
  Chapter 1036 Sabertooth vs. Vampire

"We have been found!" In the night, a wave of malice The attack made Logan aware in an instant. Although Laura Kinney and the others did not learn much from the Black Panther god Buster, Logan’s progress was still great, and he was also Black Panther. God Buster feels that people who can truly comprehend the law.

Other people, including Peter Parker, are worse. This may also have something to do with the difference between spiders, leopards, wolves and other animals.

"I was found? That's just right, let's go find him again!" Victor hearing this, his eyes lit up suddenly, Victor's situation is similar to Laura Kinney and the others After he was injected with Adamantium, he was already considered an enhanced version of Logan, but compared to the current Logan, he is also a big gap. This gap may require Victor to spend his entire life to catch up.

"Well, let you try it first..." Logan also wanted to do it oneself, but Logan knew that an opponent of extraordinary level, that's all, it's better to let Victor have a good time.

As for Vampire may be difficult to kill, Logan simply didn't take seriously, after all, who is not an undying body?

With the sound of "shua!", as Logan's voice fell, the two stood in the dark and waited. After a while, Victor's eyes condensed, and his eyes flashed with vigilance. He also sensed Dracula's breath, and he had been paying attention, but at this time he became highly alert.

"en? Are these two people waiting for me?" Dracula, who turned into a little bat, saw Logan and Victor standing in the night, Victor still Closing his eyes, he looked like a hunter waiting for his prey, which made Dracula's heart instantly vigilant.

However, after Dracula perceived it carefully in the air, he did not notice the smell of garlic, silverware, and cross, nor the sour smell of Jehovah believers.

Therefore, Dracula gushes out of confidence again, and then turns into an afterimage, rushes in Victor's direction, and bites Victor's neck.

"Hehe!" Victor felt Dracula's attack, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a fierce light in his eyes. His nails instantly grew longer and turned into sharp Adamantium claws. Grabbing the afterimage.

With a sound of "Pu chi!", the sharp Adamantium claws directly pierced Dracula's chest. Dracula was caught off guard and was hit directly, with an incredible look in his face.

In Dracula’s impression, human beings are not without powerhouses, but those powerhouses are filled with the breath of holy light, humans like Victor filled with the breath of wild beast, Dracula has never I haven't encountered it before, and even Dracula wonders whether this guy is human or not. Humans shouldn't have such strong blood and strength...

"That's it?" When Victor pricked After wearing Dracula's chest, his eyes flashed with disdain, and he was also very disappointed. He originally thought that Vampire should be a tricky guy. As a result, he was so unable to withstand a single blow, which made him excited in vain. It's a game.

"Bastard!" Hearing Victor's disdainful taunts at oneself, Dracula instantly became angry. Except for the Holy See, Dracula has never been wronged like this before. The angry Dracula body The shape swelled up instantly, from the original slightly thin appearance, slowly turning into a state full of muscles. The most important thing is that Dracula's body has grown hair, which seems to have been out of the scope of human beings.

Although Dracula was a Vampire before, it looks not much different from a human. Now, Dracula has become a werewolf, looking like a Mutants wild beast with a wolf face.

Yes, Dracula has the ability to become a werewolf. He is not only a pure Vampire, but also possesses dark magic. Dracula is actually a collection of dark creatures.

"Werewolf? Isn't it Vampire?" When Victor saw Dracula's new form, he couldn't help but hesitated for a while, "Couldn't, this guy is also Mutants, right? It’s also one of his abilities to transform a person into a Vampire?"

It’s no wonder that Victor would doubt at this time, because mutant abilities are too all kinds of strange things, and they have all kinds of abilities. No one can guarantee that there will be no ability similar to Dracula in front of Mutants.

With a "bang!", when Victor was distracted and wanted to be Dracula, the Dracula punch towards Victor, who turned into a werewolf, was beaten directly when he lost his mind. Flew out.

"Hiss!" However, Victor was beaten out and Dracula was uncomfortable. He hit Victor in the head, but directly broke his own fist, Adamantium iron head. It's not that it's not worthy of a name.

"This guy, really is Vampire?" Looking at Dracula who recovered from his chest injury due to his transformation, Logan was frowned on the side. This way of transformation is like Bruce Banner and Hulk. , Has become two different auras, which made Logan a little puzzled.

As for Victor’s safety, Logan didn’t mean to worry, but taunted: "What's the matter? Can you be distracted while fighting?"

"hmph ! Peace of mind has passed for too long, and there is always some price. If it is placed before, I will not hit this fist!" Victor quickly got up from the ground, and his head was also broken. , But the wound healed quickly, causing Dracula on the opposite side to focus his gaze.

"You are not humans? Are you who? Dark creatures like me?" Dracula has only seen this kind of recovery ability in Vampire's body, even more than most of Vampire's recovery ability. It was faster, but Victor didn't have any Vampire's breath, which made Dracula's heart also full of doubts.

"Dark creature?" Logan keenly found some clues from Dracula's words. Even Victor knew that this Dracula was not Mutants.

"hmph! No matter what kind of creature you are, kill you first!" However, after Victor was punched, he was angry, so he didn't bother to care about what Dracula was, and charged directly. Towards Dracula, the Adamantium steel claw in his hand reflected a bright light in the moonlight.

"Metal? What the hell are you?" Dracula saw that he had just hurt his own sharp claw, and his heart was vigilant, because he found that the world seemed to have become incomprehensible. Look like.

However, Dracula has no time to think of anything else in the face of the aggressive Victor. He quickly came back to his senses, and the sharp claw in his hand also grabbed Victor.

(End of this chapter)

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