
  Chapter 140 What about my big spaceship? (Who you are? Who you are? You dare to blow up my house?!" Tony Stark’s angry voice echoed in the air. He had just admitted that oneself is Iron Man’s business. When everyone turned and left in the admiration of the eyes, and felt extremely comfortable, he suddenly received Jarvis' alarm, saying that oneself's home was blown up.

When Tony Stark left the villa today, he faintly made a decision in his heart, so he quietly transported the Mark 3 and the robotic arm to Stark Industries, thinking that if oneself finally admits everything, maybe Wearing the Mark III debut, proving the identity of oneself Iron Man, there is a wave of pomp.

If it weren't for this, now Tony Stark's house has been bombed, and he doesn't even have a means to resist, and he can't even rush back from Stark Industries in time to find the murderer.

"Wait? What is this? A technology that has never been seen before? How could someone have developed such a powerful spaceship?" Tony Stark looked at in midair's spaceship, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Sir, according to the scan, this should be an alien spaceship..." Jarvis' voice sounded in the Mark III, "His level of technology has greatly surpassed all technologies in the world. , Including Mark Three."

"Huh? You are not in the house?" Mandalin's somewhat surprised voice sounded from the spaceship. After he recovered from his injuries, he asked his men to investigate Huang Wen and Tony Stark's information, but due to the lag of the information, he hadn't waited for the news of Tony Stark to hold a new round of press conferences before he came to Tony Stark's home.

After all, in Mandalin’s view, oneself always has to choose someone to vent their anger, and the whereabouts of the ruthless character Huang Wen has not been found for the time being. Naturally, he has to come to Tony Stark, the soft persimmon in his eyes. NS.

I have to say that the Mandalin state of mind at this time is somewhat similar to that of Magneto in the underground base, but it is this state of mind that makes them lose their ability to make rational judgments.

"Alien spaceship?" Tony Stark's eyes suddenly lit up. What immediately thought was not whether oneself could beat this alien spaceship, but how could oneself be able to control this alien spaceship. Spaceship got it.

With a sound of "weng!", just as Tony Stark's eyes lighted up, Mandalin flew out of the spaceship.

"Is another one that can fly?" Tony Stark muttered subconsciously as he watched Mandalin flying in midair, but soon Tony Stark's eyes were caught by Mandalin's hideous pair. The arm was attracted. "However, you are not the same as him. You guy, is it an alien? What should I call you? Lizard hand starman?"

"Hehe, you are somewhat capable , I was able to create such a Combat Armor, yes, no wonder I can escape from my men..." Mandalin looked at Tony Stark's hideous said with a smile, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be killed. It looks like this, but because of a blessing in disguise, I lost my arms, but I have even more powerful power!"

"I can’t find where that kid is. Killing you is as simple as squeezing an ant!"

"Are you the one who partnered with Obadiah to kidnap me?" Tony Stark's gaze condensed, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he gave his palms a hit The artillery blasted directly at Mandalin.

With a sound of "bang!", Mandalin waved lightly, as if a barrier appeared on his body, with no difficulty blocking the palm cannon.

"Shit! Everyone who can fly is so difficult..." Tony Stark couldn't help but cursed after seeing that the own attack had no effect.

"Bang!" Before Tony Stark's words fell, he flew out with Mark 3 and fell heavily to the ground.

"Combat Armor is 42% damaged!" Tony Stark appeared in front of Jarvis' danger warning.

"What was that just now? Why didn't I see anything?" Tony Stark's eyes flashed a dazed, frowned asked.

"According to the data, it should be a kind of supernatural ability, theoretically similar to magical power, or the so-called qi similar to martial arts." Jarvis quickly replied, "Similar abilities are already Record it, and after encountering similar abilities, it will automatically evade..."

With a sound of "shua!" Jarvis tone barely fell, Tony Stark felt that Mark 3 flew in another direction instantly. And where he landed just now, a big hole appeared again.

"Oh? Interesting, this thing is stronger and more interesting than I thought!" Mandalin said in surprise when oneself hadn't killed Tony Stark twice.

"Yes, your old bastard is stronger than I thought! Unfortunately, you are not as interesting as him..." Huang Wen's voice sounded behind Mandalin, making Mandalin The hair on his back stood up instantly.

"System, release Quest: Kill Mandalin!" This time, Huang Wen decisively released the Quest that killed Mandalin, because there are only three things, Huang Wen no longer wants to see This is old bastard.

Moreover, the most critical point of also is that Huang Wen has taken Mandalin’s extraterrestrial spaceship into the ring, directly cutting off Mandalin’s back path.

Speaking of wanting to include this alien spaceship in Mandalin, it really took Huang Wen a little bit of effort. Huang Wen injected the energy of a silly girl and opened the Indestructible Vajra. Divine Art, this allowed Na Jili to reluctantly install this alien spaceship.

Of course, another important reason is that Tony Stark attracted the attention of Mandalin, and Mandalin did not find that Huang Wen had stolen his alien spaceship.

"Quest is being spawned: Kill Mandalin, Reward Legendary character lottery once, do you accept it?"

"Sure enough! Accept!" Huang Wen smiled and opened. Accepted Quest happily.

"It's you! How dare you run to me?" Mandalin turned around, gave Huang Wen a jealous look, and then smiled grimly, but he was smiling, Man Darling's complexion suddenly stiffened, "No, what about my spaceship? Why am I missing a big spaceship?"

"You dare to take the initiative to attack, right? After all, it was you two before. I was beaten up and fled this time!" Huang Wen grinned, "As for the spaceship you mentioned, it belongs to me now!"

"Asshole! I killed you." I want you to know, the formidable power of my dragon arm!" Mandalin instantly became furious. Since he met Huang Wen, there has been nothing good. For the first time, Huang Wen broke two arms and lost one. After the ring, he escaped by chance.

The second time, he destroyed the remaining nine rings because of Huang Wen, and even both his arms were completely broken. Fortunately, he activated the spaceship and escaped to Venus, where he escaped.

This is the third time. He changed into a more powerful dragon arm, but even the final escape, the alien spaceship was lost by Huang Wen. How did this make Mandalin not angry?

(End of this chapter)

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