I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 443: Planetary level 1 combat readiness

According to Ye Chu's temperament, if you don't install a soul cockroach, I'm sorry for the many betrayals.

Fortunately, Feng Wuying didn't think much.

Now he has no retreat, and following Ye Chu is his only hope of living.

Do you think you can do whatever you want at the land level?


Feng Wuying's joining, Jian Chen and Di Wuqian were actually the happiest.

The five people sat at the table and drank freely.

"Master, you have to be careful recently, the **** king may have to make big moves!"

After three rounds of wine, it was late into the night.

At this time, Feng Wuying had no estrangement with Ye Chu.

"Big move? What big move?"

Ye Chu's bewildered lie looked at the dark distance.

"The fall of the orc spacecraft, the **** king has passed the news back. The orc planet is a planet with level 1.2 civilization, and it is a planet that is good at fighting. The crash of a spaceship is enough for them to do their best to avenge!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

"How many come and die!"

Feng Wuying raised his brows and turned to look at Ye Chu.

He was wondering where Ye Chu was confident.

Yes, Ye Chu is indeed strong, but can he be strong enough to fight against a half-orc planet with a higher level of civilization than Blue Star?

"not only that……"

After a while, Feng Wuying continued.

"I heard that people with Pluto will step in this time!"

Hearing Pluto, Ye Chu immediately thought of the profound soul powerhouse in Fengmen Village.

He seemed to be a creature that could not enter Pluto, but was left behind on Blue Star.

The existence of Pluto is very strange, no matter which planet, there is a Pluto parallel to it.

The existence of Pluto is the balance with a planet.

The blue star also has a Pluto. In addition, the strength of the Pluto depends on the strength of its planet.

The blue star is a planet of level 0.7 civilization, so the Pluto corresponding to the blue star only exists at level 0.7.

"Then do you know this Pluto comes from that planet?"

"do not know!"

Feng Wuying shook his head and said.

"But it's definitely not Blue Star's Pluto!"

"I remember that a parallel Pluto on one planet should not interfere with other planets. This should violate the regulations of the Star Alliance!"

Ye Chu suddenly thought of something.

Regarding the information on the Orc spacecraft, Ye Chu has seen the laws and regulations of the Star Alliance.

"Hehe, do you think God King is the kind of person who obeys the rules now?"

Feng Wuying said with a helpless smile.


Ye Chu said indifferently.

"However, no matter where he came from, as long as he invades Blue Star, don't blame me for being rude to him!"


Three months passed in a flash.

It is the first spring of the first year again, at this time Blue Star has completely entered a period of reunification and peace.

However, the ocean is still a battlefield that Ye Chu did not rule.

The long footsteps of Honglin were forced to stop because of the invasion of certain parallel world creatures.

In addition, Ye Chu still didn't take that step when exploring aliens.

Because Ye Chu felt that you didn't even understand your own planet and wanted to go to other planets. Are you looking for death?

As for the land in the center of the earth, Ye Chu also set foot again, but was forced back by the flame knight there.

Recently, there was no news about the trace of the **** king. Ye Chu probably counted the number of people.

So far, the remaining prefecture-level combatants have fewer than twenty.

As for the mysterious weapon, Ye Chu has completely strangled him.

But the so-called half-orcs and Plutos in Feng Wuying's mouth still haven't arrived.

"Ding Dong! A large number of Orcs' battleships are detected close to Blue Star, do you initiate a transaction request?"

"Send Maomao, people are here to beat us!"

That afternoon, Ye Chu was having afternoon tea with the twelve golden hairpins, and the system suddenly issued a reminder.

At the same time that the system issued a reminder, the Yulin City Command Office also followed suit and initiated a first-level alert response.

There was only a few minutes difference before and after, the Yulin City Command Office had already noticed that an alien warship was approaching.

It is conceivable that under Ye Chu's development, Bluestar has reached what level of technology has reached.

Ye Chu immediately came to the command room. At this time, in the command room, all the senior leaders of Lingwu Pavilion were present.

In military bases around the world, the barriers hidden in nature are all slowly opened.

"Send instructions to the Lingwu ship, the Scourge, the Scourge, and the Distress... a total of thirty-six Tiangang warships are in a state of preparation, ready to take off at any time!"


The command office immediately contacted the sky fortress and Lingwu ship.

"Lingwu ship, Lingwu ship, this is the Yulin City General Headquarters, immediately issued an order, the 36 battleships of Tiangang are ready for war, ready to take off at any time..."

"Lingwu Ship received!"

Seeing this, Ye Chu continued to command uneasy.

"Let the Star Trail Strike into the state, once the opponent gets closer, start the strike immediately!"

Star orbit strike is a kind of strike weapon that Ye Chu found in the Alien Science and Technology Park using the orbit of the planet.

This weapon will always slowly orbit from the orbit of the planet.

But as soon as an intruder enters the strike range, the star-track strike weapon will be activated immediately, and then start to orbit the planet at the speed of light.

This is like an ancient knight who used a sword wheel to form a circle, blocking the arrows from coming.

This is a defensive strike weapon.

"Boss, the image of the intruder detected by the satellite..."

The next moment I saw a dark starry sky on the big screen of the command room.

Densely densely packed, countless warships slowly flew towards Blue Star.

"My Cao!"

Everyone took a breath.

"This Nima is afraid there are hundreds of battleships!"

"Send an order to enter the first level of planetary combat readiness!"

Ye Chu said with a gloomy expression.

The first level of planetary readiness is the highest level of readiness set up since Ye Chu's rule.

The emergence of this state means that Blue Star will encounter a devastating blow.

At this moment, all survivors from all over the world have entered the underground defense base.

Every country and every city has opened up defense and protection.

"Chen Nuo..."

Ye Chu put his hands on his back, and although his face remained unchanged, the solemn expression in his eyes was extremely heavy.


Chen Nuo, the corpse king, came over immediately.

"Let the destruction zombies immediately pass through the teleportation array and enter the orc spacecraft landing site to stand by!"

Destruction of zombies is a suicide zombie weapon combined with nuclear weapons invented by Chen Nuo.

These zombies are all elite zombies that have been carefully selected and possess super-powerful combat abilities in the land, water and air.

And these zombies have already installed Seda energy-driven destroyers in their bodies.

Seda energy drive destroyer is a drive that combines powerful energy to zombies.

But it also has a self-destruct device.

Once turned on, the sedan energy exploded, and its scene was stronger than nuclear weapons.

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