
  Chapter 229 The extremely angry Nick Fury    "This... is this over?" The exhibition Justin Hammer, who was paralyzed on the ground, came back to his senses. He looked at the scene in front of him with a sluggish and unwilling expression. In Justin Hammer's view, since it has happened, it might as well take the opportunity to give Tony Stark. Kill, as long as Tony Stark is dead, even if he spends the rest of his life in jail, he is still dragging oneself's most hated person into the water.

But Justin Hammer never thought that there were so many people present, let alone dead, even if they were injured, they didn’t appear, uh, Logan’s clothes were in tatters, but his injuries Healed long ago.

This is also Logan's habit of playing with injury for injury. Even if his opponent is Iron Man Armor, he doesn't mean to change. Otherwise, Logan will turn on Indestructible Vajra Divine Art, or hide his back under his clothes. With the Battle Qi wings opened, the battle can be easier, but if you open the Battle Qi wings, Logan’s clothes will also become tattered.

Sometimes Huang Wen even wonders if Logan has any strange habit like Bruce Banner, especially after Logan is leaving the Battle Qi Huayi.

However, Bruce Banner has cured his own exhibitionism, and I don't know when Logan will be able to cure it.

"Justin Hammer, you have been arrested!" Jack walked up to Justin Hammer at this time and looked at him coldly, said solemnly, "You have the right not to speak now, but you Every word you say will become a testimony in court!"

Jack still stole these words from Zhong Qiang. Jack felt that these words fit his identity well, so he didn’t Used it politely.

"I...this is not my job, I am also a victim!" Justin Hammer's face changed, his eyes rolled extremely quickly, and he hurriedly shouted, "Go to my company. , The guy who caused all this is in my Hammer Industries, you guys should catch him quickly, don’t let him run away!"

"It just so happens, I have to go and see, this can make Arc What do the Reactor guys look like!" Tony Stark's gaze flickered. Iron Man Armor left here with a light on Heavenly Fire and headed to Hammer Industries. After the military evacuated the people, they came back cautiously.

There is no way if you don’t come back, not to mention that Colonel Rhodes is still inside. If Jack, the son of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, really has an accident, then these guys have each one, and they will all be Marked. Herman wrote it down!

However, what made these soldiers sighed in relief was that although the scene was a bit messy and even seemed to have a lot of traces of the use of extraordinary abilities, there were no casualties, neither Jack nor Colonel Rhodes. matter.

As for the extraordinary power, these people in the military did not take seriously. After all, the military at this time also has the extraordinary power General Ross.

Even though General Ross has failed several experiments, General Ross has gained some gains from Betty Ross’s experiments. Perhaps, the weaker the power, the easier it is to control.

"Di!" At this moment, Huang Wen's watch suddenly rang. It was Nick Fury's call, or was hung up by the silly girl.

Huang Wen understood something in his mind when he saw Nick Fury's call. The subconsciously looked towards Steve Rogers' direction. Huang Wen knew that Nick Fury might have received the news. There is a Hobby from Captain America. Appeared at the Hammer Industries exhibition and helped evacuate the crowd.

But others don't know that it is Steve Rogers, but Nick Fury knows. Even if there are not few Vibraniums in the world, only Steve Rogers is the only one who makes this style of shield.

In addition, Huang Wen also appeared in the exhibition. How did Nick Fury fail to understand that Huang Wen arbitrarily thaw Steve Rogers out of the ice. What even made Nick Fury angry is , Huang Wen even deceived him on the grounds of retreat!    "Aren't you in retreat? How come you were at the Hammer Industries exhibition? You obviously thaw Steve Rogers out without authorization!" The angry Nick Fury was already too lazy to care about Huang Wen's strength, and directly sent a questioning message. .

Even Nick Fury’s hand has been placed on the pager left by Captain Marvel Carol. As long as Huang Wen’s answer is not satisfactory to him, he immediately presses the pager and puts the Captain Marvel card Luo Er called back to talk to Huang Wen!

"cough cough!" After Huang Wen saw the news, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, but soon Huang Wen returned to normal. He groaned for a while and asked the silly girl to help reply. "I also happened to come over and have a look. If I say that the refrigeration system in the laboratory is broken and the ice outside Steve Rogers has melted, do you believe it?"

"I believe you Ghost!" In the office of SHIELD, Nick Fury yelled angrily, "You guy is very bad, you wait for me!"

"du! du! du!" Nick Fury bit He pressed the pager of Captain Marvel Carol with his teeth. To be honest, the pager is a bit inconvenient. Nick Fury also wants to upgrade to see if Captain Marvel Carol can transform the pager into A video call device, or a device that can send messages, is fine.

After all, Nick Fury wanted to contact Captain Marvel Carol several times before, but it was too troublesome to think that Carol Captain Marvel would come back, so he gave up, if he could send it directly News, you can contact Captain Marvel Carroll at any time, so Nick Fury will have more confidence.

However, Nick Fury, who is not a technology side, has never thought about how difficult it is to send a signal in the universe, let alone transmit information in real time, and want to experiment with video calls across the universe. , Then first get the technology of the golden man Sovereign tribe.

Here Huang Wen looked at Nick Fury blinked, who suddenly didn’t reply. From Huang Wen’s point of view, Nick Fury should also mention what he said, when he gave Steve Rogers to him. After all, Huang Wen didn't know that Nick Fury directly pressed Captain Marvel Carol's pager when he was extremely angry.

On the other side of Hammer Industries, Tony Stark, wearing Iron Man Armor, came directly to Hammer Industries. These crooked melons and dates in Hammer Industries simply couldn’t stop him and were letting Jarvis invade. After using the system of Hammer Industries, Tony Stark quickly came to the monitoring room and saw motionless Ivan Vanko.

"That's him? Why doesn't he move? Is he dead?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Ivan Vanko frowned in front of him.

"He also has the breath of life, and he is very active." Jarvis quickly replied, "It should be Mr. Huang Wen's acupuncture ability..."

(End of this chapter)

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