I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 420: Supreme Gift Pack

"No matter what, go straight on!"

Ye Chu's purpose is to receive the light of evolution.

What else is there in Bermuda, as long as it doesn't hurt my safety, I won't be in charge of him.

However, when Ye Chu's ship just went to sea, the weather in Bermuda was like a woman's face.


Ye Chu didn't want to take risks because the weather was bad.

But in the next few days, every time Ye Chu went to sea, the weather became very strange.

"Yes, are you playing with me?"

A week later, Ye Chu gritted his teeth and dived into the bottom of the sea single-handedly.

Ye Chu didn't bring anyone else, because it was really weird here.

Many of them have no experience in underwater battles. In case of trouble, there is only one dead end.

The bottom of the sea was pitch black, and Ye Chu was like a flexible fish, constantly swimming towards the light of evolution.

There are many strange creatures on the seabed.

But some are offensive, some are not offensive.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw that a huge pyramid appeared within the scope of the light of evolution.

The rumors turned out to be true!

The pyramid is in the middle of the sea, showing a posture like a creeping giant beast.

It's daunting.

Who is it that has such a great ability to build such a huge project in this rough sea?

Also, what exactly is that pyramid used for?

Keeping approaching the pyramid, Ye Chu tried to perceive the pyramid with various abilities.

The mental power was opened, and a deep sense of powerlessness struck again.

As Ye Chu had expected, the mental power again failed.

Slowly leaning over, Ye Chu used the space supernatural powers and found very keenly that the pyramid seemed to be in an independent space.


Ye Chu gritted his teeth and rushed in.

The location of the pyramid seems to be two completely different worlds from the outside.

It was quiet and comfortable, without any sound of rough waves, and even in this space, Ye Chu did not find any marine creatures.

Slowly swimming over, Ye Chu put his hand on the pyramid, and suddenly a cold feeling came from the pyramid.

Looking through the system, Ye Chu frowned.

Sure enough, this place is already the entrance to another world.

Fortunately, it is a parallel world.

The parallel world is reflected by an ancestor star.

The various cultures inside are very similar to Zuxing.

But then Ye Chu found another problem.

That is where the light of evolution is projected here, and the scope he covers also includes the entrance to these parallel worlds.

Leaving the scope of the pyramid, Ye Chu returned to the rough ocean just now.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly felt a strong feeling of sea surging behind him.

It must be a huge marine creature that can cause such a big movement.

Without looking back, Ye Chu used the ice attribute ability to directly freeze the seawater within 50 meters behind him into ice.

Slowly looking back, Ye Chu saw that a giant star creature like an octopus was frozen.

And one of his tentacles was already close to the back of Ye Chu's head.

Seeing the bone spurs that were more than three meters long, Ye Chu's pupils suddenly shrank.

If this is one point later, it will be a hit.

"Good fellow, dinner is over now!"

Taking out the conversion ball, Ye Chu took it in directly.


The next moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw a huge black shadow flashing in the distance.

Levitating the conversion ball around, Ye Chu slowly swam over.

This weird Bermuda is really surprising.

But next, Ye Chu entered another independent environment similar to the pyramid just now.

"It seems that this is indeed the entrance to multiple parallel worlds!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

The entrances to several parallel worlds are all concentrated here, and they all overlap each other. This strange phenomenon does not conform to the rules of time and space at all.

But they are such a peaceful intersection without affecting each other.

Now the light of evolution enveloped here, it can be said that it enveloped several parallel worlds.

Ye Chu took out the Chaos Stick and prepared to absorb it.

But the next moment, the system sent a reminder.

Sure enough, when it comes to other parallel worlds, the light of evolution cannot be absorbed.

"What should I do?"

Ye Chu suddenly became embarrassed.

But then, the system gave a prompt.

The only way is to separate the entrances of these parallel worlds, or close them all.

Ye Chu, who is proficient in time and space, immediately thought of a way to sew.

After a few hours, the pants broke a big hole, and my mother would use other rags to sew the big hole.

These parallel time portals can be compared to those big holes.

But where to find a patch?

Ye Chu immediately thought of a way.

Immediately after entering the Demon God's Prison, Ye Chu planned to take down a part of the space in the Demon God's Prison and use it to patch up the entrance here.

The world of the Devil’s Prison has just been expanded, reaching 6,000 square meters.

Now that the fragments are removed a few hundred meters, they can all be patched up.

Just do it, Ye Chu began to shuttle back and forth between the Devil's Prison and the seabed.

It took several hours for Ye Chu to patch up the parallel world entrance here.

However, because of the interdependence of good and bad, Ye Chu unexpectedly discovered that only he could shuttle back and forth at the entrance to these parallel spaces that had been stitched up.

Because the space of this entrance is made up for with the space of the Demon God Hell.

In addition, even the things in the parallel world can no longer come out of it.

This greatly reduces the consequences of mutual influence between parallel worlds.

After doing all this, Ye Chu took out the Chaos Cudgel again, and then subdued the light of evolution.

After breaking through the water, Ye Chu found Bermuda at this time, a clear sky.

At this moment, Ye Chu received the news, and all other lights of evolution were also completed.

So far, Ye Chu's twelve lights of evolution were completely combined.

The conspiracy of the Sabi star was solved by Ye Chu.

Originally, they planned to use the dark nature of the light of evolution to let the Blue Stars kill each other, but they didn't expect that after such a long time, they would be directly subdued by Ye Chu.

Back in Yulin City, Ye Chu gathered all the lights of evolution together and installed them on the Chaos Stick.

Looking at the twelve colorful gems, Ye Chu heard the system prompt.

"A side task, collect twelve energy gems of the light of evolution to complete, and reward a supreme gift package.

Extreme package!

Ye Chu suddenly opened his eyes.

Judging from the name, it is supreme!

Absolutely in line with his own identity and temperament.

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