
  Chapter 1076 The Disgusted Power Stone    With Supreme Intelligence, I gradually become familiar with the new body of own Familiar with oneself’s brand-new ideas, Supreme Intelligence’s ambitions have expanded to an unimaginable level. Because of fear of the power of Celestials, Supreme Intelligence, which was developed by Kree Empire, has been abandoned. Now Celestials is no longer considered.

In other words, this is actually the true face of Supreme Intelligence. The reason why he abandoned the development of Kree Empire before was because he did not find a way to deal with Celestials.

Even under such circumstances, Supreme Intelligence still quietly influences Ronan the Accuser, allowing Ronan the Accuser to attract firepower outside, and the entire Kree Empire looks like a harmless, testing the bottom line of Celestials... …

At this time, Supreme Intelligence thinks that it has found the power to deal with Celestials, and even surpass Celestials. Supreme Intelligence will naturally do what it originally wanted most!

Soon, a brand new team began to assemble. This time it is the most powerful battle strength of Kree Empire.

Maybe these Kree are not as good as Captain Marvel Carol, but each of them has a similar energy wristband and powerful single combat capability. Under the sub-father level, there are also powerhouses that take the sole responsibility.

Don’t think that the sub-heavenly father is very weak. In the entire universe, how many sub-heavenly fathers and even higher powerhouses are there?

It can only be said that Earth is a unique place. Before Earth’s civilization and even technological development were very backward, but Earth Superhero, or the number of powerhouses and the realm of powerhouses, are in the entire universe. Among them, they are all one of the very best.

The number of powerhouses since ancient times on Earth can be compared with the powerhouses of all other places in the universe, or even surpassed!

And just as Kree Empire is preparing to march to Earth, in Planet Xandar, or in other words, in Planet Xandar's Mirror Dimension, the battle has come to an end, and Ronan the Accuser is constantly getting stronger In front of Hulk, he is dying...

It is true that the energy behind the Power Stone is endless, but the power of Hulk, isn’t it?

Especially Hulk who has reached the Universe level, his power continuously, even in level, can surpass Ronan the Accuser.

Ronan the Accuser is under the protection of Power Stone, continuously recovering his own injuries, but the more he fights, the heavier his injuries are, and he can't even bring Hulk any more injuries later. It can be seen that Ronan the Accuser and There is already a gap between Hulk...

Moreover, as the power displayed by Hulk grows stronger, Power Stone seems to have the idea of ​​abandoning the host Ronan the Accuser.

Generally speaking, Infinity Gem only empowers, not looking for a host. Even The Gifted, the good fortune profound Captain Marvel Carroll, has not become the host of Space Stone.

It can be seen that Ronan the Accuser can become the host of Power Stone, it is very rare, after all, Power Stone is not a three-surname domestic slave...

But unfortunately, The own host Ronan the Accuser is too weak, and the Hulk on the opposite side is too fragrant!

Yes, for Power Stone, Hulk is more like a perfect host, especially the law of Hulk itself, which is the law of power, which is powerful for Power Stone. Attractive.

In addition to the battle, Hulk continues to show his own strength, even surpassing the level of energy that Power Stone can release in the current universe, which gives Power Stone the idea of ​​changing its host. ……

Maybe, after changing the host of Hulk, Power Stone can exert more powerful power in the current universe, and can even truly master the vast energy in the universe behind Power Stone. , Instead of becoming a force and energy carrier of the universe behind it in the current universe.

In the Infinity Gem, there is also consciousness. This consciousness makes some people touch the Infinity Gem and will not directly die.

It is this kind of consciousness that caused a crazy collision between Power Stone and Space Stone, and it is this kind of consciousness that made Space Stone transmit the Red Skull to Vormir Star and become Soul Stone is a puppet bound forever...

Especially Soul Stone has the most powerful consciousness. The entire rules for obtaining Soul Stone are formulated by it oneself, which catalyzes Supreme Intelligence to have a complete soul, so that Supreme Intelligence came alive completely, and it was Soul Stone’s operation. I just don’t know what Soul Stone had for...

At this time, Ronan the Accuser's body shattered again, but Power Stone However, it did not release energy to cure Ronan the Accuser, as if the energy in the Power Stone was exhausted, and it seemed that Power Stone had completely abandoned Ronan the Accuser...

Ronan the Accuser Feeling the severe pain in his whole body, as if he realized something, he glanced at the Power Stone in his palm, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "Are you going to abandon me too? Hehe, this is me. My whole life, it looks like a joke..."

"I thought I was the hope of Kree Empire, but I didn’t expect that I was just a pawn. Now I finally understand this, but I have fallen into a desperate situation. Even if I get a powerful force, I can’t change everything. Even the Power Stone of Infinity energy will abandon me..."

"To be honest, I am not I’m willing to! I’m not reconciled!"

Faced with Ronan the Accuser’s remarks, if it were put on other Avengers, or encountered by other Superhero, they would not bear it. I stopped and looked at Ronan the Accuser empathetically, feeling a little sympathy for him, waiting for Ronan the Accuser to finish speaking.

But unfortunately, Ronan the Accuser encountered Hulk.

"If I could see all of this earlier, if I could gain such power sooner..." Ronan the Accuser hadn't finished speaking yet, and a strong fist surged from his huge fist. The purple rays of light hit his head directly.

With a sound of "pu!", like a watermelon being hammered, Ronan the Accuser’s head exploded, and his entire body exploded, turning into pieces of irregular flesh and blood. , Completely lost his life.

With a sound of "weng!", the Power Stone floated out of Ronan the Accuser’s palms, drifting in the direction of Hulk, and even swaying up and down, as if to seduce Hulk. It's like showing oneself in front of Hulk.

"Hulk!" Hulk looked at Power Stone a little uncomfortable. He knew that oneself had been fighting Ronan the Accuser for so long because of the gem in front of him, so Hulk was very impatient. He slammed his fist at the Power Stone, and directly flew the Power Stone away.

Power Stone:? ? ? Am I disgusted?   (End of this chapter)

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