
  Chapter 111 The Female Spy Who Turns Out of the Field (seeking collection and recommendation investment)

Mystique’s words are not surprisingly dead After all, everyone in the entire hot pot restaurant was stared wide-eyed, looking at Logan and Mystique sluggishly, even Yuriko's complexion changed a little, because theoretically, this child is also her younger brother.

"I once said that you have the genes that attract me the most, and I never thought that I would get what I wanted..." Mystique looked at Logan said with a smile, "You If you want to know the whereabouts of your son, you have to help me, otherwise, you will never want to see him!"

"It's just a guy who keeps seeds everywhere, that's all, sooner or later, you will taste it From this evil result!" For some reason, what Laser Eye once said to Logan echoed in Logan's mind, causing Logan's thoughts to drift.

Fortunately, Yuriko is just a man-made product of Logan and Sabertooth genes, but now this child is different. Doesn’t this just confirm what the laser eye said?

"Son... the laser eye guy, is it also the ability to predict the future?" Logan couldn't help muttering.

With a sound of "ceng!", Yuriko stretched out the sharp claw, looked at Mystique fiercely and said, "Where is the child?"

"en?" Mystique was seeing Yuriko The steel claw was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, "It turns out that your genes have been used by others, and also a child who inherited your ability. No, she inherited it, it seems that it is not your ability, you The claws are different..."

"Shut up! Where is the child?!" Yuriko looked at Mystique shouted angrily.

"Relax, Yuriko." Logan hurriedly stopped Yuriko, turned his head and looked towards Mystique, "How do I know that you are not lying? After all, I have never seen him..."


"I know you might not believe it, but I came with evidence!" Mystique smiled indifferently, took out a cellphone and threw it to Logan. Logan turned on the cellphone, and a video was playing inside.

That is the scene of Mystique with another blue-skinned child. It seems that the blue-skinned child has a lighter skin color than Mystique. However, Mystique and the child soon showed their own ability. .

The two began to change at the same time and became the appearance of each other. After that, three bone claws were pierced out of the child's hand, which is a little different from the bone spurs before Logan was not integrated into Adamantium. The appearance is more like this time. Logan's steel claws, but they are bony.

"Raz inherited the abilities of the two of us perfectly. He is not only as combative as you, but also superior. More importantly, he inherited the advantages of the two of us, and he can even Transform your body!" There is a hint of pride in Mystique's voice, "This kind of ability is not comparable to some people!" Naturally it is Yuriko, but unfortunately, Yuriko's expression hasn't changed because she simply didn't realize that Mystique was talking about her. At this time, she was just thinking about how to find her younger brother.

"How can you let me see him?" Logan took a deep breath and asked, staring straight at Mystique.

"I just said, let Huang Wen restore Eric, I will bring Raz to see you!" Mystique's mouth showed a trace of pride, "With his ability, I think It’s just a matter of minutes to come back, right?"

"That really disappointed you, Boss said, until he comes back, let's not disturb him at will." Logan shrugged, said with a smile, "So, you only have to wait until the Boss comes back."

"Aren't you in a hurry to see him?" Mystique's smile froze, and she narrowed her eyes to stare at Luo. Gen, I want to see what Logan really means, but Logan is an old fox who has lived for countless years. Even Charles, who can read his memory, has been fooled by him. Even more how is Mystique?

"He really can't come back?" Mystique stared into Logan's eyes, solemnly asked.

"Really can't come back." Logan shrugged, "So, you should go back and wait slowly. Anyway, that is also your child, I believe you will take good care of him!"

"You!" Mystique's eyes slightly shrink, took a deep breath, "Okay! I want to see how long he can walk around the world, Logan, don't you force me to know? Eli Nothing can happen to Ke!"

"I have lived for so many years, and I have never heard of it. In this world, whoever is missing will not turn!" Logan sneered, waved his hand and said. "Well, you'd better not stay in Chinatown, otherwise I'm afraid of causing any misunderstandings, it will be bad to fight, and you don't want to hide, I want to find you, with no difficulty......"

"hmph!" Mystique coldly snorted, turned around and left the hot pot restaurant. Logan watched her leave, and then looked away.

"Xiaoqiang, mobilize all the cameras, monitor her location, and see if you can find Raz's location!" Logan looked towards Zhong Qiang who hadn't come back to his senses after eating melons.

"Oh, good!" Zhong Qiang hurriedly nodded, transferred the watch silly girl subroutine and issued the command. Soon the surrounding cameras began to analyze Mystique's behavior pattern and finally judge Mystique's whereabouts.

But unfortunately, Mystique did not intend to find Raz, she went straight back to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. After all, Huang Wen didn’t come back, and she couldn’t stay here forever, Eric’s side. He also needs his care. As for Chinatown, just let Charles control a passerby for surveillance.

"This..." Just after Mystique left, another beautiful woman with a fair complexion and a bulging front came to the Wing Chun dojo in Chinatown, when she saw the Wing Chun dojo that was being renovated. At that time, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"What's the situation today? Why is there another big beauty here?" Decoration Captain blinked, if it is normal, he has rushed to call for in-depth understanding, but now the situation does not allow it.

"Nick Fury!" It was Natasha Romanoff, the well-known Black Widow. After receiving Nick Fury's plan for Huairou, she put down the previous Quest and hurried over, but she didn't expect. There is no one in Wing Chun dojo at this time.

"Don't worry, I didn't know Huang Wen left until you accepted Quest." Nick Fury explained with a faint smile, "But, Huang Wen is not here. Isn't it just an opportunity? You can Pretend to approach the other people in Wing Chun dojo and see if you can get some useful information..."

"Even if you can’t, it’s a good thing that you can get along with the people in Wing Chun dojo, if You have the opportunity to learn the martial arts of Huang Wen, and then bring it back to the game, then it will be a great achievement for you!"

"Okay, I see." Black Widow took a deep breath, looked towards the hot pot restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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