I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 755: Realm of Nothingness


As soon as he woke up, Ye Xing'er saw Ye Chu.

This brought the relationship between Ye Chu and Ye Xing'er one step closer.


Ye Chu dotingly touched Ye Xing'er's head.

"By the way, do you know this guy?"

Ye Chu pointed to Gu Shenglei and asked.

"This guy seems to be a creature in four-dimensional space!"

Ye Xing'er tilted his head and looked at Gu Shenglei and said.

"You are... you are..."

I saw Gu Shenglei shivering, looking at Ye Xinger's expression, full of fear.

"You are... the Star Prison Blood Demon!"

"you know me?"

Ye Xing'er showed a devilish smile.

"Impossible, Star Prison Blood Demon, isn't it extinct?"

Gu Shenglei shook his head incredible and said.


Ye Xinger licked her lips greedily, and looked at Gu Shenglei's expression as if she was looking at a delicious cake.

"Dad, he looks so delicious!"

"Xinger likes it, then I will give it to you!"

Ye Chu fondly stroked Ye Xing'er's hair.

"Haha! Thank you dad!"

But when Ye Xinger was about to grab Gu Shenglei and eat it, he hesitated.

"Dad, this day the soul race is a four-dimensional creature. Their bodies are made up of pure soul power. I just woke up now, and I can't eat such supplements!"

"Then keep it for you to eat later!"

Ye Chu smiled slightly.

"No dad! I see that your soul power is still very weak. I think it's better for me to refine him and let you enjoy it?"

With that, Ye Xing'er stretched out his slender hand, and then gently shook it, Gu Shenglei let out a scream, and then directly condensed into a pure soul power.

"Dad, you can eat him, after you eat it, your soul power will rise to the next level!"

Seeing the pure and powerful soul power in front of him, Ye Chu also unceremoniously took it.

"Then father is welcome!"

With that, Ye Chu swallowed it directly.

Suddenly, the pure soul power merged into the sea of ​​knowledge, frantically expanding Ye Chu's spiritual power.


A powerful soul shock suddenly radiated from Ye Chu's body to the surroundings.

After a while, Ye Chu slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the prison of the devil, Ye Chu seemed to have the eyes of God, and the entire space was under his own supervision.

Soul, the realm of nothingness!

At this moment, after devouring Gu Shenglei's soul power, Ye Chu's soul power level directly jumped into the realm of nothingness.

This is the highest soul level Ye Chu currently knows.

In a single thought, Ye Chu's soul power turned into countless thoughts. At this moment, Ye Chu felt as if he had countless pairs of eyes and could see everything around him.

In the realm of nothingness, the soul has been separated from the body and has become an independent existence.

With the strength of Ye Chu's soul power, he can use all his skills.

"Is this the power of the void?"

Ye Chu sighed secretly.

"Dad, do you know? This is the only condition for three-dimensional creatures to enter four-dimensional space!"

At this moment, Ye Xing'er said suddenly.

"Ah! There is such a thing?"

Ye Chu suddenly thought that Gu Shenglei said just now that it is impossible for three-dimensional creatures to enter four-dimensional space.

I really didn't expect that unless the soul power reached the realm of nothingness, otherwise it would not be able to enter the four-dimensional space.

"This condition is really not generally high!"

How many people in the world can reach the realm of nothingness with their soul power!

Of course, it can also be seen how obvious the gap between the four and three dimensions is.

After solving Gu Shenglei, Ye Chu looked at Gu Fengyun who was aside.

"What should this guy do?"

Gu Fengyun's mentality has been eroded, and it is not easy to recover.

He is now equivalent to a puppet, a puppet of the Soul Palace.

If he was taken out, he would definitely continue to help the Soul Palace.

Therefore, before regaining his sanity, Ye Chu had better leave him here.

"By the way, I also caught a person from the Heavenly Soul Race. When you want to eat it later, I will give him to you!"

Ye Chu shook the Ring of Heavenly Spirit in his hand.

Inside, it contained an extremely powerful soul power.

But now Ye Chu has reached the realm of nothingness, so the soul power in it is currently not used.

After leaving the Demon God Prison, Ye Chu returned to the courtyard.

Lingzhu is busy with the care of the house. She has found someone to design the commercial street, and it is estimated that construction will start soon.

Seeing Gu Changge who was in a daze in the distance, Ye Chu slowly walked over.

"Hi, what do you think?"

Gu Changge's soul power is also very powerful.

I don't know if it is related to Gu Fengyun.

"Ah! Master, nothing!"

Gu Changge stood up immediately and said.


Ye Chu sat down casually.

At this time, Gu Changge realized that there was a little girl beside Ye Chu.

"Master, this is..."

"Hehe, my daughter, Ye Xing'er!"

Ye Chu introduced casually.

"Ah! It turned out to be the little junior sister!"

Gu Changge suddenly laughed.

"Unexpectedly, Master is already married!"

However, when Gu Changge finished speaking, the door of the yard was suddenly pushed open, and Lingzhu came in with a woman.

They just heard this sentence!

"Master... are you married?"

Ye Chu clearly saw a trace of loss in Lingzhu's eyes.

"Hehe, you misunderstood, Xing'er's body is actually not a human being. I just took her in, but she kept calling me Dad!"

Ye Chu casually explained it.

But he didn't expect that Lingzhu would turn into a smile because of this sentence.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Ye Chu looked at the woman behind Lingzhu.

"Why? I'm not welcome?"

This woman is impressively Yafei.

"No, how is it possible!"

Ye Chu smiled lightly, and then took everyone to the hall.

Everyone was seated in turn, only to see Yafei directly speak.

"To visit today, there are actually two things..."

"I do not know!"

Who knows, Ye Chu shook his head and said just after Ya Fei's words.

"Really... don't you know?"

Concubine Ya bit her red lips lightly, and said stubbornly, enduring the last trace.

"I really don't know. It's been a long time since he said goodbye last time. After he left the ancestor star, he disappeared. The universe is so big that there is no way to find it. If it is destined in the future, maybe you can see you again!"

Ye Chu said with a sigh.

Hearing this, a trace of determination flashed in Ya Fei's eyes.

He hasn't let go of that person for three hundred years.

Now, when Ye Chu talked about him again.

When Ye Chu said that it was impossible to meet again, Concubine Ya didn't know why, and she felt more free and easy in her heart.

Maybe... it's time to let go!

Obviously feeling the change in the mood of Concubine Ya, Ye Chu asked with satisfaction.

"What about the second thing?"

"We discovered that on the east side of the endless sea, there is a continent approaching here!"



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