
  Chapter 281 Infinity Gem (three shifts)    "Well, this Vibranium container is bigger than I thought Harder and thicker..." Huang Wen shook the head with a smile, and said softly, "However, if you want to open it, it should still be possible!"

As Huang Wen's voice fell, Huang Wen's eyes flashed After a mysterious rays of light, a mysterious power suddenly emerged from his forehead, but no one at the scene could understand what it meant.

Huang Wen breakthrough The law of power understood at the epic level!

With the emergence of the law of power, even Vibranium, which is known as one of the hardest metals on Earth, can’t bear it, because the power and law of the epic level have surpassed Vibranium’s endurance limit. The molecular structure was destroyed by the powerful Law Power!

"ka! ka!"

Two slight voices sounded, Huang Wen quickly withdrew his own strength, did not continue to exert force, because Huang Wen did not forget that Tesseract was destroyed Tyranny crushed things.

Huang Wen does not want to crush the Tesseract to expose the Space Stone inside, because Huang Wen feels that the outer Tesseract may be the same as the Eye of Agamotto, which can protect the Infinity Gem. If it is rash Destroy the outer Tesseract, I'm afraid the Space Stone will be easier to find.

Moreover, Huang Wen and Tony Stark want endless energy without destroying the outer Tesseract.

"ka! ka!"

After Huang Wen destroyed the molecular structure of the Vibranium container, the Vibranium container has collapsed. Huang Wen directly stretched out the take action to move the outside The Vibranium container was torn apart, allowing Steve Rogers to subconsciously tighten the vibranium shield in oneself's hand, and then place it behind the own.

Steve Rogers now also knows that oneself, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, the shield that can block all forces is also made of Vibranium, and the Vibranium container has been destroyed by Huang Wen.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around with your shield..." Huang Wen's outside light spotted Steve Rogers' little movements, and couldn't help but shook the head with a smile, and said softly, "Say it again. Your shield is much bigger and thicker than this Vibranium container...Huh?"

Huang Wen was talking, suddenly felt a powerful force coming, that force Huang Wen Very familiar, because he and Belle both have the corresponding abilities of that power!   Space power from Space Stone!

With a sound of "weng!", Huang Wen's eyebrows rose up with the law of power and the law of swords, which competed with the power radiated by the Space Stone, so that Huang Wen was not affected by this space power. Send it out immediately.

"Is this Tesseract? It's so beautiful!" Tony Stark thought of the infinite power in Tesseract, his eyes flashed, and he asked with a smile.

"Accurately, the outer layer can be called Tesseract, but the inner layer should be called Space Stone!" Huang Wen shook the head, pointing to the Tesseract in his hand and said, "It is Endless power comes from the Space Stone inside!"

"Space Stone? Does that mean that by opening the outer layer of Tesseract, we can gain more powerful power?" Tony Stark's His eyes lit up suddenly, and Huang Wen looked at Huang Wen expectantly and asked.

"Well, it looks like this in theory, but I don't recommend this!" Huang Wen looked at Tony Stark and the others solemnly, "This is what I was in the hot pot restaurant before. I want to tell you something important! About Space Stone and even Infinity Gem!"

"Infinity Gem?! In other words, there is more than one Space Stone like this?" Tony Stark Somewhat surprised he looked at Tesseract in Huang Wen's hand, "How is this possible? A gem with infinite energy is enough to make people surprised, how can there be more than one?"

"Just like the name of Space Stone The power it possesses is Power of Space. The ability that I take everyone to transfer is also Power of Space, but compared to the power in the Space Stone, it can only be regarded as one hair from nine oxen......"Huang Wen nodded, continue to explain.

"It is said that before Universe Great Explosion, six singularity purification temperings containing Infinity energy have become six gems. They are Space Stone, Time Stone, Reality Stone, Power Stone, and Mind Stone. And Soul Stone!"

"Each gem contains oneself's unique power, and also possesses infinite power. They are scattered in every corner of the universe, but there is a madness The Titan, wants to collect these gems to accomplish his goal..."

"Titan?" Tony Stark raised his brows and asked subconsciously, "It's Titan Titan. Is there life in the sky, or the Titan in the myth?"

"He came from the Titan star, but maybe the Titan in the myth came from them..." Huang Wen shrugged, softly Said.

"What you said before, the alien who wants to invade Earth is him? His target is this Tesseract? No, this Space Stone? What is his ultimate goal?" Tony Stark wrinkled He tightened his brows, and from Huang Wen's words, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

"He won't come to Earth in person for the time being, because Earth is also Guardian, but he will send other aliens to attack Earth!" Huang Wen's eyes moved slightly, and he said softly, "As for his The ultimate goal is to erase half of the life in the entire universe, regardless of high or low, then erase immediately..."

"This is a lunatic!" Logan couldn't help hearing this. There was a foul language, and even Steve Rogers, who pays most attention to language, did not let Logan pay attention this time, because he almost didn't hold back and said the same thing.

"In other words, as if he succeeded, each of us has a half probability of Death? Can't resist it?" Tony Stark took a deep breath and asked with a frown.

"I can't resist!" Huang Wen shook the head with a serious face, "As long as he collects six Infinity gems, he can lightly snap his fingers and directly wipe out half of the life in the universe. !"

"Are you not his opponent either?" Tony Stark looked directly into Huang Wen's eyes and asked again, "What if you and Carol add up?"

" If he doesn't have Infinity Gem, we should have no problem adding up. In other words, Carol should be able to beat him alone. With my current strength, even if he can't beat him, a tie shouldn't be a problem..." Huang Wen After thinking about the performance of Thanos in the final battle, he said.

"However, his mastery of Infinity Gem is far above us. If he gets the Infinity Gem, we add up, and it may not be his opponent!"

"Then this Space Stone can never fall into his hands!" Tony Stark's eyes flashed a decision, "also, our defensive power may need to be strengthened!"

(End of this chapter)

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