
  Chapter 345 The Power of Iron Fist

"Avengers Building? Is it really safe there? I can finally Have a good rest?" Iron Fist Danny's eyes gleaming looked towards Luke Cage and the others asked.

"The security there should be one of the very best!" Luke Cage thought of the Avengers locked in a white brick cell before. In Luke Cage's view, if the Iron Fist is locked in Put it inside, I'm afraid those ninjas are completely impossible to attack even if they are doubled!    "That's really good!" Iron Fist Danny looked very happy, and followed Defenders and Swallowtails to the Avengers Mansion, leaving Huang Liang and the spider Gwen near the ninja corpses. Watching everywhere.

"Aliang, why did you take the initiative to stay? Didn't you want to ask that Iron Fist Danny something?" After everyone left, Gwen the spider was a little puzzled Looking at Huang Liang and asked.

"This matter, don't worry, I feel that behind this Iron Fist Danny, there must be also a big secret, these ninjas should also have a different connection with these things..." Huang Liang's eyes moved slightly, staring at the ninja corpse in the darkness, and said.

"Then when are we going to wait?" The spider Gwen was nodded, looking at Huang Liang again and asked.

"Look, maybe, soon, maybe, wait until dawn..." Huang Liang squinted his eyes slightly, and he couldn't be sure what would happen to the group of ninjas below, but at least, from a silly girl According to the intelligence there, even if these ninjas will not be resurrected, there will be someone to deal with them! In    the Avengers Building at this time, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were on duty here. Originally, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes rented a cabin in the vicinity, but later I felt that the room was too small to even train. It was too convenient, so the two of them simply lived in the Avengers Building.

Anyway, neither of these two elderly people who belong to this era have a real home. At this time, the Avengers Building has become their home.

"Defenders?" Steve Rogers swept his gaze over Defenders. After staying for a while on the body of Matt Murdoch he admired most, he looked towards Iron Fist Danny, "Is he?"

"Iron Fist Danny, you are Captain America?" Iron Fist Danny looked a little excited at this time. Although he didn't feel the strong breath in Steve Rogers, it didn't affect it. Iron Fist Danny's excitement when he sees Steve Rogers.

Iron Fist Danny walked forward quickly, took the initiative to hold Steve Rogers's hand, and introduced himself.

"Well, it's me, your physical fitness is good." Steve Rogers felt the iron Fist nodded behind Danny's powerful palm, "Are you a new member of Defenders?"

"It's like this..." Zhong Qiang also stepped forward at this time and told Steve Rogers about what had happened before.

"Keep being chased by ninjas? Or, being tracked?" Steve Rogers looked up and down Iron Fist. Danny said, "There is really no tracking on you. Is it something like a device?"

"We did a rough check, and didn’t find anything!" Luke Cage shook the head and said, "Of course, it may be that the other party’s technology is far behind. It’s far from what we can imagine, so we didn’t check it out, and it’s normal..."

"So, let Jarvis scan it!" Most of the Avengers members’ watches are silly subroutines, but The Avengers building built by Tony Stark is still based on Jarvis' smart program. Tony Stark will not just abandon Jarvis, who he regards as a relative, just because the stupid algorithm is more powerful.

Moreover, the most important thing is that both Jarvis and silly girls can continuously improve oneself through various information, and then update and upgrade themselves!

In other words, one day, Jarvis will be able to reach the level of a silly girl!    Of course, at that time, the silly girl did not know how much progress...

"Jarvis? Scan? What is it?" Iron Fist Danny has just come out of Kunlun now, in fact, for general things , The acceptance level is fair, but Iron Fist Danny knows nothing about super artificial intelligence.

"Computer program!" Of course, Steve Rogers in front of him didn't know anything about this, so Steve Rogers' explanation was very simple and rude!   "Weng! Scanning!" Jarvis' voice rang quickly, and then, a beam of light slowly swept away from Iron Fist Danny's voice.

As I just said, Jarvis has been updated and upgraded himself. If it were placed before, he can only vaguely sense the mysterious power in Iron Fist Danny’s body,


But now, Jarvis, who shared part of the database with the silly girl, has been able to judge that Iron Fist Danny has a gas similar to Madame Gao in his body. This gas is not strong, but it can be connected. Iron Fist The stronger dragon-shaped power in Danny's body!   God strength of Dragon!

Iron Fist Danny probably never thought that a computer program would scan out the strength of Dragon in oneself.

"The potential is endless, but it is basically unusable. This power may have a more advanced form, but based on the current strength of Iron Fist Danny, even if he can burst out this power, Not enough to defeat Hulk..."

Jarvis subconsciously gave an own inference, and then shared the information with the silly girl. The silly girl gave a new conclusion based on Jarvis' intelligence:

"He is completely unable to master the power of own, and can only use part of the power occasionally. This power gives him extraordinary strength. However, to burst out all of his power, he is also at the Legendary level, not even stupid. How powerful is Niu’s power!"

"However, the silly girl speculated that the power in Iron Fist Danny's body may only be part of a branch of a certain powerful force, and maybe someone can possess and control even more powerful The power of yours!"

"How? Jarvis, did you find a tracker or something?" Since Jarvis and the idiot communicated in the form of data, Steve Rogers simply didn’t know What happened, he asked a little bit puzzled, because he didn't understand why Jarvis reacted so slowly this time, could it be the computer stuck?

"The scan did not find any traces of the tracker. It is suspected that it is the mysterious power in his body, which will be perceived by people." Jarvis was silent for a moment, and gave his own guess answer.

(End of this chapter)

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