
  Chapter 219 The New Wushuang Sword

"Okay, Belle, you think about what you want What kind of jewellery is it?" Huang Wen looked at Belle and asked with a smile after watching all the liquid metal drip into the container.

"You go and do your work, me myself, study it slowly, you can leave a group of Inner Strength to burn the flames here." Belle looked thoughtful at Huang Wen, and suddenly smiled. He waved his hand and motioned Huang Wen to leave the laboratory.

"Okay, don't you look at the Adamantium and Vibranium I got?" Huang Wen asked, looking at Belle hesitantly.

"Don't watch, don't watch, you go!" Belle urged impatiently, and even directly pushed Huang Wen out.

Huang Wen doesn’t know exactly what medicine Belle’s bottle gourd sells. She looks suspiciously at Belle, her figure turned into a light spot and disappeared in place, appearing in another experiment. In the room, Adamantium and Vibranium are placed here.

Like the Adamantium that Huang Wen once obtained from William Stryker, the Adamantium liquid here is also placed in a large pool, and there is also a device next to it to heat him, so that compared to Huang Wen, he has been using Inner Strength The battery life is even more convenient.

As for Vibranium Huang Wen, it’s the first time I’ve met. If I want to come to Vibranium, there should be a unique way of processing, but this way shouldn’t be very difficult, otherwise, the guy who stole Vibranium and sold it. Can not find a market.

Since there is a market, it means that the buyer at least knows how Vibranium is used and what it is suitable for. Directly ask the idiot to inquire about Vibranium information and invade some databases. There should be no problem. NS.

Not long after, with the help of silly girl's information, Huang Wen successfully turned Vibranium into liquid, and then began to try to blend Vibranium liquid with Adamantium liquid.

Even, in order to simulate the result of that coincidence, Huang Wen also got iron, copper, carbon alloy and other metals to try to add to it, hoping to produce Proto-Adamantium, but nothing There is no doubt that Huang Wen failed.

Proto-Adamantium has a oneself exclusive molecular arrangement structure. It is this unique molecular arrangement structure that makes Proto-Adamantium unique and unmatched, even if Huang Wen forcefully controls these liquid metals with his mind. fuse together, but they can't really fuse, and soon they will separate again because of mutual repulsion.

Even if Huang Wen forced them to cool down and shape them, they eventually existed in a separate state. They didn't want to fuse together and exert their respective advantages at all.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. Maybe it's just a coincidence, and I am not the owner of this coincidence." After a long time, Huang Wen stopped. He knew that this way , It should be impossible to get through, and there is no need to waste time.

"Then I can only play their respective abilities, let me think about how to make Adamantium and Vibranium play the best of oneself..."

For a long time After that, Huang Wen took out the broken Wushuang Sword, wrapped the sword heart spirituality in the Wushuang Sword with thought power, and then slowly melted the broken Wushuang Sword in two with the power of fire, and burned all the impurities in it. clean.

Until Wushuangjian completely turned into a mass of liquid metal, Huang Wen stopped and controlled Wushuangjian to form a small sword heart with thought power, and then merged that mass of sword heart spirituality into it. , And then help it cool down.

At this point, a new prototype of Wushuang sword was born. The current Wushuang sword is two sizes smaller than the previous Wushuang sword. It can be seen that the original Wushuang sword has more impurities. Maybe this It is also one of the reasons why Wushuangjian will disconnect.

"Weng!" The prototype of Wushuang Sword uttered a soft cry, as if it was the sword heart spirituality in Wushuang Sword. I don't quite understand how the owner's family has become so small.

"Don't worry, this is just the 1st Step that's all." Huang Wen patted the prototype of Wushuang Sword, said softly, and then controlled the Vibranium liquid to cover the prototype of Wushuang Sword. Soon, one and It turned out that a long sword the size of a Wushuang sword was formed, and even the head, handle, and grid of the sword were condensed with Vibranium liquid.

And this did not end, Adamantium liquid also flew under Huang Wen's control, focusing on the upper and lower sword edge and the tip of the sword, opening the front for Wushuang sword, and covering the entire Above the sword.

After all, the hardness of Adamantium is stronger than Vibranium, but Adamantium cannot absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy. Therefore, impact damage and sharp attacks are carried out by Adamantium.

The additional attributes that absorb impact, such as heat, energy, and kinetic energy, are absorbed by Vibranium, and finally condensed to the hilt. Huang Wen counterattacks these forces again, just like the US team’s shield and Black Panther battle suit like that.

As for the most central point, it is the sword heart formed by the original Wushuang sword. The sword heart provides this Wushuang sword with strong spirituality. Moreover, under the dual protection of Adamantium and Vibranium, Huang Wen I believe that the sword heart will not be hurt anymore!    "Weng!" After feeling the powerful material of oneself's new body, Wushuangjian let out a soft cry, but unfortunately, Wushuangjian no longer trembled like before, because its material made it Breaking out of the category of soft swords, it has become a hard sword like Peerless Fine Sword.

In other words, the formed Wushuang sword can no longer bend. This is also one of the drawbacks of using Adamantium and Vibranium. After these two metals are formed, it is too difficult to change their structure, even Even the current Huang Wen after Wushuang Sword is completely formed, can't destroy or change its appearance.

"shua!" Huang Wen raised his Wushuang sword and chopped it out along the air. An air-splitting sound sounded, nodded to Huang Wen's satisfaction. For his current physique and strength, it is hard The sword is actually more capable of exerting his power, whether it is physical strength or Inner Strength, even when the divine force is applied to a hard sword, the formidable power will be stronger than a soft sword.

"Yes, I have this Wushuang sword, I am afraid that nothing can stop me..." Huang Wen felt the power transmitted into the air, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. As I was talking, I suddenly thought of something, "No, my strength may not be able to cut the shield directly, but when I break through to the epic level, there will be no problem!"

"Okay Well, a new question is coming. It seems that the equipment space of system does not recognize this Wushuang Sword anymore. It can't be put in? It seems that Wushuang Sword can only be put into the ring. After all, I can't keep carrying it. The sword runs everywhere, and Wushuang sword has no scabbard..."

(End of this chapter)

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