Ye Chu's strength exceeded everyone's imagination.

The power that destroys the world shocked everyone.

Suddenly disappeared and then appeared again. This strange ability, even in the SS-level competition system, is unmatched.

At this time, there were only three minutes left before leaving.

Leaving the arena straight away, Ye Chu exchanged his rewards under everyone's gaze, and got all the bonuses.

As for the trophy that symbolized the S-level champion, Ye Chu directly ignored it.

Immediately, Ye Chu said to all the reporters who came to interview.

"I declare that from now on, the leader of the Shura team will be the civet, and I will quit the Shura team!"

When Ye Chu said these words, the civets in the hospital all made unbelievable voices.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

"Captain what's wrong?"

"Obviously after winning the championship, why did you ignore the trophy and say such inexplicable things?"


Ten minutes ago, they had already woke up from a coma and fortunately witnessed the moment Ye Chu finally became a god.

"Strong Dragon, you are a well-deserved powerhouse. I gave you this trophy as a friend. I hope you can show your skills in the SS-level competition system!"

On TV, Ye Chu continued to talk.

But when this sentence was finished, it slowly disappeared from the place as it was when fighting just now.

People didn't take Ye Chu's departure. People thought that Ye Chu just disappeared like a game. Maybe, they were worried about being surrounded by reporters.

At the same time, everyone noticed what Ye Chu said, which was to announce the captain of the Shura team.

What does it mean to give the leader of the Shura team to the civet?

Could it be that Ye Chu quit the Shura team?

Suddenly, everyone was suspicious, and at the same time, in order to be more sure of this, they hurried to the hospital, wanting to personally interview the leader of the Asura team, the Civet.

In addition, the strong dragon that was defeated by Ye Chu laughed at the championship trophy in his hand.

"Captain, what are you laughing at? This Shura is clearly humiliating us by giving us the championship!"

"No, this is not humiliation, this is recognition!"

Qianglong didn't feel ashamed because of the failure, but rather said happily.

"Have you heard what Shura said just now? He said that this trophy was given to us as a friend. In other words, he admitted that we are his friends. We did not lose in this game. We did. It's not his opponent, besides, it's our honor to be able to meet someone as powerful as Shura!"


However, one day, two days, three days...

After half a month, people still did not see Ye Chu again.

After all the other members of the Shura team recovered, people did not see Shura again.

Even the other members of the Shura team have given out revelations to find Shura.

But so far no one has seen Shura.

In the three years from his appearance to the present, this man has been victorious in all battles, radiating at the last moment, but disappearing in the next moment, as if he had never been in this world.

Some people are destined to just pass by.

Like two universes, countless nebulae, maybe Ye Chu will never have a chance to meet with them carelessly.

And Ye Chu, after passing through a space wormhole, once again returned to the original land of Antarctica.

Three years later, Ye Chu didn't know what the Antarctic Land had become.

Passing through the wormhole, Ye Chu saw a sudden light from Qianman.

Following the bright light, Ye Chu's figure flashed, and then he came to the position of the light of evolution in the Antarctic land.

"Ding Dong! After the journey across the universe is completed, the wormhole energy is exhausted and the transmission channel is closed!"

Looking back, I saw that the teleportation array that originally led to the time world slowly disappeared.

Looking around, Ye Chu saw that there were still many people around here cultivating.

Ye Chu's sudden appearance immediately interrupted these people.

"Leader Ye!"

Many of them knew Ye Chu, and most of the people in the base already knew what happened a few days ago.

"Ding Dong! The light of evolution is detected, do you charge it!"

The system issued prompts one after another.

Ye Chu is in the middle of the light of evolution at this moment, this time is really the best time to collect.

How could Ye Chu miss such a good opportunity.

Immediately, Ye Chu immediately disguised a huge destructive force at the original wormhole location.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chu began to receive the light of evolution.

At the next moment, the light from all around shrank and disappeared in place.

The disappearance of the light of evolution shocked everyone.

All the people in the base rushed over.

But when he saw Ye Chu appear here, he immediately surrounded him.

"Big Brother!"

Zhang Guang took the brunt of the situation and embraced Ye Chu directly.

"You are finally back, so worried about me!"

"Where is the light of evolution? Where is the light of evolution!"

The leader of the base, the black man immediately asked furiously.

All the people present just now shook their heads with a confused expression.

"We don't know either. We are cultivating. The moment Ye Chief appeared, the light of evolution disappeared!"

Suddenly, everyone focused on Ye Chu's body.

"Leader Ye, please be sure to give me an explanation, where exactly is the teleportation array, and how did the light of evolution suddenly disappear!"

The black leader waved his hand, and someone rushed over and surrounded Ye Chu.

"Maybe, the wormhole collapsed. When I came back, it pulled the light of evolution, so I absorbed the light of evolution!"

Ye Chu casually found a reason to explain.

"What the **** is that teleportation array?"

The black man asked.

"In another world, when we enter that world, all the abilities in us will disappear, leaving only the power of the body. In addition, that world is eternal, and the currency that people trade is traded in time. , Once time runs out, no matter how old you are, you must die!"

Ye Chu gave a brief account of the world.

Some things are true, and some are false.

No one knows whether it's true or not.

"In addition, the power of that world is beyond our imagination. They can use time to destroy everything. When I came back, I found that people in that world were trying to come to our world. If we let them come, I’m afraid we Everyone in this world must be destroyed!"

Ye Chu continued to make up lies indiscriminately, in order to prevent them from continuing to pursue the light of evolution.

"I was there for three years and worked hard for three years before I destroyed the teleportation black hole leading to our world. Unfortunately, the light of evolution was also sucked in. However, thanks to the light of evolution, otherwise I would Never come back!"

"Three years? You are talking nonsense, you have only been away for three days, you tell us that you have passed three years, how is this possible!"

Suddenly, someone scoffed at Ye Chu's remarks.

"What? Three days?"

When Ye Chu heard this, he was dumbfounded.

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