
  Chapter 1141 Isolate Heaven and Earth    "Damn it! I want to see, you can stop How many attacks!" After this batch of energy tentacles were smashed by Avengers, the voice of Eagle's rage echoed in the entire planet, and then, the entire Eagle star instantly changed its appearance.

When Tony Stark and the others first came to this Eagle Star, they once admired the environment of Eagle Star, because it is indeed like a hidden land of peace and prosperity, which makes people surrounded by this. Can't help but feel happy.

However, at this time, the Ego star showed its true colors. The so-called hidden land of peace and prosperity is nothing but Ego’s means that's all. Ego wants to change the environment of the Ego star. , It’s just a matter of thinking, even if the Eagle star is transformed into a high-tech planet, it’s not impossible.

At this time, the ground of Ego Star was completely split, and countless beams of energy that opened up to the sky gushing out from the ground, forcing all Avengers to separate.

In the end, those bright pillars of light condensed in the sky, forming a boundless barrier, covering all Avengers in it.

Actually, the barrier of boundless is also limited. When looking towards Star Eagle from the universe, it can be clearly seen that a bright white barrier envelops Star Eagle, forming A Small World completely isolated from the outside world.

And Avengers, at this time, is trapped in this Small World. Here, all the laws will be suppressed by the star of Ego, that is to say, this place is completely owned by Ego. Heaven and Earth, this is the true power of Ego!

"Come on! You run another one to show me?" As Eagle star completely changed its appearance, Eagle's confidence rose again, and a proud voice was in Avengers' ears. The side reverberated, and then in the skylight beam, one after another tentacles stretched out, and they began to attack every Avengers.

And this time, these energy tentacles are not so easy to solve, because Avengers is surprised to find that most of their law abilities are no longer available.

The Avengers who came here, in addition to Logan and Tony Stark these two special cases, other including Zeus and the others, are the powerhouse of the sub-heavenly father and even the heavenly father, they are the most What he is good at is to use own Law Power to display own energy.

But now, Avengers is surprised to find that the Law Power in their body has been suppressed to the limit. These powers can act on their own, but they cannot be released...

Pi Pietro was the first to be affected. When he saw the energy tentacles, he subconsciously used the own Law Power and began to affect the surroundings, but he soon discovered that the own Law Power could not be displayed, and he seemed to reappear. It has become Pietro that has not entered the quantum realm space and has not had a breakthrough.

At this time, Pietro can only evade the surrounding energy tentacles in embarrassment, and simply cannot affect these energy tentacles, let alone have the opportunity to rescue others.

Ego hasn’t figured out what the laws of Pietro masters are, but this does not prevent Ego from possessing the means to restrain Pietro. This is the level difference between the two sides.

"Some trouble! Everyone, be careful, try to get close!" Huang Liang's complexion at this time also darkened, and he took a deep breath and reminded his surrounding companions.

When the law of Buddha could not be released, Huang Liang concentrated all the power of the law of Buddha in his own body, achieving an effect similar to Indestructible Vajra Divine Art, even due to the law of Buddha The realm of Huang Liang is higher, so that Huang Liang has defensive power that is difficult to break through the sub-heavenly father.

But such defensive power cannot be resisted for long under Yigo’s energy tentacle offensive. After all, Yigo’s strength has surpassed the Heavenly Father level. Even if the power is dispersed, it is not Huang Liang. and the others can resist.

"Hulk! Logan! The three of us rescued companions, gather them together!" Tony Stark looked around Occupy, and directed at Logan and Hulk.

Among Tony Stark and the others, only Tony Stark and Hulk also Logan were not affected by Igor Heaven and Earth Domain. Others include Wanda, Captain Marvel Carroll, Zeus and Black Panther god Buster are planted on this move.

Tony Stark is wearing the Space Stone Combat Armor. Space Stone is one of the Infinity Gem and also a foreign object. It is not Tony Stark’s own power. To suppress the Infinity Gem, Igo needs It takes a lot of energy to be able to do this.

Therefore, Tony Stark's battle strength was not affected at all, he cut off several pillars of light in succession, moved towards the Avengers beside oneself and flew away.

The situation of Logan and Hulk is different from Tony Stark's. Logan has not yet reached the sub-heavenly father level and has not really understood the so-called law. His battle strength is entirely dependent on oneself. Special ability came out hard.

The surrounding energy tentacles are more threatening to others, but they can't hurt Logan's Adamantium transformation.

Even though the golden light above Logan's body had long been shattered by the energy tentacles, this did not prevent Logan from poking the pillar of light next to the sky with the sharpness of Adamantium steel claws.

Under Logan's unremitting efforts, one by one beam of light to the sky was cut in the middle, and the surrounding energy tentacle offensive instantly stagnated.

As for the Hulk side, it is even simpler. When the danger comes, Hulk has already controlled Bruce Banner's body and directly released his own power.

The same is the power of the Universe level. Hulk's Law Power surges in the own body, and simply does not need to be released. Moreover, it is not so easy for Yigo to do it to suppress the powerhouse of the same level.

This caused Hulk to smash the surrounding pillars of light one after another.

It is precisely because Hulk's bravery surpasses Eagle's imagination, that makes Eagle's attention focus on Hulk's body, no longer caring about Avengers.

At this time, Yi Ge didn't quite understand what kind of monster Hulk is, why it looked gentle and gentle before, without any sense of power, but now suddenly became so terrifying.

Moreover, Yigo also wants to figure out what race Hulk is, such a powerful race makes Yigo's heart moved. If it weren't for Hulk is obviously a male, Yigo might have been unable to bear it. I'm going to try it out.

However, Hulk didn't know what Igor was thinking. If Hulk knew, Hulk might be able to explode with unprecedented power and directly explode Star Igor on the spot.

It is worth mentioning that, under the blessing of Eagle’s own divine force, the strength of Eagle is far beyond imagination, and Hulk did not cause much damage on Eagle. .

(End of this chapter)

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