

In this way, although he lost the game, he saved his life somehow.

But Ye Chu took advantage of this opportunity to directly kill the Tigers.

"I see, you are Shura!"

A member of the Tigers suddenly woke up looking at the mask on Ye Chu's face.

"Is that Shura who swept the low-level field?"

The Tigers are out of breath, even so they are still full of combat effectiveness.

"It's just a mere low-level field, what are you afraid of!"

With that, the captain rushed to Ye Chu directly.

Seeing this, Ye Chu waved his hand, and the others stepped back directly.

Seeing that the captain volleyed into the air, Ye Chu clenched his fists, loosened his bones, and rushed forward as well.

But this sprint is quite particular.

When the two were about to collide, Ye Chu's figure in midair was at the position of the opponent's chest.

"War God Three Kills! Flying Knee!"

Ye Chu smashed the past fiercely.

A pair of knees hit the opponent's chest directly.


I saw that the captain was directly hit by Ye Chu to the ground.

Immediately, Ye Chu slowly got up, and then went straight back to the original position.

The audience fell into silence.

Ye Chu's sudden burst of power shocked everyone.

Looking at the Captain of the Tiger again, he was deeply hit by Ye Chu into the ground.

At this time, there was blood in the mouth and nose, and the chest was sunken directly, and even the ribs inside were crushed and leaked, and the dead could no longer die.

"Others, I'll leave it to you!"

Ye Chu said to the Civet and them lightly.


I saw a sloppy roar that could not wait.

From the moment he went to the fighting arena, seeing so many people being killed had already aroused the blood in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that fighting is such a passionate thing.

I used to steal my life for so many years, but I didn't expect to be able to stand here now.

I saw that sloppy body, like a bright tank, rushed directly to the nearest person.

The man was still in consternation at the death of the captain.

He didn't react at all, and was crushed to the ground by his sloppy body.

"Look at my falling weight!"

With a sloppy roar, the whole person jumped up, and then sat down on the opponent.


Ye Chu clearly saw blood splashing under the sloppy buttocks.

This person was directly crushed to death by a sloppy butt.


At this moment, a phantom suddenly flashed across the battlefield.

It's a civet!

With her agile speed, she passed directly in front of the sloppy, and then leapt into the air, her legs like scissors, directly clamped a person's head, and then gently applied force, the other's head was directly pinched off.

The next moment, the mechanical body of Ganoderma lucidum behind him walked over to the other person at a steady speed.

People may only see and not understand each other.

But it’s not the same for robots. People know robots quite well, because their production is the same, and they even know what parts they have.

Generally speaking, after a mechanical body leaves the factory, a unified information input is performed on the mechanical body, which includes a lot of fighting information.

In addition, the fighting information of mechanical bodies is also different, and some advanced fighting information is very expensive.

The fighting information on Lingzhi is a set of medium fighting information.

At this time, the opposing Tigers members had already reacted.

They didn't expect to admit defeat. Seeing Lingzhi rushing towards them, this person gave a cold snort and rushed over.

In the lesson when Ganoderma was shot, the opponent knew the fighting information in Ganoderma.

All fighters have a good understanding of the fighting information of mechanical bodies.

Therefore, no matter what moves the mechanical body makes, the opponent can resolve it.

But the following picture shocked everyone again.

I thought the Tigers would deal with it easily.

However, the mechanical body of Ganoderma lucidum did not follow the routine to play cards, punched it up, and directly knocked the opponent into the air.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The man died without trying to understand the reason.

At this moment, the civet came over and said with a chuckle.

"Do you think my sister's fighting information is the garbage sold in the store?"

Ye Chu suddenly questioned: "It's not the fighting information in the store, where is it?"

Seeing the civet waving his hand triumphantly, Ye Chu suddenly realized.

"His fighting information was written by you!"


Civet explained.

"My fighting information, although there is no level, it has not been released to the public, so other people don't know it at all. In addition, if it is divided according to the level, my fighting information should be at least advanced!"

There was only one person left at the scene, and everyone looked forward to the sloppy girlfriend Xiaowei.

This is the moment to prove his strength.

Xiaowei walked over with a little anxiety.

His mechanical legs are B-level and can cause damage to B-level fighters.

But **** the opponent, Xiao Wei has not undergone orthodox training at all, the only thing that can be known is his hypnosis.

But once hypnosis is discovered, it will be violated.

Under everyone's gaze, Xiao Wei walked over with heavy steps.

The sound of footsteps on the ground is very bright.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly felt that the other party was a little drowsy.

Xiaowei, use her hypnotic ability!

Ye Chu was shocked, but then Ye Chu found something wrong.

Because Ye Chu didn't feel Xiaowei's hypnotic power.

"It's the sound of footsteps just now!"

When everyone was extremely quiet, Xiao Wei's footsteps were very harsh.

This sound is regularly transmitted to the target's ears.

Coupled with Xiaowei's hypnotic methods, it also achieved a hypnotic effect.

This is a physical effect formed by borrowing external forces.

So it is not a violation at all.

Seeing the other party's negligence, he was directly killed by Xiao Wei.

Seeing that none of them felt any sense of killing, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, they don't worry about what will be left behind in their hearts.

Immediately, the five people slowly stood together, and then looked at the cheering audience around.

In this battle, Ye Chu's team completely started.

Everyone's strength was witnessed in front of thousands of audiences.

There is no official arrangement for a dark horse, but Ye Chu is the biggest dark horse.

After squeezing all the time and doubling it twenty times, Ye Chu directly gained tens of thousands of time.

"What a huge profit!"

Ye Chu sighed secretly.

If you go on like this, it won’t take long to have more time.

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