
  Chapter 1212 The Suffering Strange

The strength of Logan at this time is in all parallel In the universe, it should be considered the forefront, but it is not yet the strongest Wolverine.

Even Wolverine, who is blessed by Odin in Ulu battle clothes, is not as good as Logan, who integrates Apocalypse abilities, but the elderly Wolverine with Phoenix Force is definitely better than the current one. Logan is even stronger.

Therefore, in the view of Celestials members, he at least wants to train Logan to this level.

Fortunately, this Wolverine in the Phoenix Force state does not have all the Phoenix Force, but only a small part of the Phoenix Force that can be used freely, otherwise it is really embarrassing his Celestials...

In this way, driven by the members of Celestials, the actors of Logan and Qin Gray’s next training are ready, and in another dimension space, Strange’s encounter, It's not so easy.

After entering this universe, Strange was greatly weakened. First, Strange’s Eye of Agamotto disappeared, and the Time Stone inside was also disappeared.

Secondly, Strange is unable to perceive the Demon God in all dimensions, let alone borrowing the power of Demon God in all dimensions to perform various secret techniques.

The only means Strange could use was the magic shield and magic whip that he had just learned magic.

Fortunately, where is Strange's spiritual realm, even the most initial magic can release powerful formidable power in Strange's hands!

However, no matter how fierce Strange is, it can't stand too many enemies. This dimensional space is simply not a place for people to stay! After    Strange became the Sorcerer Supreme, he also used the power of Time Stone to practice his own mental energy, and he also traveled some small universes with mental energy, and he had seen many dimensions of Demon God.

It is precisely because of this that the special training space Strange encountered is a completely unfamiliar environment.

There is no complicated plot here, only Eighteen Levels of Hell. In each layer of hell, there are a large number of demons. This is how many parallel universes Celestials traveled through and copied the demons. Enough to make Johnny Blazer cry.

If there are so many demons in the hell dimension, Johnny Blazer can not only be advanced by leaps and bounds, but more importantly, he probably doesn’t need to stay in the hell dimension. Looking at the hell dimension, but you can go back to Earth and have a good holiday...

But unfortunately, Johnny Blazer’s hell dimension is not so powerful, even Johnny Blazer’s hell The Lord wanted to leave the hell dimension and couldn't do it.

Without mentioning Johnny Blazer, it is very pitiful to say that Strange is back. This Eighteen Levels of Hell, one level is stronger than one, Strange met only in the Second Layer The strength is no less than that of Magneto and Charles.

Especially since there are too many such existences, Strange is a bit exhausted.

"No, I obediently and honestly practiced with the power of Time Stone, isn't he fragrant? Why do I have to get me in this place for special training!" Strange blasted with a magic whip After facing the devil's body in front of him, he breathed heavily and said helplessly.

"Just leave me here, why did you take away the Time Stone? Eye of Agamotto didn't leave it, so I left a cloak for a fart!"

With a sound of "pa!" Strange's voice just fell, and his head was hit by the floating cloak behind him.

Obviously, the floating cloak is irritating.

You Strange, the scumbag, originally when the mental energy was weak, I needed my floating cloak to take you everywhere and take you to avoid all kinds of crises. Now your mental energy is strong. , Can fly oneself, and dislike my floating cloak?

Even if I used my floating cloak as an ornament, now I don’t look down on it directly, hehe, man!

"It's not that I look down on you..." Strange seemed to hear the meaning of the floating cloak. He helplessly sighed, pointing to another fire-breathing demon in front of him and said, "Here's Devil, you can’t deal with it, when the time comes you are damaged, don’t you want me to use magic to restore you?"

"pa!" Strange's voice fell. , Another sound echoed, this time it was not the levitating cloak taking action, but Strange's magic whip once again destroyed the flame demon.

But soon, one after another demons moved towards Strange rushed over. Most of the demons have sturdy bodies and don’t have Attribute Power. These demons can’t fight Strange. Qi caused substantial damage, but it also made Strange not so easy to kill.

As for the demons with Attribute Power, Strange must be eliminated immediately, because the take action of these demons can pose a certain threat to Strange.

You must know that Strange is a magician. Even if he practiced the nine changes of Legendary in the own way, it does not mean that his body really is so powerful.

After all, the Legendary Nine Transformations also have their limits. In the First Layer hell, most demons could not hurt Strange, but when it comes to the Second Layer, the power of every demonic has already surpassed With the limit of Legendary's nine changes, how can Strange's body be able to resist?    "Quickly, hold on for a while, hold on for a while, I will be able to pass this Second Layer hell, when the time comes, these dead demons can be transformed into pure mental energy to help me recover And promotion!" Strange fell into a double-team, gritted his teeth and said solemnly.

"It would be great if there was a Time Stone. I only need an anchor point. I can fight unscrupulously and promote oneself unscrupulously, instead of fighting cautiously like I am now..."

"Hehe, I really give you Time Stone, can't you really regard this as an amusement park?" The Celestials member who was watching Strange silently heard Strange's words and couldn't help but Sneered, and said uncomfortably.

"Never mind the other special training people, but Mr. Huang Wen specially ordered you to take away your Time Stone and make your special training content a little more difficult! This Can you blame us!"

"However, this can only be blamed on you yourself, who made you want to escape at first? Besides, Sorcerer Supreme lineage, I always think you are Strange The best heir, and even think that you Strange will become the strongest Sorcerer Supreme. You always have to show your potential?"

"It's a pity, among so many parallel universes." However, there is not a Strange who can detach yourself, especially your path, so suitable for detaching from the current universe, you really should have a special training!"

(End of this chapter) )

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