
  Chapter 1128 The terrifying inference    As for why Yondu appeared in the prison of the Nova Empire, it is actually It's very simple. Yondu is here to find the Star Lord. When the Star Lord took Yondu on his back to pick up the Bounty Quest of the Power Stone, Yondu has always known it, or in other words, it was Yondu's acquiescence.

Yondu’s feelings for the Star Lord are no different from father’s treatment of his son. After all, Star Lord was raised by Yondu. After so many years, Yondu is a soft-hearted person who has long regarded Star Lord as his own son. Yes, even if he didn't say that on his lips.

So, when the Star Lord went to find the Power Stone, Yondu always used the Star Lord's betrayal as an excuse, led his own Raider, and chased the Star Lord far behind, and deliberately fell behind a lot.

Until Yondu caught up with Planet Xandar and saw the battle of Planet Xandar...

Through various sources, Yondu wanted to know where the Star Lord was, but the Star Lord was there. In this war, although he couldn't be regarded as a passerby completely, it was just a soy sauce. In the end, Yondu didn't figure out where the Star Lord had gone.

Of course, the most important reason is that Star Lord left with Avengers, returned to Earth and crossed over to the parallel universe for a wave of adventure. If Star Lord stayed obediently and honestly in Planet Xandar With the spaceship compensated by Planet Xandar, Yondu will be able to know about the Star Lord.

And because of the departure of the Star Lord, everyone in the New Star Empire has forgotten the existence of the Star Lord. The spaceship of the bomb threatened Planet Xandar. Fortunately, the bomb did not explode in the end.

Subconsciously, out of worry about the Star Lord, and not thinking that Star Lord can do anything good, Yondu feels that Star Lord should have been captured by the New Star Empire and locked in In the prison, after all, the New Star Empire does not have the so-called death penalty.

So, Yondu found the location of the prison. After some setbacks, he blasted the prison through and tried to rescue the Star Lord. However, after entering the prison, he did not find a trace of the Star Lord.

At this time, Rocket Raccoon stood up decisively, saying that oneself had seen the Star Lord, knew where the Star Lord was going, and wanted to take Yondu's cosmic spaceship to leave here.

Rocket Raccoon knew that the New Star Empire already knew about the prison bombing. Without a cosmic spaceship, it is almost impossible to escape from here.

Rocket Raccoon is not the only one who made the idea of ​​spaceship in the universe, but the remaining prisoners are not so roundabout. They directly choose to take action against Yondu and the others, wanting to preempt Yondu and The universe spaceship of the others.

And the result is naturally obvious. Yondu's subordinates are well-equipped and prepared. When confronted with a group of criminals who have no weapons but only strength, they quickly solved those criminals, and in the new star When the empire was about to come, the three Rocket Raccoon were brought to the spaceship of the universe.

This is still the case that Yondu does not take action. If Yondu takes action, those criminals will only die faster, because Yondu is also a Superpower User.

Yondu has an extremely sharp whistle arrow on Yondu's body, which can control the whistle arrow through his whistle, reaching the level of Ten Steps To Kill One Person, A Thousand Miles Without Stopping.

Of course, this can only be achieved when facing ordinary people in the universe, or to bully a weaker Superhero like Rocket Raccoon, Star Lord also Drax the Destroyer, if Yondu At this time, Groot, the tree-man, took action. It's really hard to say who wins and who loses.

It is precisely for this reason that after Yondu learned that oneself was deceived by Rocket Raccoon, although his men surrounded the Rocket Raccoon three, they did not take action directly.

Yondu knows that the giant statues of flower gods like Groot are powerful. If they really fight, the surrounding men will be seriously injured. Rocket Raccoon sensed Yondu’s concerns, so he gave The own sincerity is used to dispel Yondu’s hostility.

"I'm sorry I deceived you, but I can pay you accordingly. This is a big number! I want to come, as Raider, you should need this money very much, right?" Rocket Raccoon looked around Raider around him and asked excitedly.

Yondu oneself naturally has no interest in this money. He just wants to find the location of the Star Lord and confirm the safety of the Star Lord.

But Yondu saw the shining eyes of his men, and at the same time knew that they had already spent a lot of money in the operation of saving the Star Lord this time, and their funds for the operation are already worrying. If they are not replenished in time, Even if oneself is a Boss, it will attract the dissatisfaction of the younger brothers!

In addition, Star Lord is now disappeared. If you want to continue searching for Star Lord, you also need a lot of funds...

"What money?" Thinking of this, Yondu took a deep breath , Looked into Rocket Raccoon's eyes and asked.

"Have you heard of Sovereigns?" Rocket Raccoon's mouth was slightly raised, and he looked at Yondu with some pride and asked with a smile.

"Are you saying that the race that claims to be the most perfect design, the best genetics, and the purest lineage in the universe?" Yondu's eyes flickered slightly, speaking out the characteristics of Sovereigns. But for With these characteristics, most races in the universe are snort disdainfully.

"Yes, if they are not so arrogant, how can we make a lot of money with them?" Rocket Raccoon spread his hands, also a little contemptuous said with a smile.

"I received the news that Sovereigns has lost a batch of energy batteries. Sovereigns hates others for stealing their things the most, so they secretly spent a lot of money asking someone to help them get the energy batteries back, regardless of life or death. ......"

"Hmm..." A trace of unnatural flashes in Yondu's eyes, glanced at own's subordinates, and then took a deep look at Rocket Raccoon, as if he wanted to see Rocket Raccoon directly through. generally.

It's not because of anything else, it's mainly the energy battery of Sovereigns in Rocket Raccoon's mouth. It was not stolen by others, it was the work of Yondu and Raider.

Of course, the theft may not be very accurate. Yondu and the others encountered an unmanned Sovereigns spaceship, which was regarded as garbage lost in the universe, so they immediately blocked the spaceship. Signal, put the spaceship away, disassemble all the contents and sell them, and only those energy batteries have not yet found a good buyer to take action...... This is indeed a reason for not taking action.

As for why we need to block signals as soon as they see space junk, it is mainly because there are many cases of phishing and extortion in the universe in this way. As an experienced old Raider, they immediately block signals, and also Said in the past.

At this time, Yondu wants to know why Rocket Raccoon said this. Is it because he already knows the whereabouts of the energy battery and is waiting for him here on purpose? With this analysis, Rocket Raccoon is too terrifying...

(End of this chapter)

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