
  Chapter 1195 Mutants Universe

"Return?" Huang Liang raised his eyebrows when he looked at the golden body Arhat A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes. Don't say that Huang Liang is not a person in this world. Even if Huang Liang is a person in this world, with his personality, he would be impossible to agree to such a thing.

Even if Huang Liang didn't touch clearly what Buddhism's attitude towards oneself is, it actually happened before Buddhism ordered the pursuit of own.

Furthermore, Huang Liang has the idea of ​​oneself for special training at this time. According to the own idea, step by step, you can continue to make progress. Why do you have to submit to the so-called Buddhism?   Furthermore, who can guarantee that everyone in Buddhism has the same idea as the golden body Arhat?   Huang Liang is unwilling to entrust his own safety to the thoughts of others.

"If you Buddhism want to deal with me, you can just draw it out. If you want me to submit, defeat me first..." Thinking of this, Huang Liang sneered and looked at the golden body Arhat He opened his mouth and said, "For the sake of you being not malicious to me before, I will not kill you, you can go!"

At this time, Huang Liang, after defeating the golden body Arhat, not only opened With the new level of Indestructible Vajra Divine Art, it also understands many Profound Truths that are not understood in the original law of Buddha. Huang Liang wants to digest the income of own and let the law of own Buddha go further.

If the law of the Buddha can be continuously improved, Huang Liang's own realm can also gradually improve, until the breakthrough sub-heavenly father level, becoming the heavenly father-level powerhouse, and even the universe level powerhouse!    "Buddhism will continue to send people to find the donor. The donor can do it for himself. The little monk first reminds you that although the little monk is not the weakest among the Arhats, there are still a few more powerful Arhats than the little monks. Mainly be careful..." Hearing what Huang Liang said, the golden body Arhat was silent for a while, then said with a light sigh.

"The donor has a kind heart and the power of my Buddhism. One day, you will want to understand all this and become a member of my Buddhism."

Golden Arhat His voice fell, and a faint golden light flashed in his body, supporting his body, slowly flying into the sky, and disappeared under the shining of the sun.

When the golden body Arhat appeared before, it can be described as a huge momentum, but unfortunately, after the battle with Huang Liang, the golden body Arhat eventually lost to Huang Liang for various reasons, and it seemed that he was leaving. A little embarrassed.

"Hehe, even if your Buddhism is strong, in the end it is just a stepping stone to my progress that's all..." Huang Liang looked at the direction where the golden body Arhat was leaving, and a trace of confident rays flashed in his eyes of light, muttering in my heart.

Soon, Huang Liang’s figure also disappeared in place. He didn’t know where to go, and he didn’t pay attention to the old monks who didn’t run away. The own breath was blocked, and oneself went into retreat.

With Huang Liang’s retreat, Buddhism didn’t seem to want to take action for a short time. Just let Huang Liang develop. Only in the Western Heaven of Buddhism, the Buddha’s eyes looked towards. In Huang Liang's direction, a trace of helplessness and dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

It seems that for Huang Liang's current pace of progress, some look down on me.

In another dimensional space, Luo Gen and Qin Ge Lei extend into this dimensional space, which is different from other special training people. Luo Gen and Qin Ge Lei appear in the same dimension. In the space, and in this dimensional space, there are no Avengers, only Mutants.

"Is this us in another world?" Qin Ge Lei and Logan hovered in the air, looking at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters below, they couldn't help but mutter.

After coming to this dimensional space, Qin Gerei and Logan immediately discovered this familiar place, and then they discovered that this world is different from the universe they are in.

Before, Logan and he had crossed over into the parallel universe, but Logan found that there were no Mutants in the parallel universe.

At that time, Logan was wondering whether Mutants belonged to another parallel universe.

And now, when the special training begins, Logan sees the familiar aura in the past. Although his experience seems right but actually isn't, Logan can be sure that this is one place The Mutants thing.

"But, can a Mutants world really help us grow up?" Logan couldn't help but ask with some suspicion after seeing Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters below.

Logan now knows very well that oneself is different from own in the past. Although Mutants are powerful, Logan knows the powerhouse among Mutants.

If it is the original Logan, among Mutants, he can only rely on his own undying body to create a reputation, and true strength is actually not too strong.

But now Logan is completely different. Logan has been able to compete with the powerhouse of the sub-heavenly father and even the heavenly father, and he has completely gotten rid of his own shortcomings. Logan does not think Who among the Mutants is still an own opponent.

Even Charles and Magneto are the same.

Although Charles has a strong mind control ability, with Logan’s current strength, whether Charles wants to explore Logan’s memory or control Logan’s body, it is already impossible. Things are up.

After all, Logan’s current wild beast perception is enough to sense the power of the mind. Although he cannot probe the minds of others, he has enough defensive power for the power of the outside mind.

This is not counting the state of Logan turning on Adamantium transformation.

If Logan turns on the Adamantium state, Charles doesn’t even have to think about measuring his spiritual power closer to Logan’s body, because Logan’s golden light protects Charles’ heart spiritually. The amount of power is shattered.

And Magneto is actually the same. After Logan's continuous improvement, the Adamantium in his body has undergone tremendous changes. Even if the Adamantium state is not turned on, Logan has absolute control over his own skeleton. .

Magneto can control normal metals, and it can also control Adamantium, but it is not so easy to control Adamantium in Logan.

In addition to Logan, Qin Ge Lei’s strength needless to say. The standard sub-heaven father powerhouse is more powerful than Qin Ge Lei who originally possessed Phoenix Force but could not use it normally. much stronger.

Even if it is compared to the outbreak, the current Qin Ge Lei will not be weaker than the oneself who originally broke out the Phoenix Force.

After all, what Qin Ge Lei once broke out is not the complete Phoenix Force, that is, from the sub-heavenly father to the heavenly father.

Based on Qin Gerei's current understanding of Phoenix Force, she can even use her own ability to simulate such an outbreak, so as to achieve her previous battle strength......

( End of this chapter)

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