
  Chapter 247 The Birth of Avengers

"But, Carol, you know, if there is no SHIELD , Will there be more supernatural events in the world unattended?" Nick Fury looked at Captain Marvel and Carol argued.

"No one has dealt with supernatural incidents? When I came back before, I met a lizard weirdo. He had been messing around in New York City for a long time, and there was only a group of Superhero take action to deal with him. I simply didn’t see you. People from S.H.I.E.L.D...." Captain Marvel Carol said, looking deeply into Nick Fury's eyes.

"Even after the battle was explained, no S.H.I.E.L.D. agent appeared to deal with the follow-up progress. To be honest, how much help does S.H.I. Simply want to control all the supernatural means in the hands of the owner?"

"I..." Nick Fury was a little confused for a while. Similarly, Huang Wen once said that SHIELD is very The contribution of the entire world can be counted on one's fingers, but the blood sucking ability is extremely powerful.

The point is that Nick Fury originally thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. had grown through the blood-sucking ability, and the power gained was in the hands of the owner, but now Nick Fury discovered that this power was almost stolen by Hydra !    Moreover, Nick Fury faintly understands why S.H.I.E.L.D. has developed so smoothly and can easily obtain so many supernatural resources. Behind this, also Hydra's help.

In other words, Hydra helped on the surface S.H.I. Most of the supernatural resources finally fulfilled Hydra!

This is also an important reason why Nick Fury wants to eliminate Hydra. He cannot allow own things to be tainted by Hydra.

But now, following Captain Marvel Carol's words, Nick Fury fell into silence. For a while, he didn't know how to refute Captain Marvel Carroll.

"However, the supernatural events you mentioned really need someone to deal with, so they plan to form a Superhero alliance to deal with supernatural events!" Captain Marvel Carol looked silent Nick Fury continued.

"Avengers? Is this Huang Wen's suggestion? I know, he already has ambitions!" Nick Fury said angrily.

"Your prejudice against Huang Wen is too big!" Captain Marvel Carol shook the head and said, "This matter is not suggested by Huang Wen, this is the one called Logan Mutants suggested that he said that Mutants has a Mutants Law Enforcement Group that can be expanded into a Superhero alliance..."

"Logan? Turned out to be that uncontrolled bastard?" Nick Fury frowned. said solemnly, "What is Huang Wen's ability to allow an uncontrolled guy like Logan to follow him?"

"It seems that you are not just against Huang Wen If you have an opinion, you have an opinion on everyone who is out of your control!" Captain Marvel Carol took a deep look at Nick Fury and said, "But with your own strength, you think you can control who How many things can you master?"

"However, they are too threatening to ordinary persons!" Nick Fury said subconsciously.

"Am I not a big threat to mankind? Are you not a big threat to mankind? Is your Tesseract not a big threat to the universe?" Captain Marvel Carroll asked, Nick. Fury was speechless.

If someone says these things to Nick Fury, Nick Fury can justly refute the other party, even saying that as long as it is in the hands of the owner, the threat is not big, but the person standing in front of him, But Captain Marvel, Carol, Nick Fury was unable to refute her.

"Wait until Hydra is cleaned up, you can leave Earth with me and help me deal with things in the universe..." Captain Marvel Carol shook the head and said, "However, in you Before leaving, you still need to use your influence to give birth to the Superhero Alliance. The name Avengers you just said is good, that's it!"

"Go into the universe?" Nick Fury's eyes jerked It lit up, but thinking about Avengers, Nick Fury's expression turned a little gloomy again.

"I know, but I want to see Hydra fall with my own eyes!" Nick Fury quickly took a deep breath, adjusted his own emotions, and watched Captain Marvel and Carol agreed. He simply There is no objection to it, because he knows the character of Captain Marvel Carol.

At the same time, Nick Fury actually has a little expectation for things in the universe. After all, Nick Fury is the first human being to come into contact with aliens, and even Nick Fury knows how many different races In the Interstellar war, he believed that in the universe, there should be a bigger stage waiting for him.

In this way, Avengers also S.H.I.E.L.D. in this world has undergone tremendous changes. Nick Fury began to wander among the high-level human beings and talked about the importance of forming the Superhero alliance.

At first, the human top is naturally unwilling to accept it. However, with the help of Nick Fury, the Sherman family, and Tony Stark and Hydra who heard the news, the human top finally agreed to officially recognize Superhero. The existence of the alliance and its power to enforce supernatural events.

Yes, among them, the contribution of also Hydra, the people of Hydra don’t know that the first thing the Superhero Alliance was established was to eradicate these Hydras. They also wanted to make Nick Fury happily. Get the control of the Superhero Alliance, when the time comes, Equivalent to Hydra controls the Superhero Alliance!

However, what Hydra did not expect is that since Nick Fury has not obtained the control of the Superhero Alliance, nor has he obtained the leadership of the Superhero Alliance.

The leader of the Superhero alliance is Captain America Steve Rogers. When he appeared, the entire human top was shocked. Some of the human tops were even fans of Steve Rogers back then. Therefore, Captain America Steve Rogers America leads the Superhero Alliance, which has the approval of most people.

As for the so-called control rights, simply did not pass, but the Sherman family won the position of the contact person and gave it to Jack. After all, Jack is barely a member of the Superhero ranks, including the gun fight. In terms of surgery, Jack's strength will not be worse than the so-called Hawkeye.

In the end, under Nick Fury’s arguments, the name of the Superhero Alliance is still called Avengers. After all, Nick Fury cannot contribute to the creation of Avengers, but at least he has to have naming rights to make up for it. This regret in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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