
  Chapter 213 Jack vs. Green Goblin

Here Huang Liang and Peter Parker are reviewing in front of Huang Wen own error. On the other hand, Norman Osborn has been sent to Jack in the 21st branch. Jack looked at Norman Osborn’s criminal experience and his face was cold. After all, he is one of the three swallowtail heroes. If it weren’t for Norman Osborn to act at night, he would also Will take action against him.

However, Jack probably doesn’t know. If he meets Norman Osborn alone, I’m afraid it’s not necessarily his opponent, but if they get on together, then there’s definitely no problem. .

"Get off his helmet first, let me see what this guy who wants to commit an explosion in New York City looks like!" Jack looked at Norman Osborn in front of him and said solemnly.

"Yes! Director!" On the side, Jack's men quickly complied and hurried forward, wanting to take off Norman Osborn's helmet.

At this time, Norman Osborn was injured, but he was struggling constantly, even trying to break Zhongqiang to tie up his spider web.

With a "pa!", it was not that the spider web broke, but that Norman Osborn was severely beaten by a police officer. He also reprimanded: "Be honest, don't watch Look, what is this place!"

Norman Osborn's body trembled, lifts the head looked towards the police officer, his eyes were like an ominous beast who had chosen someone to eat. The police officer stepped back subconsciously, and then some fly into a rage out of humiliation looked at Norman Osborn, and slapped Norman Osborn on the head again.


"What are you looking at? Be honest, or you will feel better!" The police officer gritted his teeth and looked at Norman Osborn with some discomfort. At the same time, take action to pick up Norman Osborn's helmet.

For Norman Osborn, the two slaps of the police officer are simply not painful, but what makes Norman Osborn upset is that oneself was hit by a police officer a trifling. You know, he is dignified Osborn. The chairman of the industry, the successful injection of Super Soldier Serum, in his eyes, an ordinary police officer is no different from an ant on the ground!

However, Norman Osborn’s identity was soon revealed. Although Norman Osborn’s helmet was a bit difficult to take off, it couldn’t resist the actions of so many police officers. In the end, When Norman Osborn's face appeared in front of a group of police officers, the police officer who recognized him subconsciously stepped back.

"Norman Osborn?" Jack raised his eyebrows, and then he thought of something. He looked at Norman Osborn said solemnly, "putting it that way, have you stopped developing the Super Soldier Serum? Or say , You applied it to own, and you succeeded?"

"en? You, a branch director, know so many things?" Norman Osborn's gaze condensed, and then he sneered." Now that you know my identity, you should know that you can’t do anything to me. As long as my news goes out, my lawyer will come to protect me soon, even more how, I didn’t actually kill me. One person..."

"You didn't kill anyone? You killed those people in Hammer Industries, right?" A mockery appeared at the corner of Jack's mouth, said with a smile, "Furthermore, why are you? I know, your news must be passed on? Our police department did not catch the famous chairman of Osborn Industries, we just caught a high-tech murderer, who happened to look a bit like the chairman of Osborn Industries that's all ......"

"You!" Norman Osborn's eyes slightly shrink and subconsciously looked towards the surrounding police officers, but they all looked at them mockingly after Jack finished speaking. He, as if he really didn't take the identity of Norman Osborn in his eyes.

"Are you really going to fight our Osborn industry?" Norman Osborn gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "You should know how powerful our Osborn industry is..."

"I said, what I caught is just a murderer who looks a bit like the chairman of Osborn Industries, let alone..." Jack stood up and said with a smile, "You really think I am Are you afraid of an Osborn industry?"

"pa! pa! pa!" At this moment, the angry Norman Osborn slammed into force, and was suddenly surprised to find that the web that bound the own spider spider broke out. Come on, it turns out that the spider web has reached time and started to dissipate.

"haha! Can you really hide my news? Since you know about Super Soldier Serum, you should know how strong I am, no, I am even more than you think Strong!" Norman Osborn, who was regained free, affected his strength a little because of his injury, but he still far surpasses an ordinary person.

Seeing Norman Osborn rushing straight towards Jack, the policeman on the side hurriedly took the action gun when he saw it, but the distance between Norman Osborn and Jack was a little too close, and they were not sure to hit it. Norman Osborn would not hurt Jack when he was in, so they looked at each other in blank dismay and did not dare to shoot.

With a "bang!", Norman Osborn punch towards Jack and was blocked by Jack's arms crossed, but Jack felt a huge force on his arm and was almost knocked to the ground.

Jack took three steps backwards quickly, removed the strength from Norman Osborn, and looked at Norman Osborn with dread. Jack knew oneself’s current strength, even an excellent police officer who often trained , The strength is only half of his, but it is obvious that the strength of the Norman Osborn in front of him is much stronger than him.

"I shouldn't be his opponent close to Reese, but Xiaoqiang should be okay..." A single thought flashed through Norman Osborn's mind, and then he put on the tuxedo directly.

"en? What kind of technology is this?" Norman Osborn's gaze condensed, and he looked at Jack suddenly disguised in surprise. This kind of technology Norman Osborn unheard-of, even far surpasses his imagination. , If his Green Goblin suit also has this kind of technology, then the military will probably not divest.

"Want to know? Come again!" Jack beckoned at Norman Osborn, and directly activated his provocation skills.

"hmph! What if you have high technology? You are absolutely impossible to be my opponent!" Norman Osborn sneered, rushed to Jack, and punched Jack in the head again.

This time, combined with the ability of the tuxedo and the reaction of the Ip Man character bag, Jack finally made an effective response. Jack's body was short, and he avoided this fist of Norman Osborn directly, followed by Jack. A strike was inserted into Norman Osborn's throat, and he wanted to tackle this Norman Osborn directly.


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