I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 497: Scary clone

At the same time, this is also the root of Ye Chu's comeback.

In terms of fighting skills and tactics alone, I believe that no one is their opponent.

What Ye Chu needs now is to let them master their own abilities and skills as soon as possible.

At the same time, he integrates his previous fighting skills to maximize his alienation ability.

Taking out the map of Liuli City, Ye Chu made a simple plan.

Ye Chu divided the urban area of ​​Liuli City into four areas.

Let the Tiandi Xuanhuang four go out to clean up directly, so that they can exercise their use of alienation ability, and at the same time, Ye Chu can also use Liuli City as the basis for their start.

Next to the supermarket, he continued to open the CF arsenal, and Ye Chu copied several characters from the CF for management.

After all this was done, it was already the next day. Looking at the scene in Liuli City, Ye Chu suddenly seemed to be back when he first came to Blue Star.

"The next day, it depends on you, I hope you don't let me down!"

With a sigh, Ye Chu set the four as managers of the supermarket and the arsenal, and then slowly took out the Valkyrie token.

"It's time to repair the space-time tunnel to Zuxing!"

Three tokens floated in front of Ye Chu, and Ye Chu took out the astrolabe.

There was a huge amount of energy in the token, and Ye Chu slowly began to withdraw its energy, then began to transmit it to the astrolabe, and then repair it.

The whole process was very slow, but Ye Chu was not in a hurry.

To Zuxing, that is the way home!

Time passed by, and finally, good news came from the four of Xuanhuang, Xuan, and Huang. After the four of them completely unified Liuli City, the road to the ancestor on the astrolabe was also completely restored.

Ye Chu had already explained clearly to them about the Earth Spirit Star, and they would have to rely on them to go on the road afterwards.

Immediately, Ye Chu hit the center of the astrolabe.

The pale blue planet that was different from the other planets began to spin.

The huge energy set off a gale in the supermarket.

Immediately after that, the planet cast a ray of light, and then a circular black hole more than two meters high was formed three meters away from the astrolabe.

With a nervous mood, Ye Chu walked in slowly.

At this moment, I just listened to the sound of heavenly stem coming from outside the supermarket.

"Boss, it's not good, there is a spaceship outside with a person who looks exactly like you!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu was shocked.

But at this time, Ye Chu's foot had already collapsed.

Are you going?


At the moment of death, Ye Chu withdrew his right foot.

Close the astrolabe and the transmission channel disappears completely.

Ye Chu put away the astrolabe, and then walked out with a solemn expression.

It used to be because the system on Ye Chu was a BUG, ​​a duplicate, and it would be directly repaired when it encountered the main system.

But now it's different, Ye Chu's line has been established, and the main line has been established.

So two things that are the same can already meet.

People are no longer distinguished between primary and secondary, let alone the system?

Coming to the outside of the supermarket, Ye Chu really saw a huge spaceship docked outside the supermarket.

The four people, Xuan and Huang, looked at each other with alert.


I saw the cabin door slowly opened, and a young man in a white suit walked out slowly.

To be honest, Ye Chu didn't like wearing a white suit, but at this moment, wearing a white suit on a person who was exactly like him was indeed handsome and crying.

After "Ye Chu" came down, there was a gentle smile on his face.

This smile gives people a kind of jealousy and gentle temptation.

As if he smiled, you would agree with whatever he said.

"Not easy!"

Ye Chu shook his head, and immediately woke up from this state.

Ye Chu never thought that one day he would be fascinated by his smile.

"Tsk tusk tusk! Repeat the same mistakes, will you make a comeback?"

I saw the white-clothed Ye Chu avatar slowly walked over, and then looked at the supermarket and arsenal behind Ye Chu.

"How? How does it feel to occupy everything about me? My clone?"

Ye Chu sneered, then walked over slowly.

"I never imagined that you would duplicate a system, which really surprised me!"

Ye Chu's clone seemed a little incredible and said.

"But, can you keep up with your hard work for several years? To be honest, I now think of what you have done before, and I really feel sad for you. Maybe you should go to Bluestar to take a look. How powerful I have taken care of Blue Star!"

"A strong ass, I took refuge in the garbage of the Illuminati, I really regret giving birth to such a thing!"

Ye Chu took a bite viciously.

Just now, Ye Chu actually used the system to see that his clone had an affair with the Illuminati.

"Rude, really rude!"

Ye Chu's clone said displeasedly, but the smile on his face still remained.

"If you and I can only survive one, then who do you think should survive in this world?"

Ye Chu looked at the clone with the system, and the clone also looked at Ye Chu with the system.

The two looked at each other like this.

But a moment later, the clone shook his head sadly.

"It really disappoints me. I didn't expect that when you came to this garbage planet, you would become so garbage. Now, what are you fighting against me?"

The clone snorted coldly, then waved a big hand.

The next moment, I saw the door of the ship slowly opening behind him.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu was stunned.

The corpse king Chen Nuo, the drunkard king, the beast king Honglin...

Yan Emperor Xiao Huo, Ice Emperor Du Bingniang...

Several other guys that Ye Chu didn't know were among them.

"I have three kings and five emperors, what do you have?"

The clone said proudly.

"Just these four **** around you? Only a fifth-order evolutionary, you believe you also know how powerful the true strength of the three kings and five emperors is!"

"In addition..."

Having said this, I saw the clone's eyes condensed, and the next moment, an angel with wings suddenly flew out of him.

This angel has two pairs of wings, one is red and the other is white.

The angel held a long sword in his hand, and a milky white light that made people breathe like spring breeze spread all over his body.

But in this milky white light, there was also a trace of red blood temptation.

"This is... the mysterious guardian egg!"

Ye Chu looked at the clone in shock.

"That's right! It seems that when you copied the system, even the mysterious guardian egg copied it. I don't know what junk thing you hatched?"

The clone sneered.

At the beginning, the guardian egg swallowed a lot of blood essence energy, Ye Chu couldn't think that such an evil guardian egg could hatch a magical guardian like an angel.

"It seems that he must be involved in collusion with the Illuminati!"

Ye Chu said with certainty.

"Chen Nuo, Xiao Huo, Du Bingniang..."

Ye Chu looked at the familiar faces behind him and shouted.

But they didn't seem to know Ye Chu, looking forward with a dull expression.

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