
  Chapter 1182 The Ocean of Divine Force

"Am I adding difficulty to oneself? "Star Lord looked at Hulk who was rejuvenated, and couldn't help laughing, and then looked towards the huge Ego star behind Hulk, with cold glow flashing in his eyes, and made up his mind, "old bastard, you give I'm waiting, I will understand the power that originally belonged to you, and then kill you with this power!"

"Star Lord, right? I call you that way..." When Star Lord confirmed his own idea in his heart, a voice completely different from Hulk rang out. This was Bruce Banner's voice. He smiled and looked at Star Lord inside Hulk's body. Star Lord looked uncomfortable.

"Are you Dr. Banner?" Star Lord thought of the complicated relationship between Hulk and Bruce Banner, hesitatingly looked at Hulk in front of him and asked.

"Yes, it's me..." Bruce Banner, who looked like Hulk, quietly looked at all around, just like what Hulk did before, as if to test whether the incarnation of Huang Wen pays attention to them again.

"Dr. Banner, even if Mr. Huang Wen did not pay attention to you, he still knows all about your behavior. Therefore, you should not think about cheating..." Star Lord looked at Hulk, who was full of violent brows and rat eyes, said helplessly.

"Cough cough can't be regarded as cheating. Are we comrades-in-arms? It's normal to understand the laws of Power Stone together?" Hulk-like Bruce Banner organized the language a little embarrassingly, or said It's making up the reason why Huang Wen's incarnation can not care about these little things.

"Um, I think you...you may have misunderstood..." Star Lord lightly sighed, looking at the Hulk-like Bruce Banner, spreading his hands and saying, "I am here, at most I can let you know that this place is also a human being. As for the Power Stone, that is not the purpose of Mr. Huang Wen letting me come..."

"My purpose is that old bastard, Mr. Huang Wen let me I learned his divine force, killed him with his divine force, and avenged my mother!"

"en? Master also let us use other methods of law to destroy him..." Hulk A trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, Bruce Banner and Hulk looked at Star Lord with dumbfounded faces and said.

"Yes, Mr. Huang Wen said, we all rely on our ability, whoever can kill this old bastard first..." The Star Lord did not say everything, because he also wanted Put a little pressure on oneself, and kill oneself mother’s enemies, and oneself must kill it!    "Hurry up, Hulk, first call the Law Power in your body. We will slowly compare the difference with the rules in the Power Stone!" The words of the Star Lord were really useful. Both Bruce Banner and Hulk thought that they could not kill Igor. People would be left in this universe forever, so the two people became more anxious, and even ignored the Star Lord, took out the Power Stone and started researching.

I have to say that only when there is pressure, there is motivation. Hulk, who was lying flat and fished in this small universe, and Bruce Banner, who was meditating on consciousness, both struggled. This made it possible to observe this universe all the time. Huang Wen incarnates satisfied nodded.

Since Star Lord has done such a good job, Huang Wen’s avatar doesn’t recommend any help. Under the thoughts move of Huang Wen’s avatar, Star Yige directly opened a channel. He had just set foot on Iraq. The Star Lord of Ge Xing directly followed the passage to the core place of Ego Star, and here is the place where Ego's divine force is the richest.

"How much you can comprehend depends on your own ability. If you lose the divine force in the end, you can only say that you are not suitable for having the divine force when you are awakened, no matter which universe you are. You..." Huang Wen's avatar chuckled and retracted his own gaze.

And Hulk, who was sitting on the other side of Star Eagle, wiped his forehead, as if he was wiping sweat.

"Look, that means I am stopping you, otherwise you will definitely shoot that kid out. When the time comes is seen by the Master, then don't think about leaving here!" Bruce Banner communicated with Hulk in consciousness, and said in an unkind tone.

"Master is over, Hulk was almost caught..." Hulk muttered subconsciously, but his voice was cut off by Bruce Banner.

"If you want to be beaten, don't bother me, Master may not be gone!" Bruce Banner reminded angrily.

"Cough cough, Hulk didn't say anything, Hulk is studying the law of power!" Hulk hurriedly shook the head, looking at the Power Stone in his hand seriously and said.

"It's so familiar..." At the core of Star Eagle, Star Lord looked at the bright white rays of light around him, suddenly realized something, and his complexion became ugly. Oh! When I almost died, even if I got here by this old bastard, I remembered, this old bastard, I will charge a little interest first!"





When the voice of the Star Lord fell, he directly hit the surrounding bright white materials with his hands and feet. These materials , Both are the concrete comprehend of Star God's power, and then Star Lord shook the owner's hands and feet painfully.

There is no way. Although the realm of Star Lord is very high, but he has not learned how to use own power, and the divine force of the same sect is surrounded by the same sect, even if his divine force bursts out , It can't cause much damage.

So, after Star Lord vented it, oneself was injured, which made the heart of Star Lord even more angry.

However, Star Lord also knows that being angry is of no use. The most important thing now is to grasp the divine force in oneself as soon as possible, and kill the old bastard of Igo before Hulk. Then successfully joined Avengers and guard the entire universe!

Yes, after seeing so many things and even seeing the own experience in another universe, Star Lord has a new goal in his heart. He doesn't want to be a so-called bounty hunter or Raider. In the eyes of Star Lord, those are too pediatrics.

Star Lord now wants to become a real Superhero, a Superhero with own power and enough to deal with all kinds of crises!    And now, Star Lord moved towards this goal and took the 1st Step. In his palm, a bright white rays of light was released. That was Star Lord's initial use of its own divine force.

Very rough, but at least Star Lord can operate divine force handily, but I don’t know how to use the formidable power of divine force to that’s all.

In this regard, compared to the hammer god Thor, who only wields a hammer and does not know how to use the power of thunder, is stronger than before awakening...

"weng!" With the appearance of the divine force in the palm of the Star Lord, the bright white radiance around it instantly became more shining. The rich rays of light wrapped the Star Lord inside. The Star Lord seemed to be wandering in the warm ocean. Seems a bit intoxicated...

(End of this chapter)

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