I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 731: Remnants of the Soul Palace

"You are... you are..."

Lingzhu looked at the black-clothed old man exuding a cold air, his feet stepped back unconsciously.

However, Lingzhu couldn't remember where he had seen this old man.

"Jiejie~Little girl, who am I?"

The old man Xie smiled lewdly, and then pushed towards Lingzhu step by step.

"I don't care who you are, dare to fight against our Mittel family, you are looking for death!"

Can't bear the persecution of the old man anymore, Lingzhu gave a soft cry, and the light blue vindictiveness instantly formed a pair of wings behind him.

Dou Qi transforms wings, and judging how solid the wings are, she is definitely the strongest among Dou Ling.

Looking at this tomb city, the strongest is nothing but Huoshan such as the Huo family, and Huoshan is just a one-star fighting spirit who has just broken through.

Lingzhu could achieve such an achievement at a young age, and he deserves to be a member of the Mittel family.

The light blue fighting energy formed a pair of wings behind the Lingzhu, and a layer of fighting energy armor emerged immediately after that.

The Lingzhu at the moment is less sexy, but more heroic.


In the wave of his hand, the light blue grudge formed countless water arrows, and then intensively shot at the gloomy old man.

However, when these water arrows were shot in front of the old man, they were blocked by a black wall of vindictiveness.

"Little girl, stop struggling, the old man is a nine-star fighting spirit, and you are not an opponent of the old man at all with a five-star fighting spirit!"

The old man smiled gloomily.

After speaking, the black vindictive wall turned into a black bone claw and grabbed the Lingzhu.

The battlefield here was already scarce, and the Lingzhu was forced to retreat again and again, and there was no way to retreat.

Seeing that the black bone claw was about to grab him, Lingzhu had to bite the bullet and used his strongest attack method.


At the next moment, the Lingzhu suddenly disappeared strangely, and when it reappeared, it actually appeared behind the old man.

But at this moment, the form of Lingzhu was completely different.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Seeing Lingzhu's hands turned into slender bone swords, a pair of purple-red eyes stared at Elder Ge.

His mouth opened slightly to reveal sharp fangs.

While waving his hands, two bone swords stab at Old Ge.

This attack method is exactly the same as that of Dzi Bead killing the mercenaries in Guidao Mountain.

Spirit orbs and dzi are twins, and the dzi can enter the fighting form, so the spirit orbs can naturally.

Feeling the sharp breath behind him, Old Ge looked back in surprise.

But the bone sword had fallen, and the sharp bone sword split the gray robe on Ge Lao's body, exposing the body inside.

What shocked everyone was that this so-called Elder Ge, his inaction from below his neck turned out to be a bone frame.

A bone frame supports a head without any organs inside.

Everyone was scared back by the strangeness of the old man.

Even Lingzhu was stunned.

How could this human being become like this.

"Jie Jie ~ Little girl film, you are still the first person who can get close to me, but since you have discovered my secret, follow me forever!"

The next moment, Old Ge suddenly shot, grabbing Lingzhu's neck with a grinning smile.

"It's really good. I didn't expect that the head of the Mittel family in the Gama Empire, she turned out to be a beautiful mermaid. It seems that coming to the mausoleum this time is really a worthwhile trip, and she can find such a best in the world. !"

Seeing Elder Ge easily subduing Lingzhu, Huo Shan looked back at Ye Chu with a sneer.

"Child Ye Chu, without the protection of the Mittel family, I think who can protect you this time!"

Huo Shan burst into anger, and the whole person rushed towards Ye Chu like a bull.

The strength of Yixing Douling was vividly demonstrated.

However, what shocked everyone was that when Huo Shan rushed to within 100 meters of Ye Chu, he knelt down directly.

The strong magnetic field gravity caused Huo Shan's knees to knelt on the ground.

Suddenly, the floor of the ground was directly smashed, and a lot of parts were sunken.

"From today, the Huo family is in the tomb and disappeared completely!"

Ye Chu walked over with a calm expression, and then slowly put his hand on Huo Shan's head.

"From today, there is no Huo family in Lingcheng!"

With that, Ye Chu gently applied force, and the "Star Absorption Dafa" was activated immediately, and all the cultivation bases of Huo Shan were completely absorbed.

Now Ye Chu's "heart-attracting Dafa" has unknowingly promoted to a very high level.

The absorption process can be completed in an instant.

Moreover, the amount of absorption is more than just Huo Shan's scream.

There is also his physical energy and physical energy.

In an instant, Huo Shan became a corpse, and the dead could no longer die.

Seeing Huo Shan's tragic situation, this seemed even more terrifying than facing the terrifying body of Old Ge.

Because, Huo Family, Huo Shan, this is a powerful pronoun in Lingcheng.

Their family seems to be a big mountain, in the minds of everyone in Lingcheng, they don't know how many years they have lived in.

But now, the mountain collapsed without any warning.

As soon as Huo Shan died, the Huo family declared that they were finished.

It seemed that he felt the strangeness behind him, and saw the old man turning around slowly.

But he did not see Huo Shan, but a mummy.

"This... how did he do it, what kind of technique is this, it can **** people into corpses!"

Old Ge looked at Ye Chu in fear.

Facing the young man who came slowly, Elder Ge panicked.

Because as a Nine Star Dou Ling, he couldn't even feel Ye Chu's cultivation level at this moment.

Looking at the Lingzhu that he had caught, Elder Ge immediately blocked it in front of him.

"Don't come over, or I will kill her!"

"The remnants of the Soul Palace, dare to appear here so openly, you are really looking for death!"

With the eyes of Shura, Ye Chu could see through the identity of this old patron at a glance.

In the past few days, Ye Chu had read all the information about the Douqi Continent.

Since the soul palace was destroyed last time, it has not appeared.

But now, I actually saw their remnants.

Hearing that it was the remnants of the Soul Palace, everyone hurriedly scattered, watching from a distance.

"The remnant of the soul hall, is it the soul hall three hundred years ago?"

"How come there are people from the Soul Palace in this world?"

"Didn't the Soul Palace be all killed by Emperor Yan?"


"who are you?"

Old Ge looked at Ye Chu incredulously.

For so many years, they have been hiding well, thinking that no one can know their identity.

Moreover, three hundred years have passed, and the world should almost forget them.

But now, his identity has been easily seen by Ye Chu, which makes Elder Ge not nervous.

"Come on, what are you doing here?"

The gravitational magnetic field came instantaneously, and Elder Ge threw himself to his knees.

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