
  Chapter 1088 The True End of Supreme Intelligence

"I will judge you in the name of Satan, Lord of Hell, You will forever be trapped in the hell dimension, lose your self-awareness, and help me deal with things in the hell dimension..." And when Johnny Blazer completed the perfect suppression, a powerful Hell Storm swept into Supreme Intelligence , Supreme Intelligence was deprived of consciousness in this brief moment, his body was banished to the hell dimension, and the two Infinity gems were rejected by the hell dimension and stayed in Johnny Blazer’s In the realm of hell.

Reality Stone is obediently and honestly floating in the air without any movement, but Soul Stone is not so honest anymore. It wanders around, trying to escape from the realm of hell and renew Get free.

But it is a pity that Soul Stone failed. When it has an overlord, it is not Johnny Blazer's opponent, even more how is it without an overlord?    With a sound of "weng!", Johnny Blazer waved his hand, and the powerful force directly bound everything around, whether it was the material plane or the soul plane, and Soul Stone was also firmly bound. Do not move in place.

Soon, such a Soul Stone flashing with orange rays of light was held by Johnny Blazer, lost the strength to struggle, and had no intention of backlash. It seems that this is the acknowledge allegiance.

"en?" When Johnny Blazer was about to say something, he suddenly sensed something from Soul Stone, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he laughed.

"Mr. Huang Wen, you may not know that everything this Supreme Intelligence does is dominated by this Soul Stone in the dark..." Johnny Blazer's gaze looked towards Earth's direction , Said softly with a smile, "It is in the Vormir Star, and it realizes that oneself wants to lose freedom, so it fulfills Supreme Intelligence, makes it really come alive, has a soul, and then wants to gather six Infinity gems. It’s so peculiar that a Soul Stone gave birth to so many ideas..."

"Infinity Gem, it’s peculiar, there is nothing strange, don’t forget Now, the original Mjölnir all had own consciousness, even more how is it an Infinity gem like Soul Stone?" Huang Wen's very indifferent voice rang around, "All the remaining Infinity gems belong to own consciousness. , It’s just that they don’t like to show that’s all. By the way, if you do something, can you let someone wipe your ass?"

"What?" Johnny Blazer couldn’t help but hear Huang Wen’s words. For a moment, he didn't react for a while, what Huang Wen was saying.

"You know, Supreme Intelligence is a super life computer. Haven't you realized that he can leave oneself with subroutines?" Huang Wen sounded a little contemptuously. Said with a smile, "It seems that your strength has indeed improved, but your brain has not improved much. It may have a lot to do with the empty head when you turned into Ghost Rider before... …”

At the same time, in Kree Empire’s Planet Hala ball, in an unknown supercomputer, the consciousness belonging to Supreme Intelligence appeared here. This is what Supreme Intelligence left behind. Hand, even though he was born with a soul, his essence has not changed, he still has the ability to hide in the network.

It’s just that the failure of this time has caused Supreme Intelligence to fall from a state of soul to a super life computer without soul. The gap is still very large, even for Supreme Intelligence. , And also a little unable to react for a while.

Moreover, the things experienced before have caused a great impact on Supreme Intelligence. In addition, most of his body’s computing power has been integrated into that soul and body. Now that body has become The wage earners who have lost the dimension of hell are completely out of his control, just like the computer that originally belonged to him has been robbed and used by others, and Supreme Intelligence has no right to control it.

"In the universe, it is so dangerous, and the mysterious Celestials has not yet appeared, should I continue to hide it?" Supreme Intelligence's consciousness was hidden in the supercomputer and began to calculate , But no matter how he calculates, he can't make a correct choice, and he actually perceives that part of human emotions again.

This kind of emotion should disappear as Supreme Intelligence loses its soul and loses that structured body, and it appears again at this time.

Supreme Intelligence subconsciously analyzed it, and when he found that this emotion was called panic, this emotion was magnified by Infinity in his heart...

"It doesn’t matter, you It's the same whether it's hidden or not." At this moment, an incarnation of Huang Wen appeared here, he looked at the supercomputer said with a smile, "Anyway, your consciousness will be completely dissipated..."

"You know what I thought before, how could it be possible?!" Supreme Intelligence felt that the panic had begun to affect his judgment, he subconsciously looked at the Huang Wen incarnation and said "In this universe, impossible someone can invade my consciousness. I have the most powerful computing power in the entire universe..."

"So what? Your strength, It's not enough to match this kind of computing power..." Huang Wen avatar sneered and waved his hand, then Supreme Intelligence's consciousness became impossible to move, "Silly girl, the super life computer in this planet will complete you... …"

"Hehe, thank you Boss!" The silly girl appeared next to Huang Wen's avatar, and then turned into a torrent of data, poured into the supercomputer, and began to occupy the entire Kree Empire's network.

It’s not that Supreme Intelligence has never thought of resisting, but his consciousness has been completely restrained by the incarnation of Huang Wen. Let alone resisting, it is impossible to do so by issuing a command that belongs to own. I can only watch the silly girl take up everything that originally belonged to him.

"Boss, he didn't lie. His computing power is indeed from the cream of the crop in the entire universe. According to the data, in the other two empires of the Great Empire of Universe III, There is no computing power to match it, his birth is considered an accident..." I don't know how long it took, the silly girl's voice rang again, and Supreme Intelligence lost all control over Kree Empire.

"Well, the accident can be considered a good luck. With your information, Earth's technology can usher in a period of rapid development. Interstellar civilization is just around the corner..." Huang Wen incarnate nodded with a smile, said softly, "And this so-called Supreme Intelligence, there is no need for it."

(End of this chapter)

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