I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 717: Solve the problem of promotion

When Ye Chu was preparing for a deeper understanding, he found that he had no way to start.

What makes Ye Chu speechless is that the mermaid is completely blank for this kind of thing.

"Dzi, how do you reproduce offspring?"

Ye Chu raised a soul question.

"Reproduce offspring? Oh!"

The Dzi Bead was confused for a while, and after a while he woke up.

"We mermaids will go to the bottom of the sea to lay eggs every spring..."

It turns out that the mermaid also reproduces its offspring through eggs.

Moreover, the mermaid in the deep sea has a very serious fishy smell.

Ye Chu immediately gave up this idea.

But at this moment, a pleasant sound suddenly came from the distant sea.

"It's not good, I'm going back, our people are calling me!"

The Dzi Bead was shocked immediately, and then reluctantly moved into the sea.

The next day, Ye Chu opened the live broadcast early.

For the first time, Ye Chu's fans poured into the live broadcast room.

[Anchor, where have you been these few days? 】

[Anchor, your method is really very good! 】

[The Li Group has solved the employment problem of many of our superpowers! 】

[The crime rate has dropped a lot now! 】


The fans immediately reported to Ye Chu.

What made Ye Chu worthy of contemplation was that only one night had passed on his side, but a week had passed on the power city side.

This time difference made Ye Chu feel helpless.

Countless fans in the live broadcast room kept brushing gifts.

Seeing these gifts, Ye Chu suddenly felt a pity.

Because, as long as you become a fan, you can transfer money.

Then there is no need to share with the platform.

However, Ye Chu realized a problem.

If the transfer is made directly, unless it is an iron fan, it is impossible for most people to reward Ye Chu like a gift.

Direct transfer and rewarding are two different things.

Rewarding is to appreciate your anchor, and for them, transferring money has already violated their personal interests.

In addition, if you give a reward in the live broadcast room, the feeling of showing off all over the screen makes their whole person's feeling paid attention and sublimated.

I've heard before that there are 13 or 14-year-old children who brush hundreds of thousands of gifts to their favorite anchors.

There are also some ordinary young men who work. The beautiful anchor calls the soldering iron and calls to their family members. They earn three thousand a month and leave three hundred to eat. All the rest are rewarded to the anchor.

The good name is that the anchor regards himself as his family. The anchor calls me Lao Tie, my family, and my eldest brother.

Because of Ye Chu's advice to the Li Group, Ye Chu, the guiding anchor, immediately got the promotion of the Li Group.

Propagating this wave, Ye Chu's fans directly broke 5 million.

But what made Ye Chu helpless was that he had to have 10 million fans in order to upgrade to the fourth-level anchor.

"It looks like a solution!"

Ye Chu couldn't help falling into thought.

In the world of the currently open ability city, their abilities have been saturated, but there is a disadvantage that the speed of the ability improvement is too slow.

Most of them are ordinary ability players and have no development at all.

At this moment, the chairman of the Li Group entered the live broadcast room.

Since he became a member of Ye Chu's fan group, he directly got a very exaggerated special effect when he entered the live broadcast room.

"Thank Li Dong, have you noticed how special Li Dong enters the live broadcast room?"

Ye Chu asked with a slight smile.

【Yes! Why is Chairman Li's special effects so awesome? 】

[Is it a special effect for super members? 】

[I see, this is the logo of a member of the fan club! 】


"That's right! What this fan said is right!"

Ye Chu explained.

"Becoming a fan of the anchor, when entering the live broadcast room, there will be a super cool entry special effect, and Li Dong is very righteous, and he directly transferred me ninety-nine million world coins yesterday, so he became To my fans, of course I won’t take Li Dong’s money for nothing. At present, I have found a big problem!"

Ye Chu's words instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the live broadcast room.

"Have you found that there are too many ordinary abilities at present? There is no outstanding abilities at all. It is worth noting that there are only some special abilities, such as strong abilities, you are the most powerful How much strength can a strong ability person have?"

[At present, the most powerful powerful ability player in the world is a Tier 3 ability player! 】

[The upper limit of the power of the third-order ability is 3000 kilograms! 】

[There is a Tier 2 ability player in our country, and his power has reached two thousand six! 】


"So, what I want to express is that in a state where the ability person is saturated, the ability person has a big problem, then it is difficult to advance!"

When Ye Chu said this, the entire comment area was suddenly fried.

At this moment, among the millions of viewers, there was an ordinary novice fan who watched all this silently.

[Hint: Disaster the country and the people request to add you as a friend! 】

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly received a message.

"Well? Is it a beautiful woman to harm the country and the people?"

Ye Chu immediately chose to agree.

After agreeing to the request to add, [Bad the country and the people] sent a message.

"Hello, I am the president of RG Biogenes. We have been following your live broadcast for a long time!"

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Ye Chu asked politely.

"I am watching your current live broadcast. After listening to your suggestions, I seem to perceive that you seem to have a way to solve the problem that the supernatural player cannot advance!"

"I didn't expect that in my live broadcast room, there would be an expert like you!"

Ye Chu laughed suddenly, because that was his purpose.

Ye Chu originally planned to tell Li Dong directly that he could solve this problem.

Because Li Dong is already his own fan, Ye Chu plans to cooperate with him to provide medicines that will allow them to advance, and then earn Ten Thousand World Coins.

But I know that someone has found himself first.

Moreover, it is a biogene company.

It seems that this RG is a professional research company in this area.

Working with them seems to be a good choice.

"You are right, I do have a way in this regard!"

Ye Chu's words immediately made [causing the country and the people] a burst of joy.

"Anchor Shura, if you can, please choose to cooperate with us. We have a professional research team, and we will definitely be able to make contributions to all supernaturalists!"

"It's okay, but it's not convenient for me to show up here. If you can trust me, you can transfer me 200,000 yuan first, so I can mail things to you!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

[Causes the country and the people] My eyes widened in surprise.

"Anchor Shura, I need to report this to the top!"

"Okay, no problem, but I advise you as soon as possible, because the Li Group is also approaching me here. If the price is right, I will choose to cooperate with them, and they have unconditionally transferred to me before. Ninety-nine million world coins, because only by becoming my fans can I trust their abilities!"

After Ye Chu finished speaking, he smiled evilly.

Faintly, Ye Chu felt that a fortune was coming to him.

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