
  Chapter 279 Max’s Strength    "Huang Wen ……" Huang Wen once returned to the hot pot restaurant During this, Steve Rogers opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something. After all, he saw the scene where Huang Wen was helping Max out just now, and he had some objections.

"Okay, you should know that with the strength of the Boss, he is already light enough!" How well Logan understands Steve Rogers. As soon as he spoke, Logan pressed his shoulders, "Furthermore, compare your heart to your heart. If you let Bucky be beaten indiscriminately on the street by someone else, would you be angry?"

"..." Steve Rogers glanced at the Bucky Barnes next to him, instantly speechless, if Bucky Barnes is true Was beaten by someone, and Steve Rogers could hardly guarantee that oneself would not go up and do it.

"Humans are all like this. The attitude towards everyone is naturally impossible. They are all close and distant. You, Captain America, are like this. A casual person like Boss. , Even more so..." Logan shrugged, said with a smile, "But because of the character of Boss, it makes us more at ease!"

"Why?" Steve Rogers was a little puzzled Looked at Logan and asked.

"You will understand later." Logan shook the head with a smile, and did not answer Steve Rogers' question, but looked towards Max, "It seems that the times have really changed. More and more mutants have appeared. Also Boss said before. The aliens...Hmm? The mutants are equal to Mutants plus aliens?"

"How? The current forces in your body have converged Get up, can you return to your original appearance?" Huang Wen didn't pay attention to Logan's conversation with Steve Rogers, and asked instead looking at Max's appearance of the big Smurf at this time.

To tell the truth, the original Max did not look good, but at least it was still within the range of normal people, but now this large Smurf looks better than wild beast, Mystique and others. It's scary. If it's not for wearing clothes and strength, in fact, Max at this time is also similar to the Manhattan doctor next door. They are all blue and glowing.

"Sorry, teacher, I can't do it..." Max glanced at Huang Wen apologetically, then lowered his head, "Although the current in my body became quiet because of the teacher , But I don’t seem to be able to return to the previous state..."

"Well, it’s okay, at least, you won’t break your clothes, or you’ll be like Hulk before. That..." Huang Wen looked at Max up and down and confirmed that his abilities would not damage his clothes. "However, it can also be because of your strength control too weak for your own abilities, you are in a blue light state, Obviously the power of the current is running, or you try to run out the current?"

"Are you here? Teacher?" Max looked around, looking at Huang Wen hesitantly. I don't dare to do it for a while, after all, this is an important ignition pot shop for Wing Chun dojo gatherings.

"Well, what you said makes sense, I'll take you to experiment elsewhere!" Huang Wen nodded, looked towards Belle's direction, "Bell, I will check his Situation..."

"Well, I'm full too, I'll follow along and see..." Belle also has some impressions of Max, so she also wants to know if Max will change Become a normal person, after all, Belle has now also awakened the own ability, and has a little interest in these extraordinary abilities.

"Master, I want to go too!" Jack couldn't help but stand up. He was frowned and looked at Max. Max has become such a ghost. He also wants Max to recover sooner. .

"teacher, we want to go too!" The students on the second floor also looked at Max with some concern. Although Max looks a little scary, they are also experienced and knowledgeable. Now, even the Avengers are upstairs every day, so they are not surprised by many extraordinary events.

Max is also their friend. In Huang Wen's words, they are still the same sect. They naturally want to know if Max is possible to return to normal.

"Well, let's go together, remember where oneself sits, and come back to eat later!" Huang Wen looked at the students and looked towards Tony Stark and the others "What about you? Go and see?"

"Look, by the way, you open Tesseract for me to see!" Tony Stark put down his chopsticks, Max or something, he simply doesn't care. Even the Defenders who suspected of plagiarizing their Avengers, Tony Stark did not take seriously at all.

Tony Stark only cares about when Huang Wen can open Tesseract and let him see Tesseract's capabilities!

So, just like this, all the people in the entire hot pot restaurant disappeared in place. If Bo Zhong hadn't been surprised, he would think that oneself was a hell.

In Base No. 1, this is the first time that so many people have appeared in Base No. 1. However, the students of Wing Chun dojo do not mean to run around and look around. Their eyes are all looked at. Towards Max and Huang Wen, I want to know what Huang Wen will do next.

"Silly girl, battle dummy, attribute, defense against thunder and lightning." After taking a look at Max, Huang Wen shouted at the silly girl. Soon, in the battle training field ahead , They raised rubber dummies one by one.

"Go, Max, release all your power..." Huang Wen looked at Max and said encouragingly, "Don't worry about causing damage, use your full strength!"

"Okay, teacher!" Max took a deep breath and felt the power of oneself's body a little bit. He used the electric current in oneself's body to fight, just like eating and drinking water, although he just woke up, but The speed of controlling one's own abilities is still very fast, and it is indeed a template that the original villain boss should have.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Max constantly strikes the rubber fake in front of him Human, releasing the power of electricity in oneself, Huang Wen and the others on the side moved slightly.

Huang Wen can clearly perceive that Max's strength is not weak, at least he has entered the Legendary level.

Coupled with the problem of attribute restraint, I am afraid that Tony Stark may not be able to deal with Max, if there is no Iron Man Armor specifically for Max.

If the entire Avengers fight head-on, Hulk should be able to deal with Max. Logan should be a little reluctant, and the rest should be a little too close. John is probably not good at it, just from Max. Judging from the displayed energy and destructiveness, his strength has surpassed John's Ice and Fire Strength.

This was not only noticed by Huang Wen, but also by John Oneself, so a sense of crisis surged in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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