
  Chapter 1170 Suppression of Celestials

The rest of Huang Wen’s incarnation is not finished, but the meaning is already Obviously, first of all, Hulk's plan to conceive and analyze Power Stone failed. Hulk didn't have that brain for a short time, even though Hulk's law is also the law of power.

The second thing is Johnny Blazer, Huang Wen incarnate thinking that Johnny Blazer can solve some Celestials no matter what Johnny Blazer said, but Johnny Blazer didn’t solve any Celestials and fell directly into a disadvantage. .

This made Huang Wen's incarnation have to come out oneself and deal with these Celestials personally.

To be honest, Huang Wen avatar doesn’t value these Celestials very much, not only because Huang Wen’s avatar has seen through the origins of these Celestials, but more importantly, the strength of these Celestials does not reach Huang Wen’s avatar. The level of vigilance.

In theory, Celestials exist in all parallel universes, and Celestials in the current universe may be the first to awaken. They are connected with oneself in parallel universe and do not know how to achieve it. The agreement unifies the sense of ownership in all parallel universes.

Therefore, Celestials can faintly surpass the Universe level and truly become the so-called Universe Celestials.

However, the multiverse level is not so easy to achieve, especially for a race such as Celestials, which is not small in number, and it is obviously impossible to reach the multiverse level.

Therefore, among Celestials, only a few existences touched the multiverse level. Among the Celestials that appeared here at this time, there was one that touched the multiverse level, that is, the trial of Johnny Bray. Ze’s judge.

Huang Wen's incarnation at first thought that only this judge could pose some threats to Johnny Blazer, and the rest of Celestials were soy saucers, but in the end Johnny Blazer disappointed Huang Wen's incarnation...

"Are you the biggest source of variation in this universe?" The judge heard Huang Wen's incarnation, took a deep look at Huang Wen's incarnation, and then asked, "You turned this universe into this What is the purpose?"

"I made this universe like this?" Huang Wen's incarnation raised his brows, and said with a smile, "The plan that Igo had prepared will be It has caused such a big impact, regardless of your Celestials, I have made this universe stronger, and your Celestials will take care of it? You can try, does your trial have any effect on me..."

" I pronounced that you will not be able to use the own rule..." The judge was silent for a moment, and the Law Power on his body was constantly surging, slowly and firmly speaking of the own trial.

"pu!", but at the next moment, the armor on the judge's body shattered directly, even the armor on his face. This was the first time Avengers saw Celestials outside of Igo. true colors.

It was a face that looked upright, but the expression on that face was a little bit of surprise.

Yes, the judge tried the incarnation of Huang Wen, but he was backlashed, because he tried not only the incarnation of Huang Wen, but the ultimate goal of his Law Power spread to the deity of Huang Wen.

After all, Huang Wen’s avatar cannot use Law Power, and Huang Wen’s avatar itself is Huang Wen condensed by law, he is the law itself...

And the final result is When I got up, it was like a weak person provoked powerhouse, and then was beaten back.

Yes, even if the judge touches the multiverse level, it does not mean that he has really reached this level. His trial law touches the deity of Huang Wen, and he will naturally collapse directly. If it is really successful , That's funny.

After all, even the Lord who fought with the incarnation of Huang Wen before did not directly judge the deity of Huang Wen, even more how is he a judge?

However, the judge's trial this time was not without any gains. At least, he already knew the details of Huang Wen's incarnation at this time.

Yes, when the judge's trial rules touched on Huang Wen's deity, the judge knew that the guy in front of him was just an incarnation that's all. Behind Huang Wen's incarnation, there is a multiverse power. !   However, after knowing the result, the judge not only did not retreat, but even confirmed that oneself wanted to stay.

"You are an incarnation of a multiverse powerhouse, what is your purpose in changing this universe?! An ordinary universe should not be able to attract your attention!" The judge took a deep breath, His armor had a faint tendency to heal, but it quickly stopped. The power of the backlash was not so easy to eliminate.

"What I do, I don't need to report to you..." Huang Wen's incarnation looked at Celestials and waved his hand. He suddenly felt that Celestials and S.H.I. Guardian, the order of the world/cosmos, feels that oneself can manage everything.

The most important thing is that these two forces have the same double standard.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Oneself can act in the dark anyway.

Celestials can have any impact on the universe.

But others can't. Once there is any abnormality, they are all objects that should be eliminated!

Thinking of this, Huang Wen incarnate shook the head and looked at the Celestials said with a smile: "Before, you judged me, but now, it should be my turn to judge you. ......"

"Celestials, to indulge Yi Ge in destroying the universe, and to shelter the criminals, it is the same crime, now you are sentenced, and the ability to seal......"

The voice of Huang Wen's incarnation fell. , A force of rules directly descended on Celestials. With the advent of this force, the body of Celestials members began to shrink, until they became the size of an ordinary person.

Moreover, the armor on their bodies also began to fall off, revealing their true colors.

Celestials seem to be not much different from most of the races in the universe. Perhaps when the power is sealed, they become ordinary persons in the universe.

Even, if the power of the incarnation of Huang Wen hadn't been blessed by the people of Celestials, they would probably be killed on the spot because of the vacuum environment around them...

"You...you What have you done?! You are a variable, someone will judge you!" The Celestial creature that first came and yelled in the direction of Huang Wen's avatar with a face of horror, but his voice did not pass through.

Fortunately, the incarnation of Huang Wen can clearly know what he is talking about.

Huang Wen incarnate shook the head with a smile, and whispered: "Judgment? Who will judge me? Your companion? Even Living Tribunal didn't judge me as a variable or heresy. You trifling Celestials, what is there? Qualified to say something like this?"

"What?!" Celestials members hearing this froze in place, as if shocked by the words of Huang Wen's incarnation, or, in other words, by the title of Living Tribunal I was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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