I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 445: This umbrella is called Huaxia, and the person holding the umbrella is called Ye Chu

"Collapse the star track striker!"

Ye Chu always pays attention to the changes of various attributes on the screen, when the two are about to collide.

Ye Chu directly asked people to stop the operation of the star orbit striker.


It can be seen to the naked eye that a huge meteorite is falling fiercely towards China.

At this time, the fleet of half-orcs also followed the wreckage of the moon to attack the Blue Star.

"Turn on the star striker!"

Ye Chu gave the order again, and saw that after the moon celestial body entered the atmosphere, the star orbit strikes started to work again.

The Orcs fleet had just arrived at the star track, and the star track striker was activated immediately.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of fleets at the head were directly penetrated by the star orbit striker.

Suddenly, more than a dozen warships were destroyed, and all the wreckage fell towards the Blue Star, but all were given a chance.

In other words, there is not even scum left.

"it is good!"

At this moment, among the bases in Yulin City, and even in bases all over the world, the heads of countries suddenly burst into cheers.

"What an accurate calculation!"

"After the moon celestial body entered the star orbit, immediately activated the star orbit striker again, and the half-orcs followed closely, and were directly beaten up!"

"Now they have destroyed at least fifteen battleships!"

"Don't be happy too early, 1/10 of the moon is descending rapidly without any loss!"

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were raised again.

"Data correction..."

"The report shows that the lunar celestial body is not damaged, and the landing speed is accelerated. It is landing at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per second. The expected landing time is 8 minutes!"

"The report predicts that the landing site is Jiangnan Base, with a landing range of 350 kilometers and a strike range of 3,400 kilometers!"


As soon as all the data came out, everyone was blown up.

"With such a large range of strikes, I am afraid that the entire Jiangnan will disappear!"

"What should I do now?"

"Will our side be affected?"

"Of course it will. We all felt the tremor here when there was an eighth magnitude earthquake. Now it's the moon landing, what do you think?"


Hearing the following discussion, Ye Chu slowly turned around.

Looking at those people with cold eyes, Zhuge Yi immediately shouted when he saw this.

"Take them out!"


Suddenly, the guards of Lingwu Pavilion came over and took all these people out.

These people are all high-ranking members of Lingwu Pavilion, but now, under this kind of occasion, discussing such issues is simply disturbing the people's hearts.

Immediately, Ye Chu turned around and ordered.

"The energy shield of the Jiangnan base is opened, and the national map formation of Jiuding Town is activated!"

"The energy shield of Jiangnan base is activated, and the national map of Jiuding Town is activated!"

Suddenly, China Land and the nine bases were all connected together.

A huge formation nationwide began to operate.

No one can cause harm to China, not even aliens.

Later, Ye Chu continued.

"Send an instruction to the Lingwu ship, MG, Waguo, France... the twenty-eight star base, issue 1.0-level missiles to the lunar celestial bodies, trying to destroy the wreckage!"

"The order is issued, and the 28th base will respond..."

"Eastern Qinglong Qisu, Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Tail, Kei, base is ready, Tianli missile launch..."

"Southern Suzaku Chisu, Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, Zhen, the base is ready, Tianli missiles are launched..."


The Western White Tiger, the Northern Xuanwu, and Tianli missiles from all major bases were launched together.

Attacked 28 Tianli missiles, and tracked the one-tenth of the moon.

Tianli missile, this is Ye Chu's Tianli civilization that copied the half-orc civilization, and then combined with the Blue Star technology civilization, an offensive weapon with a destruction level of 1.0.

"The report says that due to the different attack distances of the Tianli missiles issued by the 28th base, the latest missile will hit the target in 6 minutes!"

"Report, due to the different sequence of strikes, it is possible that 6 missiles may be blown into the air. We now request manual control of the explosion!"


Ye Chu said coldly, a pair of eyes staring at the moon in the sky, because the speed was too fast, a violently burning wrecked moon occurred.

Boom boom boom!

A few minutes, as if a century had passed.

The explosion sounded continuously over China.

At this moment, people all over the world are worried about the reign of China.

At this moment, the dwarves who were fighting against humans also put down their weapons.

They all got out from the ground incredible, looking at the far east.

They don't know what happened.

But they all knew that at this moment, all the creatures on the Blue Star were experiencing an extraordinary catastrophe.

This is a catastrophe for the whole planet.

This is about the life and death of all creatures on the planet.

In the face of a common disaster, everyone seemed to hug each other.

At this moment, among the various underground bases of China Land.

One by one, families that have already entered the age of peace, they are holding each other firmly.

"Mom, will we die?"

"Dad, will we still meet those cannibalistic monsters you met?"

"Silly boy!"

Mom and Dad are stroking their children firmly.

Their voices are full of tenderness, their voices are full of confidence and strength.

"Don't be afraid, you have to remember that we have an umbrella, and this umbrella is called Huaxia."

"And the person holding this umbrella is called Ye Chu!"

"He will protect us, you must remember these two names, Huaxia, Ye Chu!"

"When you grow up, you must study hard and be a hero like Ye Chu!"

"Be a superhero that can protect China and everyone in China!"

"Dad, mom, I know!"

The child who was only six or seven years old nodded seemingly.

At this moment, they stayed in the arms of their parents, listening to the huge explosion from the ground.

That fear, at this moment, disappeared.

At this time, the mid-air attack had entered the final stage.

"Report, twenty-eight stars, Kuimulang base Tianli missile requested manual command to explode!"



A Tianli missile exploded on the falling meteorite masses under manual command.

This time the explosion exerted his greatest power.

Those meteorites that had been crushed but were still huge, after this explosion, once again shattered into smaller meteorites.

Just such a big meteorite fell, and with the protective energy of the Jiuding Town National Map, it could be resisted at will.

Boom boom boom!

I saw meteorites hitting the national map of Jiuding Town over the Jiangnan base.

The light yellow formation is like waves, emitting waves.

Finally, when the smoke cleared, everything returned to calm.

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