I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 447: The importance of the moon

Just when Ye Chu was preparing to attack the moon.

Sudden news from Honglin.

"It's not good, the leader, now the entire ocean is silent, the current slows down, and all creatures are sluggish!"

Hong Lin hurriedly said to Ye Chu in the communication equipment.

As we all know, the sea is turbulent and endless, which is the nightmare of all deep-sea phobias.

But now, the sea is quiet, and the sky is clear, and it seems that there is no wave.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Chu asked in confusion through the transmission screen.

"Chief, we don't know either!"

Honglin smiled bitterly.

"Not only our Huaxia waters, but also other waters!"

"Could it be the ghost of a half-orc?"

Ye Chu immediately turned his eyes on the half-orcs.

Because now Ye Chu just prepared to attack them, this happened to Blue Star.

"Boss, I think it's not the half-orcs' ghosts!"

Zhuge Yi slowly walked over to explain.

"Do you remember the half-orcs made a migrating attack just now? They directly cut off a tenth of the moon's volume, using migrating techniques to attack us!"

"Remember, does it matter?"

Ye Chu asked suspiciously.

"Of course it is related. The moon hangs high in the starry sky. You think it has nothing to do with us, but it is not..."

It turns out that the moon has a tidal-causing influence on the blue star.

The tide is caused by the attraction of the moon.

The phenomenon of sea water rising and falling during the day is called tide, and the phenomenon of rising and falling at night is called tide.

The lunar tidal force is not only produced on the earth, but also causes atmospheric tide, but it is not easy to be noticed.

The Moon is the only satellite of the Blue Star. The tidal force generated by the Blue Star can not only induce earthquakes, but also affect human health and biological activities, as well as weather and climate.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly received a red alert again.

"Boss, it's not good. Because of the weakening of the tidal force, some plates have merged in the area, and now they have caused a strong earthquake, especially in the Chuanfu area. The Chuanfu base has now received serious heroes, the formation of Jiuding Town Guotu. It has also been greatly affected!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly became serious.

Unexpectedly, one-tenth of the moon was chopped off, which would have such a huge impact on the Blue Star.

"But now the moon has been chopped off by a tenth, even after killing all the orcs, the moon is not recoverable!"

This is a huge problem.

If the tide-causing force cannot be restored, then people in the area where the continental plates are combined will have to migrate.

Chuanfu is located in southwestern China. The Indian Ocean plate and the Asia-Europe plate impact and squeeze, causing the crust to uplift, which makes the plate extremely unstable, so it is the earthquake-prone zone.

But now, under the influence of tidal force, the pressure of this squeeze collision will increase again.

Moreover, Ye Chu is also ready to attack the Orcs now. If the battlefield is placed on the moon, the damage to the moon will once again become irreparable.

At that time, the influence of Bluestar will be upgraded again.

Ye Chu can't count on anyone now.

Because, looking at the entire world, there is no one who can recover the loss of the moon.

Ye Chu's hope can only be his own shops.

Fantasy Treasure Pavilion, Alien Science and Technology Park, and even mythology magic treasure shop.

As long as there is any treasure in it that can be saved, Ye Chu will buy it even if his family is bankrupt.

"Do not cancel the state of combat readiness. Be ready to attack the moon at any time. I will come as soon as I go!"

With that, Ye Chu disappeared directly from the place, and then came to the prison of the devil.

Walking straight into the Alien Science and Technology Park, Ye Chu looked for it.

How can ordinary scientific and technological products be able to solve the big problems of a planet?

"By the way, the moon has been damaged. Is there such a possibility that it is to directly replace the moon with other planets!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up.

But, where to find a exactly the same moon?

If you can't replace it, fix it!

But this is not repairing a building, repairing a house, this is a moon.

"By the way, aren’t there many entrances to parallel worlds in the sea? Parallel worlds are paralleled by the ancestor planet Earth, so in the parallel world, there must be a moon, so why not just change it? ?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately began to look for it.

Not long after, Ye Chu found a piece of equipment from the Alien Science and Technology Park, called the Temporal Transition Device.

This migration device was originally used for long-distance interstellar migration.

But now it is used by Ye Chu to directly move to another moon.

After buying the largest one, Ye Chu hurried to the Bermuda Delta last time.

There are many parallel world entrances gathered here.

Looking down from a high altitude, Ye Chu plunged into it.

The sea is calm, and all underwater creatures are floating freely and weakly.

Ye Chu found an entrance and walked in immediately.

At the next moment, Ye Chu's eyes went dark and then brightened again, and he came to the same place in the sea.

However, compared with the stagnant water just now, the sea here immediately became choppy.

Ye Chu immediately swam to the sea.

Breaking through the water, Ye Chu flew to the sky immediately.

But at this moment, Ye Chu only felt that his body was heavy, and he couldn't fly.

Looking around, Ye Chu could only carry on in the water.

After some observation, Ye Chu found that the pressure here was so great that his wings and thought power were greatly affected.

This pressure is not external physical pressure.

You can understand it as a kind of pressure that can affect the soul.

Swim forward slowly, Ye Chu suddenly saw a fin on the sea.

Seeing this, Ye Chu's heart suddenly shook.

Due to this pressure, Ye Chu could only exert 50% of his own strength.

The fin was obviously a shark swimming over.

Looking at the size of its fins, Ye Chu estimated that the shark was at least ten meters long.

"It seems that the development of this parallel world has also entered a level of evolution!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu thought, dozens of ice thorns immediately condensed in the water.

Whoosh whoosh!

The ice thorn was hidden by the sea and shot straight at the big shark.

I saw the big shark eating pain, and then immediately turned and left.

Slowly adapting to the pressure of this world, Ye Chu slowly flew into the air.

Although it does not fly high, at least it can overlook other things on the sea.

At this moment, only a loud sound of a ship came from a distance.

Ye Chu immediately entered the sea, and then pretended to be a sea man, and began to call for help from the ship.

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