I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 430: No shortage of land

There are so many gods in the court.

How could the Star Eye God remember them all.

But there are only a few low-level fighters.

Therefore, Ye Chu asked the Star Eye God General to spend all the magical soldiers and generals he knew.

With this information, Ye Chu was guaranteed.

At least there is no need to find a needle in a haystack.

Immediately cast the circle light technique, Ye Chu input the information about the earth and his appearance.

After a while, a picture appeared in the circular aperture in front of him.

The scene in the picture seems to be in ruins.

The so-called ruins are the towns where humans lived in the past. Now that they were destroyed, they were originally full of zombies, but now that all the zombies have left, they are occupied by many alien beasts.

Especially those mice and cockroaches that reproduce very fast.

Shattered, they were all embarrassed to come out as soon as there were no hundreds of thousands of them.

I'm sorry to their ancestors without this card.

"Run away!"

In the picture, there was only a two-meter-tall man who looked a bit simple and sturdy, his face flushed, his forehead was violent, and he roared at seven or eight people in the distance.

Behind the seven or eight people, a dense cluster of mutant mice rushed over like a tide, all of them more than one meter tall, and some even walked upright, evolving some human characteristics.

One person was too slow and was directly swallowed by mutant mice.

The remaining three or four ran forward like crazy.

Seeing that they are all wiped out.

The brawny man in the circle of light immediately rushed to him desperately.


The strong man shouted angrily, and the soil under his feet rolled, directly forming an earth wall over two meters high.

The appearance of the earth wall temporarily resisted the mouse.

But within three seconds, the soil wall was swallowed by mutant mice.

The mutant mouse ate everything, and at this time it swallowed the soil wall directly.

"Captain, go!"

The strong man pulled the two people and ran forward like crazy.

Not long after, the original team of seven or eight people was now only left with this dark-skinned brawny, a captain, and another thin monkey.

The appearance of the three of them is very eye-catching. Ye Chu guessed that the brawny man in the circle of light is most likely to be perfect.

The star-eyed **** will say that the earth is a **** with the power of the earth.

And the ability he just demonstrated was indeed part of the power of the earth.

Ye Chu looked at the scene in the circle of light, and for a while, people really didn't guess where it was.

But now the circle light technique is only low-level, and the low-level range is one kilometer.

In other words, this is indeed within the extension of the city.

Ye Chu was at the gate of the base at the moment, expanding the inspection from this area, and Ye Chu immediately set his sights on the development zone not far away.

Yanchang Development Zone was also a newly developed high-tech agricultural development zone before the end.

The picture just now really matches the architecture there.

However, judging from the circle of light technique, they had been almost wiped out just now. Although they had escaped the chase of the rat at this moment, they were most likely on their way back.

Ye Chu was waiting for them in the area of ​​the gate of the base.

After a while, three men of different sizes walked in from outside the base.

But they were in a panic and their clothes were damaged, but their ID cards were not lost.

After some investigation, Ye Chu looked at the brawny man in surprise.

If this brawny man is truly perfect, how did they obtain the identity certificate here?

It seemed that he had noticed Ye Chu's gaze, and the strong man looked towards Ye Chu without a trace.

Di Wuqian is a strong ground level, so Ye Chu didn't directly use his mental power to perceive it.

Slowly tested the past, and when he reached a certain range, Ye Chu immediately pointed the system at the strong man.

Name: Ground Wuqian

Strength: prefecture level

Ability: Power of the Earth

Background: God general of the gods.

"Sure enough, this guy is really perfect!"

Directly took out the conversion ball, Ye Chu slowly leaned towards the ground.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly found a large group of people coming here.

Among them, Ye Chu was shocked to discover that there were other people in the court.

"I want to see what horrible idea you have!"

Ye Chu put away the conversion ball, and then walked over slowly.

Ye Chu was confident that his identity and breath were well hidden, so he looked indifferently like a passerby.

"team leader!"

After this group of people came over, they shouted to the captain.

"Yes, if it weren't for the stupid post this time, we would have all been eaten by mutant rats!"

The captain broke a spit, then said badly.

"The captain's safe return is a great happy event!"

The other group of people said with relief.

"But it's okay, I got the stuff!"

Upon hearing this, these people cheered suddenly.

Following them all the way forward, Ye Chu saw that they all entered a broken courtyard.

After some understanding, I discovered that these people are just some local mercenaries.

They take the hunting of monsters as their profession, and sell the materials of monsters to make a living.

They are unwilling to work for others, almost all of them have no wives, children or children.

Maybe one day he would die in the mouth of an alien beast.

Immediately dialing Zhuge Yi's phone, Ye Chu asked Zhuge Yi to conduct a simple investigation on the local mercenaries in Yanchang City.

After investigation, it was found that Yanchang City was roughly divided into three mercenary groups, which were divided by the ruins outside the base.

The mercenary they are in is a mercenary group called fearless, which means fearless.

This type of mercenary group is also allowed locally.

Because some places are very dangerous, in order to avoid unnecessary losses, these mercenaries can be allowed to explore at some cost.

But this time, this team of the Fearless Mercenary Corps is to help the base get some agricultural materials from the Agricultural Development Zone.

These data are very important for the agricultural industry of the base.

After receiving the task, the Fearless Mercenary Corps sent a team of them to the ground.

And their captain, called Wu Gang, is an evolutionary with a strength of Tier 9.

But this time, forty or fifty of them went in, but in the end only three returned.

Ye Chu slowly settled in the house next to their broken courtyard, and then slowly perceived with mental power.

There are many electronic signals and magnetic fields constantly scanning in the base, so Ye Chu's mental power has been greatly obscured here, and it will not be easily discovered.

"Come on, brothers, this first glass of wine, I want to respect the fool!"

Wu Gang stood up and shouted loudly.

"If there wasn't a silly post this time, I'm afraid we brothers would never see it again!"

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