
  Chapter 163 Enhanced Laser Eye    Here Wing Chun dojo decided not to mix with the Mutants Uprising Something happened. In Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters on the other side, Laser Eye had returned here, and Charles took Laser Eye and Orolo into the secret room underground.

"Professor, do we really want to do this?" Aurolo obviously couldn't understand what Charles meant. Why must be on the side of humans, "Why don't we work directly with Jin to establish the Mutants Autonomous State together?" "

"That's not the piano anymore. Scott should know this very well." Charles shook the head firmly, said slowly, "The piano at this time is controlled by another oneself. Her power is uncontrollable, it will burst out at any time, and even destroy this world......"

"We can't let this happen, so we want to do our best to stop her, and it’s more important The thing is, if we really cooperate and bring the two powers of Mutants together, then humans will no longer keep their hands. Only when we fight and sacrifice each other can we prevent humans from treating us as enemies. Unfortunately, my original plan has already been implemented..."

Charles's final tone was a little helpless. Originally, Charles had already passed the influence of unnoticeable influence, allowing the President of the United States to slowly accept Mutants. The group, even he was ready to enter politics through wild beast Hank, but the plan was not as good as the change, everything came too suddenly.

"Regardless of whether she is a piano or not, in my heart, she is always a piano." Laser shook the head with a firm expression, looking at Charles' eyes and said, "Moreover, the strength of the piano, Originally stronger than us, now the piano is deeper and unmeasurable. We are impossible to be her opponent..."

"So, we have to use some other means..." Charles lightly sighed , Controlled the wheelchair and brought Laser Eye and Orolo to a laboratory, where the blood samples of most Mutants in this world were collected, and the most were Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and Brotherhood of Mutants. Blood sample.

Yes, this secret laboratory was built by Charles and Magneto. Even in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, few people know its existence. It is even stronger than brain waves. The secret room of the machine is more concealed.

"Professor? This is it?" Laser stared at this strange laboratory, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He did not expect that Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters also existed in such a place.

"This is the laboratory that Eric and I built a long time ago. I originally wanted to study how we appeared, but by a coincidence, we got Logan A special gene..." Charles said, pointing to a test tube on the side.

There was red liquid flowing in the test tube, like blood, but there were differences. Moreover, Laser Eye and Auroro were vaguely aware of the temptation from the red body fluid.

"What the hell is this?" Lasereye seemed to hear a voice in oneself's heart asking him to drink the liquid in front of him, Lasereye forced his doubts and asked.

"Rogan's special gene, also countless of our compatriots' genes, finally fused into this liquid, we called it Banshee." Charles's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "According to our Presumably, this Banshee can improve mutant ability, or turn ordinary person into Mutants......"

"Magneto? That senator time?" Aurolo’s eyes slightly shrink, she suddenly thought of something , Asked tentatively.

"Yes, there was more than one bottle of Banshee at the beginning. Eric and I didn’t need this extra power, so my bottle stayed here, and Eric’s One bottle failed..." Charles nodded calmly and said softly, "Drinking it may strengthen your original abilities, and may give you new abilities, you two..."

" Let me come!" Laser Eye took a deep breath and stood up decisively. After all, he is the Captain of X-Men. Since he chooses to come back, he needs to take care of some things.

"Okay." Charles nodded, watching the laser eye walk over, drank Banshee medicament, and after the Banshee medicament was swallowed by the laser eye, the laser eye's whole body instantly reddened and swelled When I got up, my body slowly turned into a strong and somewhat exaggerated muscle state, and a groan was emitted from the mouth of the laser eye from time to time.

"Professor, will he be okay?" Aurolo asked with a worried look at Laser Eye.

"If it is an ordinary person, also may not be able to withstand genetic mutations, but Scott has experienced ability awakening originally, this genetic mutation will simply not cause much harm to him." Charles shook the head calmly and said softly.

"What we need to care about most now is how strong Scott will become, what abilities he will gain, and whether he can fight with Qin, bring Qin back, and end the Mutants uprising at this time... …"

Hearing the Mutants uprising that ended this time, Aurolo was silent. Even now, she still disagrees with Charles's point of view. She doesn't even understand why there is already one to watch. On the path of hope, Charles was unwilling to go and insisted on sticking to his own opinions.

"Ah!" When Aurolo was silent, Laser Eye let out a scream, and then the glasses that were originally made for Laser Eye that could control his sight burst suddenly exploded.

"Not good!" Aurolo exclaimed. She was worried that next moment, the entire experimental site would be destroyed by laser eyes.

However, everything did not happen as Aurolo expected. At this time, the laser eye was opening his eyes, but there was no shock wave in his eyes!

"Scott? Is this?" Aurolo looked at Laser Eye in disbelief, and asked hesitantly. She didn't know if Laser Eye had been strengthened and could be controlled. After the shock wave, the laser eye still lost this ability.

"Don't worry, I can control it." Laser Eye's eyes slowly brightened, as if the whole person's Essence, Qi, and Spirit had been greatly improved. His body now Full of sturdy muscles, it seems to be telling the great power contained in his body, and his eyes are extremely bright, as if to show that his shock wave has been strengthened.

More importantly, the body of the laser eye slowly floated up. After swallowing the Banshee medicament, the laser eye actually gained the ability to fly.

With the controllable sight shock wave, powerful body strength and flying, the laser eye can be renamed Superman at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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