However, the earth with the power of the earth is indispensable, after entering the ground, it is like entering its own world.

At the next moment, the ground began to tremble violently.

Thousands of people in the Fearless Mercenary Group immediately began to sway.

"Quickly get out of here! Otherwise you will all die!"

Ye Chu lived high above the sky, and then said coldly to everyone.

As the commander of the tenth rank, after seeing such a powerful force exploded in just one round, he immediately understood that they were powerful men above the profound level.

"Go! Go!"

"Mad! This place is really wicked, it is so powerful!"

"He turned out to be a wanted criminal!"


Some of the fast ones all ran away.

The slow runners all fell into the cracks in the ground.

The next moment, I saw the ground immediately, a giant sleeping like a giant slowly climbing up from the ground.

"The power of the earth? Playing with earth elements in front of me?"

Ye Chu snorted coldly, and saw his front foot stepped out slightly, and his whole person disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already behind the giant of the earth.

"I blow your head!"

Ye Chu fisted fiercely.

The head of this giant of the earth was directly blown up.

The earth was flying, and the huge body of the giant earth was directly torn apart, and then all fell to the ground.


Seeing the ground that appeared on the ground, Ye Chu stretched out his right hand and shook his fingers.

I saw the dirt on the ground quickly gathered, wrapping the ground in it.

"Let you see what is the true earth attribute power!"

The earth-wrapped ground looked at the pitch black in front of him in shock.

He can control the power of the earth and control the earth in the world.

But now, he was wrapped in mud, and he couldn't control it at all.

It's as if your car is not controlled by your own steering wheel.

The huge mud floated in the air, and Ye Chu took out the conversion ball and received it into the Demon God Prison.

After solving the problem, Ye Chu disappeared in midair.

When I came to the prison of the devil, I saw the Star Eyes God General and others surrounded the soil, watching curiously.

"Master, what is this?"

Star Eye God will ask curiously.

"He is perfect!"

Ye Chu smiled, then kicked the dirt package.

I saw the soil shattered, and the earth appeared in front of everyone.

"Star Eye God General!"

After seeing the star-eyed **** general, Earth Wuque suddenly exclaimed.

"you guys……"

But then, after seeing that the Star Eye God General was staying with Ye Chu, Di Wuwei immediately changed his expression and asked.

"Star-eyed **** general, you betrayed the court!"

"The God Court is originally the expeller. What does the purpose of our trip mean to the Sabi Stars? Turning back as soon as possible and following the master is the right choice!"

The Star Eye God General gave a cold snort, and the halberd in his hand slammed the ground fiercely.

Di Wuque was stunned, he couldn't imagine that the Star Eye God General would actually say such a thing.

There was no lack of nonsense at all, and Ye Chu pulled him from behind, and came to the cloning laboratory.

"Boy, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, if you throw you here, you will say everything!"


I saw everything and stopped immediately.

"Can you promise me one thing, as long as you do it for me, you can do anything you want me to do!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Ye Chu asked curiously.

"I want to see my wife for the last time!"

Di Wuqian slowly lowered his head, his eyes filled with dismay.

"Shen Ruping?"

"Do you know my wife?"

Di Wuqian raised his head suddenly.

"What did you do to her?"

The next moment, I saw Di Wuwei immediately rushed towards Ye Chu, and then grabbed Ye Chu's collar and shouted angrily.

Ye Chu's heart moved, and the ground was beaten to the ground immediately.

"It's okay, she's alright, I just went over and took a look. She is a good woman, but I don't do anything to women!"

Hearing what Ye Chu said, Di Wuque breathed a sigh of relief.

"I surrender!"

I saw the ground directly limp to the ground, as if emptying out.

Seeing this, Ye Chu knew that he had concerns in his heart, and those who were concerned had weaknesses, and Shen Ruping was his weakness.

Ye Chu originally thought that Shen Ruping was just a shelter he found in Blue Star, but he didn't expect that they actually had a relationship.

Since the land is willing to surrender, Ye Chu has a large amount of cost for the clone transformation and upgrade.

Subsequently, Ye Chu put a cockroach clone into the groundless body.

Of course, as long as a person releases his defenses, cockroaches can easily enter his soul.

The surrender of the land without any shortage symbolized that Ye Chu had one more land-level subordinate.

"Can you tell me the identities and locations of other members of the God Court now?"

Ye Chu, the star-eyed **** general, and the earth is not lacking, the three of them sat down.

I saw everything and slowly shook his head and said.

"The gods are not in contact with each other. Only the **** king knows the location and information of all of us. I only know the existence of other gods in Yanchang City!"

"How many people are there in Yanchang City?"

Ye Chu asked.

"There are only three including me, and the other two are only mysterious soldiers, mainly to cooperate with me!"

"Then how did the king contact you?"

Ye Chu continued to ask.

"The God King has a magical skill called Skynet. All of us are on Skynet. Once it disappears, the God King will know!"

At this time, the Star Eye God will continue to speak.

"I'm going, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Ye Chu suddenly said angrily.

"You didn't ask me either!"

The Star Eye God will say innocently.

"Skynet's function is to take effect in a single space. Then, after you have been in the Devil's Prison for so long, doesn't he know it?"

"This is the theory!"

Star Eye God will say again.

Ye Chu was speechless.

Originally, I wanted to seduce other people out of Di Wuqian, and then take the initiative to surrender them, but now it seems that the **** king has been aware of this, and this plan has been ruined.

"Forget it, I'll look for it slowly!"

Ye Chu said with a sigh.

Ye Chu's main concern now is those prefecture-level powerhouses.

As long as all these people are dealt with, then the others are not a concern.

He immediately returned to Yanchang City with Di Wuqian, Ye Chu planned to bring Di Wuqian and Shen Ruping directly to Yulin City to live.

After all, it is an employee's family member, and this treatment is still necessary.

At this time, in a dark space.

A man sitting on the throne with a golden crown on his head and a majestic face slowly opened his eyes.

"Why does the earth have appeared again?"

I saw a huge phantom like a spider web in front of this man.

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