I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 404: Cloud flower

Turning back suddenly, a figure quickly disappeared from a small mountain in the distance.

"I wipe it!"

Ye Chu's heart jumped unsuspectingly.

"Is it really the future self, came to see me?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu chased the place where the figure had just flashed by at a phantom speed.

But when he got there, Ye Chu only felt a little bit of time and space, and he still got nothing.

"Wonima, why is it so oozing!"

Ye Chu suddenly thought that it might not be a good thing that he had acquired the ability to travel through time.

Feeling the breath just now, Ye Chu felt very familiar.

So, the figure that flashed by just now is very likely to be one day in the future.

Maybe tomorrow's self, maybe the day after tomorrow's self, maybe ten years later.

Immediately, Ye Chu gave up the search.

It was impossible for me in the past, because my strength is improving every day.

If the past self came over and was discovered by oneself, with the strength of the past, he would definitely not be able to beat the current self.

However, in the situation just now, Ye Chu only saw the shadow, and then disappeared when he chased it over.

Although his strength is not the same as his own, it is definitely higher than his own.

Therefore, the future self is definitely better than the present self.

So I guess I can't capture the figure.

"Since the future develops like this, I won't enter this castle yet!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately thought bitterly.

After that, Ye Chu started wandering around.

Anyway, just don't go to the castle.

But after turning around, Ye Chu found that the scope of this hanging garden did not seem to be large.

It is a circle of mountains surrounding a castle.

When you reach the most marginal point, you seem to encounter an invisible barrier, and you just can't get out anyway.

Ye Chu tentatively used the space power, but found that the space power can only be performed within this range.

Go in from here, and you will reach the top of the mountain after going out.

After trying countless times, Ye Chu gave up.

This is a parallel world, not a separate space for Blue Star.

Although it seems small here, a world has been formed here, with its own world rules.

It's like the time world last time, with its own spatial rules.

Without breaking the rules of the world, let's obediently obey the rules of each world.

"Your sister, is the exit in the castle? Is it really trying to force me to enter the castle?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu couldn't help but set his eyes in the castle.

After thinking about it, Ye Chu felt that the longer he was here, the greater the impact he might have.

After gritting his teeth at the last time, Ye Chu still felt like going in and taking a look.

At this moment, Ye Chu still didn't notice a situation.

A situation that will not change easily in the future.

To come here, Ye Chu must enter.

Even if you see the future, you will eventually have to connect with the future for some reason.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu slowly walked over to the castle.

In this world, Ye Chu's abilities are still there.

Rather than just give you a seal after entering the time world last time.

This may be because this is the reason for the parallel world formed by the blue star.

"Wait, since there are parallel worlds, is it possible that Blue Star is a projection of other worlds?"

Ye Chu suddenly thought of this question.

This thought was a flash, but it was a flash of thought, which indeed confirmed this idea.

No one knows that Blue Star is also a projection of other worlds.

And that world is called the earth.

Slowly approaching the castle, Ye Chu completely enveloped his mental power in the castle.

But with this observation, Ye Chu found that there was no one inside.

"Nobody? Where did the Baihua Fairy you see come from?"

Walking to the gate of the castle, Ye Chu slowly opened the door.

Suddenly, a burst of sweet music came out from inside.

At the moment when he opened the door, Ye Chu clearly felt that in the castle, there was a girl in a floral skirt dancing and listening to the music.

"This castle can actually isolate mental perception!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Seemingly hearing someone push the door, the girl inside immediately stopped dancing, and then looked over curiously.

After seeing Ye Chu, I saw the girl clearly felt a strong curiosity.

"How did you get here?"

The girl didn't seem to be afraid of Ye Chu, and came over with a face full of information.

"I...I didn't know how I came, and then I couldn't get out!"

At the first sight of this girl, Ye Chu was stunned.

Because this girl looked exactly like Ji Nianyan.

"Excuse me, what's your name!"

Ye Chu asked in a trembling voice.

After Ji Nianyan disappeared last time, Ye Chu had a sorrow about it.

Unexpectedly, Ji Nianyan turned out to be behind the scenes for so long.

Ye Chu still hasn't figured out whether Ji Nianyan was possessed by Professor X, or whether he was an Erbaiwu star himself.

However, it can be understood from the previous situation that Ji Nianyan has no intention of hurting herself.

Now seeing her face here, Ye Chu is not sure whether this person who looks exactly like her is related to her.

"My name is Yunhua, how about you?"

The girl seemed to be very cheerful, and she had no precautions against seeing Ye Chu.

"My name is Ye Chu!"

Ye Chu replied truthfully.

"By the way, what the **** is this place?"

"Here is the sky garden..."

Speaking of this, Yunhua's face suddenly dimmed.

"My father built this sky garden in order to understand the pain of my mother's lovesickness. I came here to play for a while. I didn't expect to be there and couldn't go back. I was trapped here!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu immediately thought of the legend about the sky garden.

I heard that this was the king of Babylon in order to solve the princess's homesickness.

That's why this sky garden was built.

Hearing Yunhua's meaning, she seems to be the daughter of the King of Babylon.

"I lost it! You are obviously a yellow race, how can you get involved with Babylon?"

As if seeing through Ye Chu's suspicion, Yunhua quickly explained.

"Actually, I am not my father's biological daughter, but someone brought me from the far east!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly realized.

"At that time, my father said that he wanted to send me back to the far east to find my real parents, but this kind of thing happened unexpectedly. Moreover, the blueprint for the sky garden construction was brought by the messenger from the east. I still have the token he left me. I remember, my father said, he seems to be called...Chu Yang!"

With that, Yun Hua took out a necklace, and when she saw this necklace, Ye Chu's pupils suddenly shrank.

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