
  Chapter 1056 Abuse of Vegetables    "gu lu!" At this time, Star Lord simply did not Thinking of the issue of compensation for oneself spaceship, when he saw that the explosion did not cause any fluctuations, he was like everyone around him, and at the same time swallowed saliva and said.

The scene before me was really shocking. It was equivalent to a nuclear bomb exploded, and then a hand suddenly appeared, pinching the fluctuation of the explosion, and calming everything back.

The explosion of the bomb and the nuclear bomb in the spaceship is difficult to say, but the impact of the two images is the same.

"As expected, Mr. Huang Wen, he is still so strong, this is stable!" Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the New Star Empire and Roman, flashed a single thought in their minds, and they were excited again. I got up, the slight dissatisfaction that Huang Wen had before incarnation didn't want to take action was also instantly disappeared.

"Is this guy still a human? Is this a god? Is my cheap father so powerful?" After the Star Lord came back to his senses, the subconsciously muttered.

"en? It seems that you and Star Lord have talked a lot about things. After Ronan the Accuser is resolved, I will let you leave with the Power Stone..." Huang Wen is deeply incarnate He glanced at Star Lord, then looked towards Nebula and War Machine said with a smile.

"You...you know us?" War Machine glanced at the incarnation of Huang Wen with some fear, cautiously tentatively.

"I am also Terrans, and I have also crossed over other parallel universes..." Huang Wen turned into shook the head and said softly, "For specific things, wait until the matter is over, let’s talk about it, and cross over with you. The Hawkeye and Black Widow who came here are in the cosmic Warship, so go over, you can't participate in this kind of battle..."

"Wait, you are Terrans too?!" For Nebula and War Machine is Terrans, and Star Lord can barely accept it, but to say that the terrifying existence of Huang Wen incarnation is also Terrans, Star Lord is really unacceptable. After all, Huang Wen incarnation just casually took action, and it was in the weak mind of Star Lord. Among them, left a deep mark.

"What is called Terrans, Mr. Huang Wen is naturally Terrans, also who is Terrans?" Roman on the side glanced at Star Lord, somewhat dissatisfied with Star Lord’s attitude towards Huang Wen’s incarnation. Is an unhappy question.

"We are all Terrans..." Star Lord subconsciously whispered, "Why are all Terrans, the gap can be so big?"

"Did you see it?" And Not only Star Lord and the others were scared by the way Huang Wen's incarnation solidifies the space, Ronan the Accuser was also scared by this move.

Ronan the Accuser, who has obtained the Power Stone, wants to create destructive power more terrifying than that bomb. It is not very difficult, but Ronan the Accuser knows that destruction is always easier than guarding.

If you want to dissolve such an explosion so easily and freely, the strength must be deep and unmeasurable, at least Ronan the Accuser oneself is absolutely impossible to do...

Therefore, Ronan the Accuser I felt the fear again, as if he once drove the universe Warship to the vicinity of Earth, and finally saw Carol Captain Marvel who showed great divine might.

At this time Ronan the Accuser wants to escape again, even Ronan the Accuser vaguely feels that Huang Wen's incarnation may be even more terrifying than Captain Marvel Carol...

"Attack! Biochemical soldiers, get rid of those small spaceships first, and be careful not to fall down and hit Planet Xandar..." And when Ronan the Accuser was stupefied, Tony Stark and the others had already taken care of it. He directly issued the order to start the Interstellar war at this time.

Soon, countless biochemical soldiers flew out of the universe Warship. These biochemical soldiers all have the ability to fly. Even if they fly into space, they will not die.

With various energy weapons, their combat capabilities are no different from small spaceships, except that they can’t sit on the pilot...




Rather than just the biochemical soldiers being dispatched, Tony Stark’s cosmic Warship also began to attack, four sect masters The naval gun released an energy impact. This is the power from the Space Stone. It can be said that it is the Peak destructive power of technology that has been seen on Earth so far. An energy beam exploded, and it was enough to be wiped out. a city!    As for the annihilation of the planet, this cosmic Warship cannot be done for the time being, not only can’t be done by Earth’s cosmic Warship, nor can Ronan the Accuser’s cosmic Warship, otherwise he would not be driving the cosmic Warship. Landed on Planet Xandar.

After all, the energy to completely annihilate a planet is too powerful. Whether it is technology or powerhouse in the universe, there are not many that can reach this step, at least it must be at the level of the heavenly father. Only when the powerhouse, or the level treasure of Power Stone burst out, can this be done.

Tony Stark and the others can develop Space Stone to develop this level of main ship gun, which is no less than Ronan the Accuser's universe Warship.

“bang! ”

The four beam strikes were blocked by an energy barrier outside of Ronan the Accuser’s cosmic Warship. However, on the 4th, Ronan the Accuser’s universe Warship trembled, and Ronan the Accuser came back to his senses from the emotion of being shocked by Huang Wen’s incarnation.

"Retreat! Retreat first!" After came back to his senses, Ronan the Accuser saw the damaged Universe Warship and also countless biochemical soldiers around, and quickly made a decision.

His Ronan the Accuser is not a face-saving person, besides, he has already escaped before, and once again, there is nothing at worst.

Of course, I still have to say something about the scene, at least, let the surrounding men have the confidence to continue to follow him.

"One Power Stone is not enough. We need more Infinity gems. When I have collected six Infinity gems, no one in the entire universe is our opponent!"

"Yes! Kree will surely regain his glory under the leadership of an adult!" Kolas, who was in charge of admiring, said quickly.

In this way, after taking a shot, Ronan the Accuser’s cosmic Warship stopped quickly, and then adjusted the rotation force system to prepare to escape from here. The speed was so fast that Tony Stark and the others did not have it. react to.

After all, no one thought that the Interstellar war had already begun. There were also people who were so embarrassed. They just wanted to run away just after the confrontation. Is this really a Universe level battle? Or is the battle at Universe level like this, saw that the situation was far from good and flee?

"Weng!", but Tony Stark didn't come back to his senses, Huang Wen's incarnation had already guarded Ronan the Accuser.

When Ronan the Accuser’s universe Warship was just about to turn around, Huang Wen’s avatar directly transformed the space around Planet Xandar into the own domain. All the rules in this domain will be said by Huang Wen’s avatar Forget it.

This can be considered Huang Wen incarnation of a newly researched small method, especially in the absence of a powerhouse. Such a method is invincible...


(End of this chapter)

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