I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 453: Demonized Ye Chu


Eight iron pillars over two meters high stand on the ground.

There is a circle of aperture winding on it, and it is still shining with red light.

After 36 days of chasing to no avail, he returned to the moon landing.

At this time, Ye Chu also retreated from the invisibility state.

When he came to the iron pillars, Ye Chu looked at these things curiously.

"What is this?"

Ye Chu observed curiously, while using the system to check the attributes of these pillars.

But from this look, Ye Chu's whole body was instantly poured from the top of his head to his legs.

"Hurry up!"

Ye Chu shouted loudly.

Tianli Destruction Device: Annihilation Star

Function: Can issue the explosion damage of the J-star.

Countdown: 00:52

The Thirty-Six Tiangang battleship quickly lifted off, and then flew in the direction of Blue Star.

"All warships turn on defensive protection, and all energy is used to provide energy protection."

Ye Chu gave an order, and all the warships were immediately wrapped in the energy shield.


A loud cracking sound came from behind.

Ye Chu looked back, but saw that the entire moon had started to split huge gaps.

The composition of the moon is similar to that of a blue star.

Blue stars are composed of the crust, mantle, and core.

The moon is also composed of a lunar crust, a lunar mantle, and a lunar core.

Immediately magma began to burst, and the entire moon began to fall apart.

At this time, looking up at the moon from the blue star, you can clearly see that the moon has become a blood-red color.

When the blood moon is empty, there will be catastrophe.

In the next moment, the blood moon started to split, turned into fragments, and finally melted.


As it shattered, the moon exploded suddenly.

At the moment of the explosion, the moon's influence on the blue star began to explode instantly.

At this moment, Ye Chu immediately left the battleship, welcomed the impact of the explosion, and immediately activated the leap device.


Strong traction is emitted from the device.

At this moment, the moon in the fake westward journey world began to shake violently.


The next moment, the moon in this world disappeared instantly, and the dark side of the planet instantly entered a state of total darkness.

On the Blue Star side, the meteorite produced by the explosion flew around.

At the original position of the moon, a huge monster appeared directly.

Another moon.

Boom boom boom!

The exploded meteorite was continuously gravitationally smashed onto the moon that had leaped over.

Suddenly, the entire moon became cratered again.

And because of the loss of tidal power in an instant, the entire mankind fell into a coma.

The entire ocean was a piece of stagnant water, and all creatures slowly floated to the surface.

At this moment, Ye Chu felt a powerful force flooding his mind.

In an instant, Ye Chu's eyes turned red.

"Warning, warning, entering a state of demonization, combat effectiveness increased by 10,000%, negative emotions increased, and reason lost!"


After the prompt from the system, Ye Chu became extremely crazy.

An unprecedented powerful breath is exploding from him.

"Jie Jie ~ Orcs?"

Ye Chu's eyes were red and he let out a burst of laughter that made people sad and terrifying.

The void black gold armor on his body was instantly worn on him.

The Chaos Cudgel moved with the wrist and danced fluently.

At this time, Ye Chu seemed to have become another person.

He had lost his reason, and he didn't notice that his evil value had risen to a series of zeros, and the number was uncountable.

And the origin of these evil values ​​is that Ye Chu replaced the moon of the fake Westward Journey world, causing all the creatures in that world to enter a state of losing tidal power, and then beginning to die on a large scale.

As the number of deaths continues to soar, Ye Chu's evil value is also soaring.

The cause and effect of evil does not need to be confirmed by reincarnation.

With the accumulation of evil values, this kind of causal reincarnation can be experienced in an instant.

However, because of this, Ye Chu also gained unprecedented strength.

Is this prefecture level?

No, this is heavenly.

But the sky level could not burst out such a powerful strength.

In an instant, Ye Chu disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already seen the half-orc planet escaping in embarrassment.

"Hey, do you want to run? It's all here, so don't leave!"

Although defeated, there are still more than two hundred warships on the Orc Planet.

"Warning, warning, unknown creature found ahead!"

Suddenly, the warship of the Orcs issued a warning.

The half-orcs who had slackened, the string in their hearts jumped again.

"Who is that?"

Hu Xiao looked at the characters in the screen and asked suspiciously.

"He is the ruler of the Blue Star in the information the King of God sent us!"

Someone immediately recognized Ye Chu.

"Give me an attack!"

Hu Xiao was furious. The loss just now made him inexhaustible. Now when he encounters the target of venting, more than two hundred battleships are suddenly fully fired.

But I saw Ye Chu standing in the void, slowly approaching the warship.

Any attack on Ye Chu's body would cause no harm to Ye Chu.

The 1.0 level attack failed to leave any traces on Ye Chu's armor.

"Have you played enough? Is it my job?"

After a round of attacks, Ye Chu smiled coldly.

He swung the chaos stick in his hand, and suddenly he was good at facing the wind.

With a blow, a battleship was instantly shattered.

Sweeping left and right, dozens of battleships exploded.

At this moment, Ye Chu is like a star war god, no one is already his opponent.

Over two hundred battleships were all blown up by Ye Chu in an instant.

Looking at the last battleship, Ye Chu recognized this battleship, he was the commanding battleship of the entire Orcs invasion this time.

Seeing that all the battleships were destroyed, the commanding battleship immediately turned around and ran away.

At this moment, it has entered the range of Uranus.

And the direction he fleeed was a planet that was almost the same as the moon.

In fact, it is a planet, rather than a meteorite.

Because this planet is the legacy of a larger meteorite that fell on Uranus.

He and Uranus formed a brief state of peace due to gravity.

Just like the blue star and the moon.

Seeing this, Ye Chu did not pursue it.

But to hold the Chaos Cudgel in both hands, and then hit the planet fiercely.

The other end of the Chaos Stick in his hand kept getting longer and bigger.

"Power of Chaos!"

The next moment, Ye Chu directly used the Chaos Power on the Chaos Stick.

Suddenly, Ye Chu felt a huge force coming from the chaos.

Going down with a stick, the battleship seemed to be a flat boat in the sea. After being hit, it disappeared without a trace without any reaction.

The Chaos Cudgel was undiminished in power, and slammed on the planet fiercely.


Going down with a stick, the planet was directly torn apart by Ye Chu.

A stick, a planet fell.

This was comparable to the blow of the J-Star, and Ye Chu actually felt that he hadn't exhausted all his strength.

The power of demonization combined with the power of chaos can cause such a huge damage.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly felt that the powerful demonized power in his body began to fade away, and finally became the same state as before.

After some observations, Ye Chu found that after the people who were originally Blue Star were rescued, their justice value was offset by the evil value just now.

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