
  Chapter 1153 Dissolving Black Holes    Among the Ego Star, countless trees, mountains and rivers are breaking away from Ego Star The gravitational force of moving towards the sky flies away, and Yigo himself relies on divine force to stabilize the entire Yigo star, but those mountains, rivers, flowers and trees are not so easy to shelter, because they are compared to As far as black holes are concerned, they are a bit too fragile.

Moreover, Yigo simply doesn't care about these existences in oneself, even if the entire Yigo star becomes bald, Yigo can restore the ecology of the Yigo star in a single thought!

As for the underground of Eagle Star, there is no abnormality under the influence of the black hole. After all, Logan has already turned on the golden light protection at this time, even if there is no golden light protection, it is full strength The moved towards dig deep underground.

Which is the best mining technology, Avengers Wolverine!

The speed of Logan's digging is not unpleasant, especially when Hulk has already made a lot of achievements, Logan is rapidly approaching the underground core of Egor.

"en?" However, at this time, Logan suddenly stopped, his browse tightly frowns, and then slowly closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something.

Yes, Logan’s wild beast perception suddenly reacted at this time, or in other words, Logan sensed the breath of the Star Lord!

"So weak, I feel like I'm dying, no! I have to speed up!" Soon, Logan felt the breath of Star Lord clearly, and the movements in his hands accelerated again, desperately moved towards dig deep underground.

At the same time, in the universe, beside a black hole that could have swallowed all light and energy, there is a planet suspended next to it, and rays of light are flashing on this planet, whether it is rays The of light is still the planet itself, neither has the meaning of being swallowed by this black hole.

Even when the black hole and the planet stalemate to their limit, the planet suddenly released the Immeasurable Light, which is a divine light full of power and law, which comes from Iraq. Ge's outbreak!    With the eruption of this divine force, endless rays of light poured into the black hole. At first glance, it seems that Ego Star cannot withstand the power from the black hole and has been swallowed by the black hole.

But in fact, it is quite the opposite. When Eagle's divine force poured into the black hole, the structure in the black hole has undergone a huge transformation, or in other words, the structure of the black hole is constantly collapsing.

Although this black hole was created by Wanda and Tony Stark using the power of two Infinity gems, it is essentially a natural celestial body in the universe, and it does not have the power of laws. There are only the most essential rules in the universe, the rules about black holes.

And at this time, facing the impact of Eagle’s powerful divine force, the rules in this black hole collapsed, just as Vibranium looks invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, but as long as the force is Enough, it can also destroy the molecular structure in Vibranium, so that Vibranium is completely destroyed.

At this time, the black hole is facing such a problem. Under the impact of Ego's divine force, the rules within the black hole have gradually collapsed, and have begun to collapse again, and the collapse of this time, indeed Under Igo's control.

Since the black hole is too close to oneself, Igor did not perform any dangerous operations, and directly caused the black hole to collapse completely, turning into nothingness, and disappearing into the universe, so as not to be Tony again. Stark they use.

After solving the crisis of the black hole, the divine force on the Ego star has dimmed a lot. It can be seen that Ego will pay a lot of money to solve the black hole, otherwise Ego will not have to draw a fish. It comes from the divine force in the Star Lord.

"They are impossible to use the power of Infinity Gem at no cost, especially the brat in armor. They are in that cosmic Warship at this time. Snatch the Gem!" At this time, Yi Ge looked towards the direction of the Warship of the universe, and he began to calculate in his heart.

Avengers’ cosmic Warship is already far away from Ego, and it has even left the Star Domain where Ego is located, but Ego’s mark has already been imprinted in the cosmic Warship. So he can clearly perceive the location of the Warship in the universe.

In Ego’s view, it took him so much effort to solve the black hole. Tony Stark, who used Infinity Gem to create a black hole, was impossible without a price, especially the strength of Tony Stark and Wanda. Inferior to him, this level was achieved with the help of external forces.

Therefore, even though Ego's divine force is dim at this time, he doesn't mean to panic at all. He is even ready to chase after victory, because Ego now also trump card is enough to make oneself return to Peak battle strength.

After all, the Star Lord at this time has not yet completely died. Both his soul and body can be turned into Yi Ge's power source!

"The energy fluctuations of the black hole in the universe have disappeared!" And when the black hole was solved by Ego, the voice of a silly girl sounded in the Avengers universe Warship, and she has been monitoring her surroundings. Avengers was immediately notified of the energy fluctuations.

"It seems that Igo really solved the black hole, but I don't know how much power he expended..." Tony Stark's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered.

"Can Hulk play?!" Hulk looked at Tony Stark excitedly when he heard Tony Stark's words.

"Indeed, you can go to the battle. Don't be beaten out in succession like before..." Tony Stark said solemnly and nodded, "My Space Stone Combat Armor, I can't bear too many battles. The ability of Mirror Dimension can't help much in such battles. The same is true for Wanda. Reality Stone's power, she can't use the Universe level... "

"So, if you lose, we have to find your Master incarnation to solve this Igo. In this case, we really can't hold on to the face. After all, we are full of confidence. It's full."

"Hulk will win!" A light flashed in Hulk's eyes, and he looked at Tony Stark and said confidently, "Hulk already knows how to deal with this guy!"


"oh?" Tony Stark raised his brows in surprise, and then said with a smile, "Well, since you are so confident, I won't hit you anymore, let's go, let's go..."

"Alert! Star Eagle is coming! Be prepared for defense!" Just before Tony Stark's words were finished, the silly girl's warning sounded, making Avengers' complexion abruptly changed .

"It came so fast? Didn't this Igo cost much power?" A hint of surprise flashed in Tony Stark's eyes, and he quickly recovered, "Silly girl, drive away in the spaceship, start Defense system, let's go out to meet the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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