I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 513: God-level pet is mine

Actually, the matter of the Wild Ancient Purple Demon Ape had nothing to do with Ye Chu at all.

This is exactly the blood of this black-haired monkey is the ancient purple demon ape.

However, the ancient Purple Demon Ape was only a heavenly pet in the records.

As for the god-level wild ancient purple demon ape, this is the first time I have seen it since the aura recovered.

Of course, it's not that it's the first time that the Ancient Purple Demon Ape has seen God-level.

Even other god-level spirit pets are unique in number.

"God-level! My god, Du Xinyue actually broke the contract with a god-level wild and ancient purple demon ape!"

"It's a big loss, it's a loss to grandma's house!"

"This is a shock to the past and present, our college is about to rise!"

"The system has been backed up. If the scanner scans a spiritual pet that exceeds the prefecture level, it will directly report to the Yanhuang First Cultivation Academy. I believe someone will come to confirm this soon!"


Everyone was talking loudly.

But at this moment, I saw Du Xinyue's father rushed down from the audience, and then came to Du Xinyue's side and said loudly.

"This wild and ancient purple demon ape belongs to us!"

In a word, all the teachers and students looked at Du Xinyue's father with contempt.

"What to look at, this wild and ancient purple demon ape was originally ours. We just came to participate in the evaluation. We didn't have time to give back to the teachers in the Spirit Pet Teaching Building. Now we want to get our Spirit Pet back!"

With that, Du Xinyue's father stretched out his hand and was about to grab Ye Chu.

"Dog the sun, don't even need to point your face!"

"Obviously you dislike the black monkey and don't want it, and now you regret it!"

"If he is a yellow-level spirit pet, are you poking people's backbone and laughing at them now!"


"Du Xinyue's father, please don't get excited about this matter. Our college will give you a fair and just explanation!"

The teacher walked over immediately. He was the teacher in charge of this incident, so the incident must be calmed down.

The matter of the god-level spirit pet was immediately reported to the school.

Not long after, all the teachers of the college came here.

"This is our principal, principal Fu Zhengyun!"

The teacher immediately came forward to introduce Du Xinyue's father.

"what happened?"

I saw Fu Zhengyun asked excitedly.

"That's it. This ridiculous purple demon ape was originally the spiritual pet of our classmate Du Xinyue, but Du Xinyue thought it was a yellow-level spiritual pet, so he bought another mysterious-level spiritual pet. Just now, to evaluate the fighting power of the spiritual pet, so The Dao Ling Chong Teaching Building cancelled the contractual relationship with the Wild Ancient Purple Demon Ape and left directly..."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

"I'm really sorry, this parent, our college has clear regulations. If the spirit pets who are dismissed from the contract are not taken away at the time, they will automatically be classified as the adopted spirit pets of our college, and then they will be subsidized to those poor students. Now the situation is like this, the ancient purple demon ape has nothing to do with you!"


Just kidding, how could the god-level spirit pet sent here be returned to you.

"I'm telling you, there is a receipt for purchasing spiritual pets in black and white. Don't think about corruption!"

Du Xinyue's father said viciously.

"You have the bill, we have the rules and regulations, and the system is recognized by the Yanhuang First Cultivation Academy. You can sue us, but we will not return this spiritual pet to you!"

"Good, good, good, let's wait and see!"

This is the academy, what they said, Du Xinyue's father had to be dumb to eat Huanglian.

"Does this parent recognize me?"

At this moment, the director of Ling Pet Teaching Building came over.

Seeing this, Du Xinyue's father immediately looked back.

I saw that this man was the old man just now.

"When you came with the ancient purple demon ape just now, I saw that he was dying of hunger and almost lost his breath. Looking at the situation, you almost never fed him food after the birth of your spiritual pet. You are so torturing. Spirit pet, even if the Wild Ancient Purple Demon Ape is exchanged for you, do you think he will go with you?"

With that said, the old man looked at Ye Chu.

Everyone also looked at Ye Chu.

"You can go and ask him to go back now. See if he will go back with you?"

"Xin Yue, you have bound a contract with him, you go and bring him back to me now!"

Du Xinyue's father said in an unquestionable tone.

"Ah I……"

Du Xinyue has always been disgusted with Ye Chu.

But now, when he heard that he was a god-level spiritual pet, the disgust in my heart disappeared without a trace.

Slowly walked over.

But before Du Xinyue took three steps, Ye Chu yelled to Du Xinyue viciously.

"You or him, bitch, get out of here!"

Although this is what he said, it came out of the monkey's mouth with an angry voice of resistance.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but express a pity for Du Xinyue.

"Hey! Sin deserves it, sin deserves it!"

"I still think that people are black and thin-haired monkeys, now you are stupid, regret it!"

"If the contract is not terminated, Du Xinyue's future achievements will be limitless!"

"She is self-inflicted and can't live, she judges people by her appearance, thinking that she lost Sesame, who knows she lost the watermelon!"


People are not at all sympathetic to Du Xinyue, because everyone saw Du Xinyue's performance towards Ye Chu.

Listening to the vicious voices around, Du Xinyue couldn't help it anymore and left without looking back.

"Xin Yue!"

Seeing his daughter escaped, Du Xinyue's father called out immediately.

Immediately, Du Xinyue's father turned around and said viciously to everyone.

"Let's wait and see!"

After speaking, the father and daughter left in embarrassment.

After they left, the assessor hurried over and said to the principal.

"Principal, this classmate has not yet bound a contract with the Wild Ancient Purple Demon Ape!"


Fu Zhengyun suddenly raised his head, and then looked at Luo Xiu in the corner full of information.

Walking over excitedly, Fu Zhengyun slowly squatted down and said to Luo Xiu.

"This classmate, although you are a poor student, you also applied for this spirit pet from the college. Logically speaking, this spirit pet should belong to our college. So, in order to compensate you, I will give you a prefecture-level spirit pet. good or not!"

"The principal...this is not so good!"

The Director of Spirit Pets on the side said immediately.

"Nothing about you here, go away for me!"

Seeing this, everyone understood that the academy wanted to swallow this god-level spirit pet.

Ye Chu burst out laughing when he saw this.

"Humanity, this is humanity!"

Having said this, Ye Chu jumped forward and rushed to Luo Xiu's front.

It's normal for the spirit pet to protect it.

However, the spirit pets that were not bound to the contract were so protected, and everyone was immediately happy.

Things are going to be reversed. If Ye Chu is forcibly taken away, they all know that it will not pay off.

Without spiritual favor, they immediately set their sights on Luo Xiu's body.

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