
  Chapter 1164 Paranoia and Persistence

"Your strength may become stronger, which may be a good thing, but Unfortunately, there is no basis for you to become stronger. You belong to a kind of mutation and need to be cleaned up!" The Celestial creature watched Hulk rushing towards the own body indifferently, the thin fist strikes in the own body.

Yes, for Celestial creatures with several hundred meters high, Hulk's fist can only be considered thin, even though Hulk has used the power of the law to make the own fist bigger.

This is the difference in Life Level, which cannot be said to be an absolute difference, but it also makes the same realm powerhouse completely different.

With a sound of "bang!", Hulk's fist hit the Celestial creature's body, but what flew out was indeed Hulk's own body. As for the Celestial creature, it did not receive any power, nor did it receive any Injury.

It's as if Hulk's own power sent oneself away.

However, this is the fact that Hulk was indeed knocked out by the own power. When Hulk flew out, he could clearly feel this.

After all, this is Hulk's own power, he shouldn't be too familiar with it!

Causal transfer, it seems that Hulk hit the Celestial creature, but it was Hulk hit oneself!   This is the power of this Celestial creature!

It is also the person who will be beaten out of Hulk in the first battle!    "Yes, it is just to judge you!" After the Celestial creature flew Hulk out with the power of Hulk, it looked towards the direction of the Warship of the universe and followed Tony Stark's words directly.

"At the beginning, we Celestials were also in this universe. Our eyes were limited to this universe and we were conducting our research. However, there was an accident in the entire almighty universe..."

"We have left this universe, traveled through multiverse, and used our own power to lead various civilizations to bloom prosperous flowers. These blooming flowers are the hope of the entire almighty universe!"


"And those of you, the trajectory is hidden by humans, and the mutations that come out of the changes are heterogeneous. They can't even be regarded as mutations. It would be more accurate to describe them as lesions. You really should be cleaned up. You need these variables!"

"It's a radical statement, an arrogant statement..." Avengers' eyes slightly shrink. When they heard Celestial creatures, their hearts couldn't help but feel a little bit cold, and at the same time they felt a little bit cold. funny.

According to the logic of Celestial creatures, only powerhouses that have grown up under the guidance of Celestials are the hope of the almighty universe, and the existence of their rising powers outside of Celestials can only be regarded as heretics. This is Isn't it a bit too arrogant and conceited?

What Avengers didn't know was that Celestials also acted in accordance with this code of conduct before leaving the universe.

Celestials do not know how many races have been created in the universe, including the civilization in Earth, which is also related to Celestials.

However, when Celestials observes that these civilizations are out of the control of oneself, or in other words, when there is no predetermined direction of moving towards oneself, Celestials will be destroyed, completely destroying these civilizations created by them .

As far as Celestials is concerned, there is no burden, because these civilizations were created by them and destroyed by them. Isn't it a matter of reason?    This is also the reason why Supreme Intelligence becomes cautiously after detecting this information, hiding the ambitions of the entire Kree Empire.

Supreme Intelligence, a super life computer, can clearly know that the so-called Celestials are actually indistinguishable from machinery, and life does not have any special meaning to them.

Because all the so-called lives and civilizations are not the same race of Celestials, they don't care about these lives and civilizations. How long does it take for them to destroy and reshape?

That is, Celestials is not strong enough, and has not reached a higher level, otherwise Celestials will probably not restart the civilization in each Star Domain, but will directly restart the entire universe.

And now, after seeing the mutation of the universe and the line of cause and effect blocked by mysterious power, this Celestial creature really has the idea of ​​restarting the entire universe!    "Yes! That's right, kill them! Kill them for me!" After hearing the words of the Celestial creatures, Igo shouted in excitement, his eyes flashing with fanaticism, half a star The planet is constantly trembling.

"Ego, you are a Celestial, you should pay attention to your own demeanor..." Celestial creature hearing this voice with a hint of coldness, watching Ego speak.

"I understand, I'm just too excited..." Eagle star trembled again, even if he was about to defeat the proud Igor before, at this time, in front of Celestial creatures, it seemed a little bit Humble.

Although Celestials are all of the same family, it is clear that within Celestials, there are also divided into high and low.

Ego, a Celestial who stays in the current universe and has not left, is still far behind the Celestial creature that crosses over from the parallel universe!

"I will not kill them, I said, they need to wait for the analysts and judges to decide..." However, the Celestial creatures at this time did not intend to continue their hands, but instead He looked at Igo and said seriously.

"Even if I think they should be killed, the universe should be adjusted, and it should be judged after the judge, I don’t have the right to judge directly!"

No Needless to say, although Celestial creatures have extreme thoughts, they still have some persistence. Of course, such persistence makes both Ego and Avengers particularly unhappy.

"Then you can contact them!" Tony Stark sneered and looked at the Celestial creature without fear. Give you this power?"

"Earth civilization was created by us. If we were not for us, you would not have the wisdom to speak of..." Celestial creatures looked around Avengers and looked towards Zeus. To Black Panther God Buster said, "This, these two Earth Spiritual Gods, should be very clear."

"Heh, heh..." Black Panther God Buster and Zeus chuckled unnaturally, then gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, we just said that the origin of Earth is tangled and complicated, and it is not just caused by the power of Celestials. We found a lot of intricacies. So in sum, you can’t judge Earth directly, nor can you judge Terrans..."

"You said this before, but we don’t approve of it..." Celestial creature shook the head , Said softly, "However, I won't argue with you, because they are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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