
  Chapter 1098 Avengers participating in the battle

"This is the difference between me and you!" Tony Stark glanced at Iron Man proudly, then looked towards Strange and Dr Strange and said, "However, you are sure, after I cast the Mirror Dimension, can you bless the own magic?"

"Wait, if you can use the power of Space Stone, why do you use Mirror Dimension magic?" The Wang on the side finally couldn't help standing up and questioning Tony Stark. "Could it be that in your universe, you too The magician of Kamar-Taj?"

"Magic and science do not conflict. You may need to understand this sentence for a lifetime..." Tony Stark glanced at the king faintly and said, "I will not I don’t need to join Kamar-Taj. I can use technology to simulate Mirror Dimension. This is my magic, which belongs to the power of technology!"

"We can inject magic into the Space Stone. I did it, yes, Time Stone, let me control it. After all, my strength is stronger than you, and you don’t have enough control over Time Stone..." Strange glanced at it and was a little shocked. The Dr Strange of, said as it should be by rights.

I have to say that Strange and Tony Stark are both proud guys, and they in another universe have the same character.

But at this moment, Dr Strange and Iron Man felt for the first time that a character like oneself is so annoying!    However, Dr Strange and Iron Man have no way to stand up and refute anything, because Tony Stark does have a stronger Combat Armor, and because Strange's strength is indeed stronger than his Dr Strange.

If the Dr Strange of this universe also reached the sub-heavenly father level, then in the Titan star, Dr Strange can only fight Thanos by himself...

Therefore, in the end Iron Man and Dr Strange compromised, but fortunately, the compromise gave another oneself, which is not a shame.

With a sound of "weng!", Space Stone released bright blue rays of light in the Space Stone Combat Armor, and the Mirror Dimension began to cover the surroundings at the next moment.

However, what Strange and Tony Stark did not expect is that Mirror Dimension covers the surroundings, but cannot cover the high-altitude battlefield, because the space-time power there is too tangled and complicated... …

First of all, the most powerful thing in the sky is Huang Wen’s blockade of Space-Time Force. Secondly, Thanos is using various methods to escape this space and time. This side of the universe.

Although these Thanos did not succeed, there is no doubt that their behavior has made the space-time power in the high altitude more chaotic.

Therefore, even if Space Stone and the two Strange teamed up, faced with such chaotic space-time forces, there was no way to incorporate the high-altitude area into the Mirror Dimension.

And if it is not included in the Mirror Dimension, it is not only that the destructive power of the battle is too strong, and I don’t know what kind of impact it will cause, but more importantly, most Avengers simply cannot participate in the battle. In the middle...

There was a "weng!", but at this time, Huang Wen waved his arm and directly forcibly expanded the power of Mirror Dimension, as if a mirrored universe would Thanos Legion swallowed in, and went in together, also Avengers of two universes.

"All the members of Thanos Legion should have arrived. At least no new Thanos has appeared for a long time..." Huang Wen stood in the mirror universe and looked at the crowds of Thanos. whispered.

"The appearance of the most powerful Thanos means that Thanos has come out in full force. At least the multiverse level of Thanos, except the guy in our universe, should not be able to achieve this. The realm is now!"

With the sound of "weng!", as Huang Wen's voice fell, the battlefield that was originally located high in the sky appeared near the Avengers base, and Tony Stark and the others respectively mastered Part of the control in the mirror universe can also allow them to better deal with Thanos Legion in this mirror universe.

Soon, the Avengers of the two universes came out, but the most eye-catching is not Tony Stark or the two Dr Strange, the most eye-catching, or the best record , But Hulk.

Where Hulk passed, whether it was the sub-heavenly father-level Thanos or the heavenly father-level Thanos, Hulk directly exploded his body, in the face of absolute power, even if it was a double-edged sword The big knife can't pose the slightest threat to Hulk.

Hulk has a proper universe level, even stronger than the power that Power Stone exerts in the current universe. A group of Thanos without Infinity Gem can't stop Hulk at all.

Even if Thanos at the Universe level appeared, it was not Hulk's opponent. Although Thanos at the Universe level was not directly killed by Hulk, he fell into a disadvantage after a few moves.

A Hulk who is far more powerful than Thanos, and whose fighting skills are not under Thanos, who can fly, is simply unstoppable!    "Very powerful strength. If I had such strength back then, I... Hulk would not be beaten like that. In that battle, Hulk didn't even have the strength to fight back..." Hulk doctor looked at Hulk, who like a hot knife through butter, said with emotion for a while.

Hulk can suppress the Universe level Thanos, but Hulk doctor can hardly deal with the weakest sub-heavenly Father Thanos. The strength of both sides has appeared as different as heaven and earth.

Fortunately, Hulk can be regarded as avenging all the Hulk who was beaten by Thanos in the parallel universe. At this time, the total number of Thanos killed by Hulk can also pile up into a mountain.

Moreover, Hulk doctor is not alone in the fight, and he cannot directly unite with Avengers, who is in a battle with the sub-heavenly father, and fight with Dr Strange, who controls the mirror universe.

Dr Strange constantly changes the surrounding environment, which has a serious impact on Thanos Legion, while Avengers hides in the environment and strikes out with one blow. Absolutely do not love war, and do not give Thanos a chance to change his life!

In the battlefield, in addition to Hulk killing the enemy the fastest, another little expert who killed Thanos turned out to be Pietro.

Pi Pietro, who has practiced in the quantum realm space, can also be regarded as stepping into the hall of the sub-heavenly father. Although calculated, Pi Pietro's battle strength is still not strong.

At least, Pietro can't fully convert speed into corresponding power. This is the limitation of Pietro's ability.

However, Pi Pietro puts on a Combat Armor. Among the arms of Combat Armor, there is an Adamantium long sword. Relying on the incomparable speed and the sharpness of Adamantium, Pi Pietro kills the Kia Heavenly Father. The speed of the tyrant is far above the others.

This point makes Logan, who is famous for Adamantium, very envious, but even if he has Battle Qi wings, his speed is far inferior to Pietro...

(End of this chapter )

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