I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 484: Master Daoxuan

The news that the transfer student furiously beat the college tyrant spread throughout Changle Sect in an instant.

Even the people in the inner sect are all talking about it.

As soon as Ye Chu returned to the dormitory, he received a notice from the school before his **** was hot.

"Hey! There is not even a stable day!"

Sighing, Ye Chu came to the hall of the outer door.

People gathered in the hall at this moment.

There are hundreds of elders, mentors, and students.

College fights often happen, but this time the nature is different. The participants are the granddaughters of the inner door elders and are also victims.

"Chu Yang, are you convicted?"

Seeing Ye Chu came here, the Outer Sect elder immediately reprimanded Ye Chu.

He knew that if he didn't deal with Ye Chu, then Linda's grandfather would deal with him.

"Convicted? What crime is convicted? What's the crime?"

Ye Chu asked pretendingly.

"You beat up senior sisters and brothers at will, why are you guilty?"

"This is called sin? Excuse me, I just came to Guizong. I don't know Guizong's definition of sin. It turned out to be a simple fight. In addition, I have to pay attention to a statement. I am a legitimate defense!"

"You dare to quibble!"

The Outer Sect Elder shouted directly without saying anything.

"Grab him for me and hand it over to the elder of the inner door!"


At this moment, Ye Chu's mentor Nengshuang suddenly stood up.

"Elder, if you do things like this, others will poke your backbone! I have been in the Changle Sect for hundreds of years. If this matter is spread out, who will dare to come to our sect in the future, now our sect has recruited disciples every year Far from reaching the standard!"

"Frost, you know the seriousness of this matter!"

The Outer Door Elder said coldly.

The meaning is self-evident, meaning that if you don't deal with Ye Chu, the elder of the inner door will not be able to explain it!

"Elder, I think if you do this, you will explain it to the elders of the inner door, but you are not easy to explain to the lord!"

Condensation Frost said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

The elder suddenly raised his brow and asked.

"A student who transfers to the class, on the seventh floor of the Qi Refining Stage, defeats a senior who is stepping into the foundation building stage with one move, what do you think the Sect Master will think!

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

People have been worried about what Ye Chu would do if they offend the Inner Sect Elder, but they never cared about Ye Chu's own strength.

This leapfrog challenge, defeating the opponent with one move, is something Changlezong has never had in the past 100 years!

Immediately, Ye Chu felt dozens of spiritual powers scanning his body.

"Sure enough, it is on the seventh floor of the Qi Refining Period. If this is the case, then our Changle Sect will definitely be able to dominate the group in the three martial arts in a month!"

Seeing this, the other elders and mentors started talking excitedly.

In the three martial arts meetings each year, Changle School was always at the disadvantage of female disciples before and became the bottom of the three schools.

But now, if Ye Chu makes a move this year, then Changle Sect will definitely spit out evil anger in the Three Sects Huiwu.

Seeing the people around him talking, the Great Elder of the Outer Sect also suddenly hesitated.

"I think so, why not, how about we report this matter to the Sect Master?"

Condensation Frost stood up and gave the elder of the outer door a step.

Seeing this, the elder's eyes suddenly lit up, and then immediately said to Condensation.

"There is no room for delay at this moment, please go and invite the Sect Master to come!"

In this matter, the Sect Master must come before Grandpa Linda arrives.


Ning Frost smiled, and then immediately walked outside the hall.

But as soon as Condensation Frost left, there was a burst of rapid footsteps outside the door.

"It's over!"

Everyone felt a chill, and they all looked at Ye Chu worriedly.

"Which one hit my granddaughter!"

From a distance, there was an old and angry voice.

After looking at it, Linda pulled a gray-haired old man slowly towards him with a proud face.

Ye Chu followed, and when he saw this old man, his eyes suddenly brightened.


Ye Chu looked at Linda's grandfather incredulously.

"Hehe, Master Daoxuan is here!"

The elder of the outer door immediately walked over with a flattering expression.

"Ye Chu!"

I saw that the old man looked at Ye Chu with a pair of eyes straight, and ignored the outer door elder.


Daoxuan pushed open the outer door elder and walked over tremblingly.

"Ye Chu! Are you really Ye Chu?"

People all looked at the gloomy Dao Xuan in disbelief, and this was probably the first time they saw Dao Xuan who had always been steady so gloomy.

Even if the Ji Wuzong came to make trouble, Daoxuan made a single shot and fought against the three great masters of Wuzong, but he had never seen Dao Xuan such a gaffe.

Moreover, what is his name Chu Yang?

Ye Chu?

Isn't it Chu Yang?

"Old man, it's really you!"

The long-lost memory suddenly came out, and Ye Chu hugged Daoxuan and asked excitedly.

"You old immortal, so you came here to enjoy your blessings, you left me alone, you immortal!"

Seeing Ye Chu actually claim that Master Daoxuan is old and immortal, this suddenly subverted everyone's three views.

Throughout the whole school, even if the master came, he still had to give Daoxuan some face.

But now, a small seventh-level student in the Qi Refining Period actually called Dao Xuan an old immortal.

Seeing the name between them, everyone suddenly realized that Ye Chu was also Daoxuan's apprentice.


After the two of them embraced, Daoxuan sighed long.

"There is no way to be a teacher! Forget it, this is not a place to talk, you and me go!"

With that said, Daoxuan was about to take Ye Chu away.

"Sovereign is here!"

At this moment, Condensation Frost finally called the Sect Master.

Suddenly, everyone was tight and stood neatly on both sides.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

After looking at it, I saw a lady wearing a bird-embroidered dress slowly walking over.

This beautiful woman's skin is like fat. It looks like more than 30 years old, but in fact it is more than 100 years old.

This is the case for the cultivator, and this is also related to the Changlezong practice.

"Cold Frost told me that there is a Qi Refining Stage Seventh Floor. You can defeat the senior Class A members with one move. Who is it? Stand up and let me see!"

After this beautiful woman came here, she said directly.

"Dao Xuan, why are you an old guy here? I heard that the student who leapfrogged the challenge beat your most beloved granddaughter. Is there such a thing?"

"Hehe, everything is a misunderstanding!"

Daoxuan explained with a smile.

At this moment, Linda next to her was completely unable to speak.

Originally, when she came, she had prepared a lot of insults to Ye Chu, but who knew she couldn't say a word now.

She didn't expect that this so-called Chu Yang turned out to be her grandfather's land.

She also never heard that Grandpa has an apprentice.

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