I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 477: Selection of disciples

Going straight to the cloning laboratory, Ye Chu turned on the operating computer of the cloning laboratory.

Opening the CF character clone screen, Ye Chu began to watch.

Subsequently, Ye Chu selected three or four characters including Lan and Daofeng to clone.

The cloned characters are 100% loyal, and Ye Chu intends to keep them here and open a branch.

I planned to open a branch here to earn energy points.

But then I thought, I don't have capital.

Without any energy value, it is like opening a restaurant without the capital.

Now that he has the capital, Ye Chu plans to open a branch or even several branches.

Because Ye Chu has always had a main task.

This main mission is to open a branch on another planet, or a parallel world.

Isn't the Earth Spirit Star a parallel world now?

"I don't know what you will get after this main mission is completed?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu couldn't help getting excited.

But then Ye Chu suddenly became nervous again.

The system on his body was copied from the bug in the main system.

If you have completed the main task here, will the main system complete it?

If this is the case, isn't it cheaper to own your clone?

Ye Chu suddenly thought of a magical question that he had heard before.

Now there are two buttons in front of you. Press the first button and you will get one million, but the person you hate will get two million.

Press the second button and you will lose one million, but the person you hate will lose two million.

Which one do you press?

Is there any way to overcome this dilemma?

But then, the system gave Ye Chu a reassuring answer.

That is, this system and the main system are in two different times and spaces.

Unless the two systems meet and are absorbed by the main system, the task progress will be synchronized.

Otherwise, in two different times and spaces, the bug's replication system and the task progress he has are completely out of sync with the main system.

Hearing this, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that he might enter the world of comprehension tomorrow, Ye Chu immediately called for clone Lan, Daofeng and others to apply for the identity certificate here, and then set about opening a supermarket.

Now that he has money, Ye Chu directly selected a large supermarket with a relatively general location and directly purchased it.

Later, Ye Chu set up the supermarket as a branch management, and saw that all the commodities in the supermarket began to change, and then they became commodities that the system could produce infinitely.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chu set Lan as the store manager of the branch and asked them to operate the branch here.

As for stores such as weapons depots, forget it, Huaxia does not allow such weapons stores.

Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief at all this last night.

Early the next morning, Ye Chu came to the place where the cultivation world lived.

They were invited into the manor of a large family in Kyoto.

Liu Erye was also invited, and Ye Chu followed Liu Erye into it smoothly.

This manor has been shielded by satellites, so it is impossible for outsiders to know everything here.

This manor is very big, and it seems to be built in the last century.

After entering, everyone has to undergo a very strict inspection.

One can imagine the strictness of selecting disciples in the cultivation world.

Entering it smoothly, Ye Chu followed Liu Erye all the way to the manor.

But when Ye Chu came to the big lawn, he only saw some people in suits and leather shoes elegantly holding red wine glasses and communicating, and he did not see those in the so-called cultivation world.

A tentative open mind.

Ye Chu suddenly found that there were more than a dozen people on the lawn with the same breath as the bodyguard beside Liu Erye.

Looking at them one by one, Ye Chu found that those people were actually cultivators.

"Your sister, the cultivator is not immortal, who wears ancient costumes and can fly around in the sky? How come Nima looks like a suit and leather shoes!"

In fact, that is just what it looks like in a film and television drama.

No matter when, everyone has to keep up with the changes of the times.

Otherwise, you will be abandoned by the times.

The same is true for the cultivation world.

In fact, Ye Chu didn't know that if Ye Chu went to the realm of Di Ling Xing, he would be surprised to find that that world was also full of various high-tech products.

However, their energy supply is just a small spiritual stone.

Combining cultivation civilization with science and technology civilization, this is the civilization era that people see now.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when everyone gathered, the owner of this manor came to everyone.

"Everyone, what day is today, everyone should know in their hearts!"

The owner of this manor is a middle-aged man in his fifties.

He has black hair and looks only in his thirties.

He didn't take the microphone, so he opened his mouth, but everyone at the scene could hear clearly.

From this point, we can see a little skill.

During the period, Ye Chu learned that he was called Lin Jianguo.

The name seems ordinary.

But his sons are all high-ranking officials in Kyoto.

"There have been many newcomers this year, and, after I watched it again, it seems that there are many good seedlings. It seems that our elders will be embarrassed this time!"

Lin Jianguo said, then smiled and looked at the calm and composure people around him.

These people are also quite old. Ye Chu has just observed it systematically and found that almost all of them are over a hundred years old.

But his appearance is only fifty or sixty years old.

Comprehension can prolong one's life, this is true.

"First, let me introduce, this one is the outer elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect of our cultivation world, who is mainly responsible for coming to our Earth Spirit Star every year to recruit disciples..."

"This is the Changle Sect Outer Sect Elder..."

"This is the elder of the Great Wuzong Outer Sect..."

These three old men are the recruits of the three major sects in the current cultivation world.

Di Lingxing’s cultivation world is not large. It is reported that the area inside is about the size of Huaxia Xijiang.

The three major sects stand on top of each other to protect the safety of the Earth Spirit Star.

After the introduction, other people immediately began to whisper, but all they said were judgments on the strength of the three sects.

Some people even seem to be choosing a class and don't know which one to go to.

As everyone knows, the threshold of the three sects is very high, no matter which sect, as long as you enter, it will be a great honor.

Lin Jianguo had already prepared the list of disciples this time.

Immediately, Lin Jianguo shouted.

"Li Mingshuo!"


There was a loud cry from the crowd.

A stout boy walked out slowly.

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