I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 715: Solve the employment problem of supernaturalists

The main reason for this phenomenon is that they have no sense of crisis.

For example, for food delivery, there are those who can teleport, or the speed type, which directly swept the entire food and express industry.

You have just placed an order here. The chef-type abilities of the merchants over there can serve food in ten seconds, and the teleportation abilities here can deliver the food to you in five seconds.

The service industry is saturated, there is no technical ability, and there will never be a suitable job.

There are people with powerful abilities everywhere, they are like ordinary laborers, standing on the street waiting for the work.

The power of the electric element generates electricity in the power plant.

There are too many things like that.


Ye Chu saw that the cover and title set for himself by the program this time were also an anchor positioning for the puzzle.

[On, where to go for ordinary ability]

After drinking saliva and moisturizing his throat, Ye Chu said.

In the first sentence, the entire live broadcast room was blown up.

"Now that the abilities are saturated, where should we go? What is the state after saturation? Explosion!"

Ye Chu said in a deep voice.

"What does the explosion mean? I believe you are aware of the current society. Have you noticed that the crime rate is soaring!"

[Yes, yes, my house was stolen yesterday, and I seriously suspect that it was done by a stealth superpower! 】

[These guys, if I find out, I will fight one by one! 】

Seeing their complaints, Ye Chu knew that such a super power as stealth had been labeled as a voyeur, a nasty person.

This turned them into mice crossing the street, where everyone shouted and beaten.

"But don't panic, everyone. Although this is a bad thing, there is a good side to it. Guess what?"

Ye Chu pretended to be mysterious.

[Anchor don’t play dumb riddles, just say it! 】

[This anchor has something to learn. I just came in and heard what he said, I think this anchor is a bit capable! 】

[Lu turns to fans, I hope the anchor can point out a way out for us ordinary abilities! 】


"Now the crime rate is soaring, and the police are overwhelmed. In other words, there is a market. What is a market? This is the market. The emergence of criminals provides the market. What do we need to do? Of course, it is to solve the market demand. The invisible person's ability should be a profession that the police and others need!"

Hearing what Ye Chu said, all the fans immediately realized.

[Yes, yes, yes, I am an eye supernatural person. Since the last few days, the police have called me several times and asked me to help find the existence of the invisible person! 】

[Let me go, there was no use for the mutated eye before. Now is the time! 】

[Who is the eye mutant, I can sign a contract here, 10,000 a month, who will come? 】

[Fucked upstairs, fifty thousand a month, who will come? 】


Suddenly, the comment area became noisy.

"Everyone, be quiet, do you really think that all thieves are made by stealth abilities?"

Ye Chu said with a smile.

"Also, I don't believe that the current crime is limited to theft incidents. Didn't the robbery incident happen?"

[The anchor is amazing, the bank's cash transporter car next door to my house was robbed, and the police did not even catch the shadow! 】

[I guess it was done by someone with abilities like Teleport! 】

[Hehe, you are an idiot, is the police also an idiot? Is the bank an idiot? Is the anti-power equipment on the money transporter so backward? 】

In cities with extremely developed abilities, the equipment for a noisy car is very developed.

Therefore, the average supernatural person has no way at all.

Ye Chu guessed that being able to steal such a car silently was definitely achieved by using a lot of things.

This requires something that a brain evolutionary needs to conceive.

These people are very smart, but unfortunately they are used for this.

"Dear soldering irons, how to solve your employment problem, after my guidance, I believe you should know how to go!"

[Anchor point out! You are showing a clear path to those with eye powers, then we! 】

[Yes, most of the people who have lost their jobs are people with powerful abilities like ours, and some other physical abilities such as ears, noses, etc., the anchor, help us! 】


The live broadcast room immediately made a sound of prayer.

Ye Chu couldn't help shook his head and said.

"I don't know if there is anyone in the live broadcast room who wants to make money and has a certain social status. If so, please stand up and I will help you point out a way to make money!"

Ye Chu said, looking at the number of viewers who had exceeded 3 million fans.

[Anchor, I am the chairman of the Li Group of Longhang City. I have been following you for a long time. I don’t know if my status can meet your standards! 】

[Wow, it's the Lee Group, this is a Fortune 500 company in the world! 】

[I heard that Li Group has hundreds of thousands of employees, and most of them have solved the employment problems of many people, and some companies are losing money! 】

[This is a conscience enterprise! 】

Seeing this, Ye Chu was relieved.

[If the anchor can solve the employment problem of these ordinary people, then my Li Group can meet all the anchor's requests in return! 】

"Oh, this is the gold master!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Chu said immediately.

"Chairman Li is polite. It is our common goal to solve the employment problems of most supernaturalists, but the most important thing is that you need your company's responsibility. Of course, I can also guarantee that you Li Group, You can make money without losing money on this!"

Immediately, Ye Chu continued.

"I hope that the Li Group can set up a security company for this. The members of this company can recruit these ordinary people to cooperate to form a team, which can be allocated based on their abilities, and then given different jobs, such as..."

"A person with nose and ear abilities can be used for search and exploration, and those with strong abilities can act as protection and attack. If conditions permit, they can cooperate with those with elemental abilities. Such a small combination can easily solve a family. The crime of being stolen by an invisible person!"

Ye Chu said this, as the chairman of the Li Group, he immediately understood Ye Chu's thoughts.

[The idea of ​​the anchor is really great, and it is nationwide. If it can be established, it will completely block the occurrence of nationwide crimes! 】

Whoosh whoosh!

After the chairman of the Li Group finished speaking, he sent hundreds of rockets in succession. At the same time, Ye Chu also received a message.

"Reminder: You received a direct transfer of 99.99 million yuan!"

"Can you transfer money during the live broadcast?"

Ye Chu seemed to have discovered the New World, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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